Master Your Mind & Change Your Brain (4K) - Andrew Huberman | Modern Wisdom 496

Andrew Huberman, Health Wellness -

Master Your Mind & Change Your Brain (4K) - Andrew Huberman | Modern Wisdom 496

By understanding and controlling our autonomic nervous system through various behaviors and patterns, we can improve our mental and physical health, achieve our goals, and avoid potential risks.

Mindset and Behavioral Shifts

  • 💪 By shifting our behavior and moving ourselves along the autonomic continuum, we can control our mind and realize that the way we feel might not be the way we're going to feel forever.
  • 💪 Leaning into limbic friction, or intentionally seeking out stressful situations, can help train the brain to better handle stress and adrenaline.
  • 📱Social media can trigger a substantial release of dopamine, which is about novelty, surprise, and excitement, making us feel ready and seeking for things outside of ourselves.
  • 💭 The mindset that stress and challenge can grow you is a powerful one, but sadly absent from the general population.
  • 💖Approaching life with love in your heart can help avoid energy sinks and maintain focus, leading to a calm and energized balance that can feel infinite.
  • 🧠 The best schedule for learning and motivation is random intermittent reinforcement, where you reward yourself about 85% of the time and not reward yourself about 15% of the time.
  • 💡Andrew Huberman has an obsession with doing one cognitively hard thing and one physically hard thing a day to experience the deep pleasure of battling through something mentally challenging and making consistent progress in his workouts.
  • 💪 Leveraging fear into positive change can lead to better decision making and major shifts in life.

Brain Perception and Response

  • 🧠 Our brains are highly evolved for visual perception, with dedicated areas just for perceiving human faces and micro expressions.
  • 🧊 Cold water exposure can create long-lasting arcs of dopamine, which can be useful for putting us into long-lasting motivational states.
  • 🧖‍♂️ Sauna done once a week in four cycles of 30 minutes each with breaks in between can increase growth hormone up to 16-fold, but the growth hormone effect starts to diminish if you become too heat adapted.


Questions to inspire conversation

  • How can we control our thoughts and actions?

    By shifting our autonomic nervous system through certain behaviors and patterns of breathing, we can control our thoughts and actions.

  • What are the effects of stress, anxiety, and fear on our body?

    Stress, anxiety, and fear cause high levels of alertness and awareness, resulting in increased heart rate and fuel being directed towards big muscles, leading to shaking.

  • How can we bring down autonomic arousal and avoid self-destruction?

    There are ways to bring down autonomic arousal and avoid self-destruction, such as practicing certain behaviors and patterns of breathing.

  • What are the potential risks of breathing in high levels of carbon dioxide?

    Breathing in high levels of carbon dioxide can cause a terrifying reaction in people due to a group of neurons in the brain stem that respond to carbon dioxide levels.

  • How can exposure therapy help in treating trauma?

    Exposure therapy and getting close to trauma-inducing mindsets is crucial for successful treatment of trauma, as opposed to trigger warnings and other buffers that prolong and exacerbate fear.


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