Boost Health and Immunity with Sunlight: Light Therapy and Melatonin

Health Wellness, Light Therapy, Roger Seheult -

Boost Health and Immunity with Sunlight: Light Therapy and Melatonin

Exposure to sunlight and infrared radiation can have significant health benefits, including reducing oxidative stress, improving sleep, boosting immunity, and potentially mitigating the effects of diseases like cancer and COVID-19

    Questions to inspire discussion 

    • What are the health benefits of sunlight and infrared radiation?

      Sunlight and infrared radiation can reduce oxidative stress, improve sleep, boost immunity, and potentially mitigate the effects of diseases like cancer and COVID-19.

    • How does light exposure affect melatonin production?

      Light exposure regulates melatonin production, with bright light shutting it down during the day and natural sunlight stimulating its production in the mitochondria.

    • What practical tips are provided for harnessing the benefits of sunlight?

      Practical tips include getting sunlight in the morning, avoiding bright light at night, using low red light in the evening, and limiting light exposure from screens.

    • How does sunlight impact the body's circadian rhythm?

      Sunlight impacts the body's circadian rhythm by regulating hormones and metabolism, and matching it with the external environment through light hitting the eye.

    • What are the potential health benefits of near infrared radiation from sunlight?

      Near infrared radiation from sunlight can stimulate melatonin production, improve blood supply and oxygenation to tissues, and reduce the risk of certain diseases like cancer and COVID-19.

    Key Insights

    Melatonin and Oxidative Stress

    • ⚡️ Oxidative stress in the mitochondria, which can lead to health issues like inflammation, cancer, dementia, diabetes, and learning disabilities, can be mitigated by the body's cooling systems that operate during the day and night.
    • 🌇 Infrared radiation from the sun plays a role in on-site production of melatonin in mitochondria during the day, highlighting the importance of sunlight for overall health.
    • 💤 Melatonin not only plays a role in initiating sleep, but it also acts as a coolant for the body, ensuring smooth functioning and minimizing oxidative stress.
    • 💡 Cytochrome c oxidase, when excited by infrared light, increases melatonin production inside the mitochondria, highlighting the potential benefits of light therapy in optimizing health and immunity.
    • 🌿 "The near infrared portion of natural sunlight stimulates an excess of antioxidants like melatonin in each of our healthy cells, enhancing the body's ability to deal with changing conditions throughout the day."
    • 💡 Near infrared energy from the sun can penetrate deeply into the body, affecting many cells and potentially having a significant impact on health and immunity.
    • 💡 Near infrared radiation can penetrate deep into the body, affecting a significant amount of cells, including those beneath the surface and even bone.
    • 💡 Near infrared light therapy has been shown to increase the production of melatonin and improve blood flow, potentially benefiting overall health and immunity.

    Sunlight and Overall Health

    • 📚 Research studies have shown that blind people have a relative risk of 0.69 for developing cancer, indicating they are 69% less likely to get cancer compared to those who are not blind.
    • 🌿 Living close to natural green spaces is associated with diverse health benefits, including reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, premature death, and preterm birth, as well as increased sleep duration and reduced stress levels.
    • 🌡️ Infrared radiation may have potential health benefits for COVID-19 by reducing oxidative stress and suppressing reactive oxygen species.
    • ☀️ Melatonin, whether from the pineal gland or from sunlight exposure, can help reduce oxidative stress and potentially mitigate the effects of COVID-19.
    • 🌞 High vitamin D levels may be a marker of sunlight exposure and infrared radiation, suggesting that getting sunlight is important for overall health and immunity.

    Circadian Rhythm and Health

    • 🌞 The circadian rhythm, when optimally aligned with reality, can have potential benefits such as reducing cancer, regulating cortisol production, and promoting sleep.
    • 🌞 The dysregulation of the circadian rhythm can lead to various health problems, including altered immune system, tumor development, and perturbations of hormonal homeostasis.
    • 🌅 "In the morning view sunlight as soon after waking up as possible ideally before nine o'clock in the morning."
    • 💡 "Having dim and red lights in the evening can help maintain melatonin production and support a healthy circadian rhythm."

    Light Therapy and Mental Health

    • 😴 Exposure to bright light in the morning, such as using dawn stimulation or being exposed to 3000 lux for 20 minutes, can significantly improve seasonal affective disorder symptoms.
    • 💡 Light therapy has shown potential in treating bipolar depression, with significant remission rates observed in patients exposed to 7000 lux bright white light.


