Boost Neuroplasticity & Strengthen Your Brain: Expert Tips

Moha Bensofia, Neuroplasticity, Neuroscience -

Boost Neuroplasticity & Strengthen Your Brain: Expert Tips

Increasing neuroplasticity and strengthening the brain can be achieved through accessible technology, meditation, cognitive enhancers, and biohacking, leading to improved emotional regulation, decision-making, and cognitive function

Questions to inspire discussion

  • How can I increase neuroplasticity and strengthen my brain?

    You can achieve this through accessible technology, meditation, cognitive enhancers, and biohacking, which can lead to improved emotional regulation, decision-making, and cognitive function.

  • What is Mendy and how does it work?

    Mendy is a product that claims to fix various mental health issues by strengthening the prefrontal cortex and increasing neuroplasticity, and it can help alleviate symptoms of ADHD, PTSD, insomnia, addiction, anxiety, and depression.

  • What are some methods for increasing neuroplasticity?

    Methods include meditation, flashing lights, EEG feedback, biofeedback, and using a well-made headband to increase attention and neuroplasticity.

  • How can I improve emotional regulation and decision-making?

    By increasing oxygenated blood flow to the prefrontal cortex, you can improve emotional regulation and rehabilitate individuals with control over their anger and emotions, leading to better decision-making.

  • What are some natural alternatives to medication for improving brain function?

    You can achieve the same benefits naturally through work and without the side effects of medication, such as using biofeedback to train your brain to automatically regulate blood flow and turn off triggers.

Key Insights

Brain Training and Neuroplasticity

  • 🧠 Accessing your brain's operating system and increasing neuroplasticity without drugs is a new and intriguing idea worth exploring.
  • 🧠 The ability to consciously move blood around inside your head could have a significant impact on brain function and neuroplasticity.
  • 🧠 Controlling blood flow in the brain can be trained, just like training to make your fingertip warmer, leading to increased neuroplasticity and brain strength.
  • 🧠 "I truly believe that this can change the world because so me I have ADHD. But I also had really bad PTSD from Libya and I had nightmares every single day."
  • 🧠 Treating the brain can lead to significant changes in a person's behavior and cognitive abilities, similar to the approach advocated by Daniel Amen.
  • 🧠 Having an incredibly robust prefrontal cortex allows for strong focus, emotional regulation, and unique willpower control and perseverance.
  • 👶 Training our brains is just as important as exercising our bodies to prevent cognitive decline and diseases like Alzheimer's.
  • 🛠️ The goal is to curate the best biohacking tools and let people choose what works for them, giving them the training wheels to improve their lives.

Impact of Blood Flow on Brain Function

  • 🧠 The psychiatrist saw the blood flow and metabolic activity on scans and said "your brain is applesauce in there."
  • 🧠 Lack of oxygenated blood flow to the prefrontal cortex is a constant among juvenile delinquents, with studies in Sweden showing a connection to neural activity and the potential for rehabilitation.
  • 💡 Take care of your brain is not just about drinking minerals in your coffee or taking supplements, it's about direct rewiring of the flow of oxygen and nutrients in your brain.


