Q* why AI that is "Good at Math" a "Threat to Humanity"?

AI, Synthetic Intelligence -

Q* why AI that is "Good at Math" a "Threat to Humanity"?

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/jByDZdRxiSs/maxresdefault.jpg Here's the post with links to the Google Doc that has all the information: https://twitter.com/AiBreakfast/status/1729229720821367220 (I'm not posting the link to the doc here, you can access it if you want, but we have no idea who is posting it, use caution) Get on my daily AI newsletter 🔥 https://natural20.beehiiv.com/subscribe [News, Research and Tutorials on AI] See more at: https://natural20.com/ My AI Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLb1th0f6y4XROkUAwkYhcHb7OY9yoGGZH Q* why AI that is "Good at Math" a "Threat to Humanity"? Questions to inspire discussion Key Insights #AI #SyntheticMinds
Timestamped Summary ------------------------------------- 0:29:24 2023-11-28T21:57:53Z jByDZdRxiSs


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