    #Health #Wellness #LightTherapy



    • 00:00 🌞 Sunlight is crucial for optimizing health and immunity, as it affects melatonin production, circadian rhythm, and mitochondrial protection, with practical tips for harnessing this information.
      • The speaker discusses the impact of light on the human body at a cellular level, emphasizing the importance of sunlight in optimizing health and immunity, and providing practical tips for harnessing this information.
      • Melatonin, a powerful antioxidant, is secreted at night to combat oxidative stress, while during the day, infrared radiation from the sun produces melatonin on-site in the mitochondria to deal with oxidative stress, which can be beneficial in certain places and times but needs protection in the mitochondria.
      • The solar spectrum consists of visible light, infrared, and ultraviolet light, with 54% of the sun's energy being in the infrared spectrum, and the intensity of light is measured in lux, affecting sleep and the circadian rhythm.
      • The body's circadian rhythm acts as a conductor, coordinating the many processes that occur throughout the day to optimize health and immunity.
      • Melatonin secretion is regulated by the circadian rhythm, which can be affected by light exposure and has potential health benefits.
      • The circadian rhythm regulates hormones and metabolism, and matching it with the external environment can be achieved through the body's ability to adjust its internal rhythm based on light hitting the eye.
    • 18:15 🌞 Exposure to light during the day signals the body to shut down melatonin production, while avoiding bright light at night can help regulate circadian rhythm and improve sleep, and light therapy can have positive effects on mental health and cancer risk.
      • Light coming into the eye signals the suprachiasmatic nucleus that it is daytime, which shuts down melatonin production, and exposure to light at night can delay the circadian rhythm, causing insomnia, while exposure to light in the morning can help anchor the circadian rhythm to reality.
      • Avoid bright light, especially blue light, as it can inhibit melatonin production and disrupt sleep, while low red light, like that from a fire, has less impact on melatonin secretion and can help prepare the body for sleep.
      • Wearing blue blocking glasses during the day can affect the stimulation of retinal ganglion cells, while exposure to bright light in the morning and dawn stimulation can improve seasonal affective disorder.
      • Light therapy, such as dawn simulation lights and bright white light, can improve mental health conditions like bipolar depression and sleep inertia.
      • Stimulating your eyes with bright sunlight in the morning is beneficial for regulating cortisol levels, which in turn impacts the timing of melatonin production, and disruptions in melatonin production due to light exposure at night may be linked to an increased risk of certain cancers.
      • Intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells play a role in shutting down melatonin production, and studies have shown a reduced cancer risk in totally blind people.
    • 38:21 🌞 Avoid bright screens at night, get sunlight in the morning, and use dim, red light in the evening to optimize health and immunity.
      • Dimming lights and avoiding bright screens in the evening is important for optimizing health and immunity, as e-readers and devices emit higher levels of irradiance compared to regular print books.
      • Reading from an e-reader with bright light before bed can lead to longer sleep latency and increased sleepiness the next day compared to reading a regular book in dim light.
      • View sunlight in the morning as soon as possible, aim for 10,000 lux for 20-30 minutes, and avoid sunglasses.
      • Avoid windows and blue blockers during the day, limit light and use red and dim light in the evening, and get sunlight in the morning before 9 am to optimize health and immunity.
      • Exposure to natural sunlight in the morning and dim, red light in the evening can optimize health and immunity by regulating cortisol secretion and melatonin timing.
      • Being exposed to natural sunlight outside is much more beneficial for health and immunity than being behind a window or in a car, as the intensity of light is significantly higher outdoors.
    • 48:07 🌞 Sunlight stimulates mitochondria to produce melatonin, acting as a potent antioxidant and protecting against oxidative stress and diseases.
      • Sunlight stimulates the mitochondria to produce melatonin, which acts as a potent antioxidant and provides targeted protection against oxidative stress and a wide range of diseases.
      • Mitochondria in the cells produce energy through the Krebs cycle and electron transport chain, with oxygen as the final electron acceptor.
      • Electrons passing down the chain can create reactive oxygen species, which can cause severe damage, so it's important to mop them up, and protons going down their concentration gradient back into the matrix result in the production of ATP.
      • Infrared radiation from the sun stimulates cytochrome c oxidase, which in turn tells the mitochondria in all of our cells to stimulate melatonin production, helping to neutralize reactive oxygen species and prevent oxidative stress-related diseases.
      • Melatonin production in the mitochondria is the front line cooling system for the mitochondria and is stimulated by near infrared exposure from natural sunlight, with subcellular melatonin having no effect on feeling sleepy and being best obtained from natural sunlight.
      • Near infrared radiation from the sun can penetrate deep into the skin, stimulating heat receptors and creating a feeling of warmth.
