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Here on Logical Dating 101 Reactions, I observe the unfortunate instances where many modern women are hitting the wall hard! It literally doesn't matter if you are a strong independent woman, a boss babe, in your soft girl era, pretty girl era, Taylor Swift Era! Many modern women have been watching too much TV and are now understanding that it hasn't served them well. As they age, Modern Women regret not finding a man sooner. You'll likely see many modern women crying on the internet about this. Modern women will likely say...I want a traditional man, with traditional values...I am traditional when it comes to dating...unfortunately, they don't realize that this doesn't fly. All the strong independent woman who doesn't need no man, not get to be strong independent woman regretting the decision to pass the good man up and leave him in the dust. No one wants to be bothered with foolishness any longer. Women Dating in their 20s, Women Dating over 30, Women Dating Over 35...Dare I say Women Dating in their 40s and Women Dating in their 50s are arriving at the same conclusion. What's that? YOU PLAYED YOURSELF! In any case, enjoy these modern women clips of modern dating life with all of the glorious entertainment and modern dating problems. Unfortunately it looks like modern dating is least for now. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Running Through the Six – K@TO – DOWNLOAD NOW! - - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music produced by Cold Melody Music Outro: Other Music: Special - Too Far - Your Love - Show Me - Choice - _________ Follow/Connect: TikTok: Instagram: LIKE.SHARE.SUBSCRIBE. Give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed watching 👍 #dating #reaction #reactionvideo Thanks for watching the video Why Are Men Not APPROACHING Us In Public Anymore?! | Men Not Approaching | Single Women

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Dating, Family Law, Hypergamy, Relationships, Religion, Social Dynamics -

Christian churches should enforce traditional values, prioritize sacramental marriage and patriarchy, and address the influence of feminism and LGBTQ acceptance on family dynamics   Questions to inspire discussion  What are the problems with the red pill movement? —The speaker discusses the encouragement of promiscuity among men and the contradiction within the secularist worldview. How should Christian churches address marriage and divorce issues? —The solution is to prioritize male leadership in the church and to follow Christ in marriage. What is the Christian perspective on feminism and LGBTQ acceptance? —Christian churches should enforce traditional values to combat the influence of feminism...

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Relationships, Social Dynamics, Social media, Social Policy, Sociology -

Scott Galloway provides a deep analysis on the forces influencing modern romance, highlighting the challenges faced by modern women in the wake of growing socio-economic gender disparities. 📺 Watch the full episode here - ❤️ Subscribe to our main channel - #thediaryofaceo #doac

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Relationships, Social Bias, Social Dynamics, Social media, Sociology -

Women now have greater optionality within the sexual marketplace, while men tend to have less control and opportunity in the dating and relationship dynamic Questions to inspire discussion  Why do boss babes end up single? —Boss babes may end up single because they realize that achieving success does not necessarily lead to attracting the type of men they desire, leading to a feeling of unfulfillment. Are there still gender roles in modern society? —Yes, there are still gender roles in modern society, with women being the gatekeepers of sex and having the power to decide when it happens. Do women...

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Drizzle Drizzle, Relationships -

The "soft guy era" promoted by online influencers is a reactionary and dishonest concept driven by misogyny and money, and there is a need for a more respectful discussion on gender equality and toxic behavior Questions to inspire discussion What is the "soft guy era" promoted by online influencers? —The "soft guy era" is a reactionary and dishonest concept driven by misogyny and money, promoted by online influencers to young men. What is the Drizzle Drizzle movement? —The Drizzle Drizzle movement aims to reorient men towards finding high quality women who have high expectations and financial independence, challenging traditional gender...

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