Toxic beliefs RSS

Relationships, Toxic beliefs, Toxic Femininity -

When dealing with a cheating partner, be aware of their potential manipulation tactics and stay focused on the issue at hand, rather than letting them deflect responsibility and shift blame onto you  Questions to inspire discussion  Accountability and Manipulation 🚩Q: How do some women avoid responsibility for cheating? A: They may downplay the seriousness, claim it was a "one-time thing" lasting a month, lie about details, and use gaslighting to convince their partner that their reaction is the problem. 🔍Q: What manipulative tactics might women use when confronted about cheating? A: They may deny responsibility, act victimized, claim the partner...

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Dating, Relationships, Toxic beliefs, Toxic Femininity -

Hey guys! Today's episode is long overdue. I'm talking about double standards within relationships that I've seen again and again. Not only are they unfair, but men are DONE with them. Do you agree or disagree?

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Orion Taraban, Relationships, Toxic beliefs -

Approaching relationships as a place where you can drop all role-playing and be accepted unconditionally is a toxic belief that can sabotage your success Questions to inspire discussion    What is the toxic belief discussed in the video? —The toxic belief discussed in the video is that relationships should be a place where you can drop all role-playing and be accepted unconditionally. How can this toxic belief sabotage success in relationships? —This toxic belief can sabotage success in relationships by creating unrealistic expectations and leading to disappointment when those expectations are not met. What is the alternative approach to relationships...

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