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Relationships, Scott Galloway -

Scott Galloway explores the evolving concept of masculinity, contrasting traditional views with a new, more nuanced understanding, while addressing the complexities of female empowerment and societal expectations   Questions to inspire discussion  Shifting Perceptions of Masculinity 🔄Q: How has the view of traditional masculinity changed according to psychological associations? A: The American Psychological Association in 2017 deemed conventional masculinity a cause for concern, and by 2018-2019, it was classified as a personality disorder in the DSM-5. 🧠Q: What traits are now associated with conventional masculinity? A: Conventional masculinity is now characterized by traits traditionally considered feminine, such as empathy, gentleness,...

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Mental Health, Relationships, Scott Galloway -

Modern dating apps and lack of social connections are leading to increased loneliness and mental health concerns, especially among the younger generation, and this is becoming an epidemic that needs to be addressed by government policies    Questions to inspire discussion  How are modern dating apps affecting mental health? —Modern dating apps are leading to increased rates of psychological distress, anxiety, and depression, as well as feelings of loneliness and dissatisfaction with life. What impact does modern dating have on young men? —Modern dating and lack of social connections are leading to a generation of young men who are isolated,...

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