AI News: Agentic AI, SuperAlignment Problem, Runway Video AI World Models & More

Agentic AI, Relationships, Super Alignment, Wes Roth -

AI News: Agentic AI, SuperAlignment Problem, Runway Video AI World Models & More

AI news this week covers advancements in AI technology, including the potential for agentic AI systems, the importance of responsible integration into society, and the development of AI for creating realistic simulations and videos 

Questions to inspire discussion 

  • What advancements in AI technology are covered in the video?

    The video covers advancements in AI technology such as AI from Deep Mind expanding human scientific knowledge, the concept of agentic AI systems, and the development of AI for creating realistic simulations and videos.

  • What are the potential dangers of agentic AI systems?

    The potential dangers of agentic AI systems include the need for responsible integration into society, the potential use of autonomous AI agents overwhelming cybersecurity defenses, and the uncertainty of whether the ability to hack into systems will skyrocket or be completely negated.

  • What is the concept of super alignment discussed in the video?

    The video discusses the concept of super alignment, where a smaller model is trained to supervise a larger, more intelligent AI in order to ensure safety and control in AI models.

  • What is the goal of creating AI models discussed in the video?

    The goal of creating AI models discussed in the video is to automate alignment research and safely train other advanced forms of AI, using scalable techniques and evaluation tools to ensure alignment and interpretability.

  • How are AI models being developed to change how we consume news?

    AI models are being developed to pull real-time news from news outlets and present it through chatbots, potentially changing how we consume news in the future.

Key Insights

  • 🤖 OpenAI's concept of agentic AI systems with their own goals and ability to pursue them raises important questions about the responsible integration of AI into society.
  • 🔒 The potential threat of AI-powered cyber attacks could surpass the capabilities of human defenders, leading to a potential destruction of cybersecurity.
  • 🛡️ The potential rise of attack drones disconnected from human operators raises questions about the effectiveness of defense strategies, leading to a more uncertain and potentially scary world.
  • 🤖 The goal is to create an AI that can research how to create safe AI as it gets stronger and beyond our understanding.
  • 💭 Using vast quantities of compute can give smaller models a glimpse into what a much stronger model would look like, potentially aligning arbitrarily more capable systems.
  • 🧠 AI neural nets build mental models of the world by feeding them information and asking them to make inferences or predictions, which raises questions about their understanding and potential biases.
  • 🌍 The development of AI with an understanding of physics and motion opens up possibilities for creating more realistic and immersive virtual environments.
  • 🤯 Google Deep Mind's advanced text to image technology produces extremely realistic images, challenging the notion of AI-generated art.


#AI #SyntheticMinds  #SuperAlignment



  • 00:00 🤖 AI news this week includes rumors of GPT 4.5, Google Deep Mind's paper on mathematical discoveries, and the effectiveness of llm based systems.
    • 00:58 🤖 OpenAI discusses agentic AI systems and the need for responsible integration into society, highlighting potential dangers and questions that need to be addressed before allowing these agents to act autonomously.
      • AI from Deep Mind is rapidly expanding human scientific knowledge, including mathematics and understanding 3D protein structures, as well as discovering new materials autonomously.
      • OpenAI discusses the concept of agentic AI systems and the need to responsibly integrate them into society, outlining the components of agentic AI and the potential dangers and questions that need to be addressed before allowing these agents to act autonomously.
    • 02:56 🤖 Agentic AI systems could make cyber defense cheaper and easier, but human monitoring and incident response are crucial for cyber attack mitigation, and the potential use of a large number of autonomous AI agents could overwhelm cybersecurity defenses.
      • Approval is required for autonomous weapons and default behaviors should be set to spend no money unless necessary, with some tasks being more susceptible to automation than others, such as in the cyber security domain.
      • Human monitoring and incident response is crucial for cyber attack mitigation, but the potential use of a large number of autonomous AI agents could overwhelm cybersecurity defenses.
      • Agentic AI systems could make cyber defense cheaper and easier, but it's uncertain whether the ability to hack into systems will skyrocket or be completely negated, and it's important to pay attention to which equilibrium assumptions no longer hold.
    • 05:20 🤖 A smaller AI model is trained to supervise a larger AI for safety and control, aiming to automate alignment research and train advanced AI models.
      • The paper discusses the concept of super alignment, where a smaller model is trained to supervise a larger, more intelligent AI in order to ensure safety and control.
      • The goal is to create an AI model that can automate alignment research and safely train other advanced forms of AI, using scalable techniques and evaluation tools to ensure alignment and interpretability.
    • 07:16 🤖 Using a large amount of compute, we can align vastly smarter superhuman systems by bootstrapping from smaller models and overclocking them with more resources.
      • 08:16 🤖 AI video platform starting research on General World models, neural Nets building mental models of the world and making inferences, latest research shows AI understanding 3D world and human behavior.
        • AI video generation platform is starting a long-term research effort around General World models, which are neural Nets that build mental models of the world and make inferences and predictions based on the information fed to them.
        • Latest research shows AI building mental models of 3D world, gaining understanding of positioning objects and capturing dynamics of environment and human behavior.
      • 09:48 🤖 AI is being developed to create realistic simulations and videos, while companies are investing in AI to change how we consume news in the future.
        • AIS are being developed to build simulations of the world and generate realistic videos by understanding physics and motion, but are currently limited in their capabilities.
        • Companies are investing in AI to pull real-time news from news outlets and present it through chatbots, potentially changing how we consume news in the future.
      • 11:10 🤖 AI art generation and text to image technology are advancing, offering more control and precision, with Google Deep Mind's realistic images being a standout.


        ------------------------------------- 0:12:8 2023-12-16T02:15:47Z

        1 comment

        • Informatika

          What notable advancements and discussions have taken place in AI technology this week, specifically addressing the potential for agentic AI systems, responsible integration into society, and the use of AI in creating realistic simulations and videos?
          Visit us telkom university

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