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Economics, Evolutionary Psychology, Orion Taraban, Relationships -

Women don't always make rational decisions with respect to some of the economic realities of relationships. Using an anonymized example from a recent consultation, I explain how women are subject to acting against their own best interests, and why the apparent "value" of what is provided in a relationship can often be misleading.

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Orion Taraban, Relationships, Social Dynamics, Women -

Men can use emotional survival tactics to handle disrespectful attacks from women without escalating the situation by reflecting back their emotions and adding "I feel" to their statements   Questions to inspire discussion  How can men handle disrespectful attacks from women without escalating the situation? —Men can use emotional survival tactics by reflecting back the emotions and statements of the woman, which can deescalate emotionally charged situations and keep the interaction calm. Why is it important for men to add "I feel" to women's positive emotions? —Adding "I feel" to women's positive emotions can help de-escalate exchanges and show empathy,...

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Orion Taraban, Relationships -

A common refrain that I hear in my consultations with women is a disinterest in performing "low-value" work in their relationships. This can include things like cooking, cleaning, and (in some cases) sex. They often believe that doing this work makes them a "maid" or a "mommy" (or a "sex worker"), and that they would prefer to be utilized in a "higher-value" capacity.

To save women the trouble, I decided to make an episode on my general response to this complaint. 

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Extinction Burst, Orion Taraban, Psychology, Relationships -

One of the primary reasons why people reach out to me for a consultation is for help changing a long-standing relationship dynamic. While it is possible to alter even deep-seated issues, it takes time, it may not resolve completely, and it always, always gets worse before it gets better. In this episode, I'll explain why this is the case by approaching change through the (often unappreciated) lens of behavioral psychology.

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Hypergamy, Orion Taraban, Relationships -

Given what we understand about female mating and dating behavior, it's possible to play the chess out twenty moves and consider the various endgames that women will face in the sexual marketplace. There are actually not very many. In this episode, I discuss the five ways it can end for any given woman, and provide rough probability estimates for each scenario.

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