#Neuroscience #Neuroplasticity



  • 00:00 🧠 Increase neuroplasticity and strengthen your brain by accessing your brain's operating system and getting more blood to the front of your brain without drugs, discussed by a well-known investor and CEO of a neurotech company.
    • The guest is a well-known investor in neurotech companies and CEO of a company that offers a new form of brain hacking technology.
    • Increase neuroplasticity and strengthen your brain by accessing your brain's operating system and getting more blood to the front of your brain without drugs.
    • The speaker is from Costa Rica, lives in Stockholm, and is a popular angel investor with a tequila room in Stockholm.
    • The speaker discusses their journey from scaling a phishing app to becoming involved in tech and investing in health companies, including getting a job in Sweden after facing issues in Libya.
    • In Sweden, it is easy to access people and there are engineers building incredible companies, and the speaker was advised that their skill set is complementary to the engineering industry.
    • The speaker increased neuroplasticity and strengthened their brain by taking on projects from smart people, scaling a fishing app, negotiating equity, and diversifying into investing.
  • 06:05 🧠 The speaker discusses the use of technology to increase neuroplasticity and strengthen the brain, including methods such as meditation, flashing lights, and EEG feedback.
    • The speaker was approached by the founder of a neuroscience company, Mendy, who wanted to show him the technology and get his help in scaling it.
    • Mendy is a product that claims to fix various mental health issues, and the speaker was initially skeptical but found it to be interesting and well put together.
    • The speaker trusted the EU and Swedish Innovation agency for due diligence on entrepreneurship, but realized it was a mistake and acknowledged that there are times when money is handed out without much diligence.
    • The speaker discusses the use of technology to increase neuroplasticity and strengthen the brain, including methods such as meditation, flashing lights, and EEG feedback.
  • 10:20 🧠 The speaker discusses their struggles with cognitive challenges, their ADHD diagnosis, and the use of biofeedback to increase neuroplasticity and brain strength, recommending the use of a well-made headband and Mendy to improve brain function.
    • The speaker discusses their success in business and the decision to attend Wharton.
    • The speaker struggled with cognitive challenges, sought help from a psychiatrist, and was diagnosed with ADHD, leading to a better understanding of their brain's functioning.
    • The speaker discovered that controlling blood flow in the brain can be trained using biofeedback, leading to increased neuroplasticity and brain strength.
    • Using a well-made headband can increase attention and neuroplasticity, and the speaker plans to incorporate it into their recommended protocols.
    • Using Mendy can help improve brain function and alleviate symptoms of ADHD, PTSD, insomnia, addiction, anxiety, and depression by strengthening the prefrontal cortex and increasing neuroplasticity.
    • Increase neuroplasticity and strengthen your brain by actively engaging in activities to combat the negative effects of technology and poor nutrition.
  • 17:00 🧠 Increased blood flow to the prefrontal cortex improves emotional regulation and decision-making, and can be achieved naturally without medication.
    • Increased oxygenated blood flow to the prefrontal cortex can improve emotional regulation and rehabilitate individuals with control over their anger and emotions.
    • Increase neuroplasticity and strengthen your brain by treating brain disorders, increasing blood flow, and using cognitive enhancers like nicotine and modafinil.
    • Our feelings and sensations are interpreted by the prefrontal cortex, which can be strengthened to improve decision-making and emotional regulation.
    • Using Mendy for a few weeks made the speaker feel better and others noticed that he was much nicer.
    • Medication can numb and suppress emotions, but it's possible to achieve the same benefits naturally through work and without the side effects.
    • Increase neuroplasticity and strengthen your brain through Mendy sessions, with the goal of impacting as many people as possible.
  • 23:23 🧠 Strengthen your brain by using biofeedback to regulate blood flow, developing laser focus, and building self-control to overcome triggers and improve emotional regulation.
    • Emotional regulation is important for kids, as their prefrontal cortex is not fully developed, and it is important for parents to help them manage their emotions.
    • Increase neuroplasticity and strengthen your brain by using biofeedback to train your brain to automatically regulate blood flow and turn off triggers.
    • Increase neuroplasticity and strengthen your brain by developing laser focus and teaching yourself to avoid negative emotions and behaviors.
    • Strengthening the brain is like going to the gym, where good intentions are not enough if the physical ability is lacking.
    • Building neuroplasticity and self-control can help improve focus and overcome triggers that lead to unhealthy habits.
    • Increase neuroplasticity and strengthen your brain by deleting triggers and developing a robust prefrontal cortex to maintain focus and emotional regulation.
  • 28:51 🧠 Increasing neuroplasticity and strengthening the brain can prevent cognitive decay and diseases like Alzheimer's by using consumer devices and resilience training, while addressing mitochondrial dysfunction and improving blood flow.
    • Neuroplasticity can be increased and the brain strengthened through the use of consumer devices, with the goal of making it accessible to everyone in the future.
    • Increasing neuroplasticity and strengthening the brain through resilience training can prevent cognitive decay and diseases like Alzheimer's.
    • Preventable brain diseases can be slowed down by improving blood flow and addressing mitochondrial dysfunction.
  • 31:27 🧠 Train your brain to upgrade focus and increase neuroplasticity, allowing you to effortlessly pay attention and ignore distractions, while emphasizing the importance of not overpromising and ensuring that the science catches up.
    • The speaker discusses the importance of not viewing other companies as competitors, but rather as allies in the shared goal of improving human well-being through brain training.
    • Train your brain to upgrade focus and increase neuroplasticity, allowing you to effortlessly pay attention and ignore distractions.
    • The speaker emphasizes the importance of not overpromising and ensuring that the science catches up in order to provide accessible and understandable information about neuroplasticity.
    • Big health care companies wanted to buy 30,000 devices to give to at-risk youth, but the company said no because they weren't ready and didn't want noisy data from people who wouldn't use the devices.
    • Focusing can alleviate symptoms of insomnia, panic attacks, anxiety, depression, and ADHD, similar to how eating grass-fed meat can alleviate health issues.
  • 36:14 🧠 Increase neuroplasticity and strengthen your brain through accessible technology, meditation, cognitive enhancers, and biohacking.
    • Increase neuroplasticity and strengthen your brain by making technology accessible and mainstream through channels and outlets like YouTube.
    • Meditation can be difficult to assess, but using visualization and objective measurements can help elicit change and improve results over time.
    • The speaker is working on simplifying and explaining the science behind increasing neuroplasticity and strengthening the brain, and is waiting for more data to support the anecdotal evidence.
    • Investing in cognitive enhancers and taking care of your brain through direct rewiring can provide an unfair advantage and lead to better lives.
    • The speaker discusses increasing neuroplasticity and strengthening the brain through Mindy sessions and the Mendy app.
    • Increase neuroplasticity and strengthen your brain by using technology and training wheels to improve your life and upgrade yourself through biohacking.

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