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Digital Minds, Gary Marcus, Ray Kurzweil, Singularity Ready -

Gary Marcus' article, "Ray Kurzweil’s Dubious New Theory of Mind," is a critique of futurist Ray Kurzweil's book, "How to Create a Mind." In the article, Marcus highlights some key issues with Kurzweil's theories on artificial intelligence (AI) and the human mind. Although Marcus raises some valid points, the article could benefit from a more balanced presentation and a deeper exploration of Kurzweil's ideas.   Critique: Misrepresentation of Kurzweil's theory   Marcus accuses Kurzweil of oversimplifying the human mind by focusing on the neocortex's hierarchical structure. While it's true that Kurzweil places significant emphasis on the neocortex, he also addresses...

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Artificial Cognition, Digital Minds -

                    Reinforcement Learning, Fast and Slow Recent AI research has given rise to powerful techniques for deep reinforcement learning. In their combination of representation learning with reward-driven behavior, deep reinforcement learning would appear to have inherent interest for psychology and neuroscience. One reservation has been that deep reinforcement learning procedures demand large amounts of training data, suggesting that these algorithms may differ fundamentally from those underlying human learning. While this concern applies to the initial wave of deep RL techniques, subsequent AI work has established methods that allow deep RL systems...

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Andrew Huberman, Artificial Cognition, Deep Thought, Digital Minds, Jordan B Peterson, Singularity Ready -

Dr Jordan B Peterson and Andrew Huberman discuss neurology, the way humans and animals react to specific stimuli, and how this knowledge can be utilized for personal growth. Boosting Neuroplasticity and Confidence with Small Tasks Completing small tasks can activate the dopaminergic system, increase confidence, and lead to big changes in behavior, while having a clear and meaningful goal is essential for improving neuroplasticity and eliciting positive emotions. Key Insights Neurological mechanisms of motivation and learning 🧠 The insula and prefrontal cortex are involved in establishing which rules are appropriate for a given situation, allowing us to apply different rules...

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