    • 01:02:54 🌞 Sunlight, particularly near infrared energy, has a significant impact on cells, can penetrate deeply into the body, and provides diverse health benefits, including improved blood supply and oxygenation to tissues.
      • Sunlight, specifically near infrared energy, can penetrate deeply into the body and has a significant impact on cells, with the majority of energy from the sun hitting the earth being in the infrared spectrum.
      • Sunscreen blocks ultraviolet light but not infrared radiation, so if you can feel the warmth from the sun on your skin, you are likely receiving infrared radiation.
      • Infrared light can penetrate deep into the skin, reaching veins and affecting a large amount of cells in the human body, and can even penetrate bone and reach the surface of the brain.
      • Trans illumination can be used to check for mucus in sinuses, and being in green spaces can provide exposure to near infrared radiation from sunlight.
      • Living in or near green spaces has diverse health benefits, including reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, premature death, and preterm birth, as well as increasing sleep duration and reducing stress.
      • Near infrared light impacts mitochondria at the cellular level, increasing cytochrome c oxidase levels, oxygenated hemoglobin, and nitric oxide production, leading to improved blood supply and oxygenation to tissues, making it a viable non-invasive source for nitric oxide delivery.
    • 01:16:48 🌞 Sunlight, particularly infrared radiation, has numerous health benefits including improved outcomes in schools, reduced risk of diabetes, and increased vitamin D levels, but protective measures are still necessary to mitigate harmful effects.
      • Natural sunlight, specifically infrared radiation, has been shown to have numerous health benefits, including improved outcomes in schools, reduction in association with diabetes, and negative effects on glucose and lipid metabolism when sunlight exposure decreases.
      • Light can cause oxidative stress and damage, with ultraviolet radiation being the most harmful, but weekend sun exposure in warmer months can actually reduce the risk of melanoma.
      • Increased sun exposure is associated with higher vitamin D levels and decreased risk of death from melanoma, and near infrared radiation can penetrate through clothes and stimulate melatonin production.
      • Sun exposure is linked to higher survival rates, and while sunscreens block UVA and UVB, they also cause oxidative stress, but there are other types of skin cancer to consider.
      • Wearing protective clothing and sunscreen can mitigate the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, but near-infrared radiation can still be absorbed through clothing and even in the shade.
      • Sun exposure has been found to have a positive effect on brain volume and gray matter in multiple sclerosis patients, independent of vitamin D levels.
    • 01:27:48 🌞 Sunlight exposure and melatonin can help reduce oxidative stress and improve immunity, potentially leading to decreased COVID-19 mortality.
      • In COVID-19 infection, the virus disrupts the balance of pro-oxidant and antioxidant enzymes, leading to increased oxidative stress and reactive oxygen species.
      • High oxidative stress levels can cause patients to be more susceptible to the damaging effects of COVID-19, but melatonin, whether from the pineal gland or from sunlight, can help reduce oxidative stress and mitigate the consequences of the virus.
      • As people age, their antioxidant system weakens, but COVID-19 patients, especially younger ones, experience a significant drop in intracellular antioxidants and increased oxidative stress and damage, which is regulated by melatonin.
      • Higher levels of vitamin D are associated with better survival in COVID-19, and it may not be enough to rely solely on vitamin D supplementation without also getting sunlight exposure for its effects on mitochondrial and antioxidant levels.
      • Increased sunlight exposure has been linked to decreased COVID-19 mortality, independent of vitamin D, suggesting potential new therapies.
      • Sunlight exposure for health and immunity has been a long-standing practice, with historical evidence and quotes from a health reformer in the 1800s supporting its benefits.
    • 01:37:42 🌞 Natural sunlight, particularly near infrared radiation, is crucial for health and immunity, so get as much morning sunlight as possible and avoid light exposure after sunset.
      • Indoor environments with modern lighting and low e glass block near infrared radiation, leading to a significant reduction in exposure to beneficial sunlight.
      • Natural sunlight, particularly near infrared radiation, plays a crucial role in preparing the body for ultraviolet exposure, protecting from its harmful effects, and repairing damage, which is lacking in modern society and can contribute to health issues.
      • Sunlight exposure, particularly in the morning, can optimize health and immunity through the production of melatonin and the use of specific types of light bulbs.
      • Getting early morning sunlight exposure is beneficial for anchoring circadian rhythm, and if using screens at night, holding them further away and dimming the screen can help diminish the effects on melatonin secretion, as taking a melatonin supplement is not a substitute for sunlight exposure.
      • Get as much natural sunlight as possible, especially in the morning, and avoid light exposure after sunset, while also using low level red light at sunset to optimize circadian rhythm and overall health.
      • Sunlight exposure may have potential benefits for COVID-19 patients in terms of metabolic activity and immunity.


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