Rebelling Men and Frustrated Women: The Rise of Going Your Own Way

Men, Men's Rights, Misandry, Modern feminism, Personal Development, Relationships, Women -

Rebelling Men and Frustrated Women: The Rise of Going Your Own Way

Men are realizing their worth and choosing to go their own way, rebelling against societal expectations and unrealistic standards set by women, while women are frustrated with the lack of weddings and feeling pressure to be married and have kids

Questions to inspire discussion 

  • What are men rebelling against?

    Men are rebelling against societal expectations and the pressure to constantly prove themselves to women with unrealistic standards.

  • Why are men feeling frustrated?

    Men are frustrated with the unrealistic standards set by women and the pressure to measure up to Hollywood and social media standards.

  • What qualities have masculine men been shamed for?

    Masculine men have been shamed for their qualities, but society has failed to recognize their sacrifice and perseverance.

  • What are women feeling pressured to do?

    Women are feeling pressure to be married and have kids, and are frustrated with the lack of weddings.

  • What are women measuring men by?

    Women have fallen into the trap of measuring men by Hollywood and social media standards, leading to unrealistic expectations.

Key Insights

  • 😡 "A lot of women's absolute worst nightmare is the day when men wake up and realise their worth."
  • 🤔 "Men are no longer the center of our lives anymore. We want Equality how is that bad typical misandrist arguing against something because she doesn't like the idea of men doing what's best for them."
  • 🔄 Men are now checking out of relationships that no longer serve as assets to their life.
  • 😡 Men are tired of being gaslit and shamed for their masculinity and nature, leading them to revolt against unrealistic expectations.
  • 🤯 "I'm meeting up with the guy that I met off uh Bumble...and you have a boyfriend."


#Relationships #MGTOW #Misandry #Feminism



  • 00:00 🔥 Women are upset that men are realizing their worth and choosing to go their own way, feeling pressure to be married and have kids, while also struggling with the desire for a relationship.
    • 00:57 🔥 Men going their own way group promotes masculinity, opposes feminism, and is compared to KKK, but women want equality and men doing what's best for them.
      • 02:04 🔥 Men are waking up to their worth and walking away from relationships that don't benefit them.
        • 02:50 🔥 Men are rebelling against societal expectations and unrealistic standards set by women, who fail to recognize the sacrifice and perseverance of masculine men.
          • Men are rebelling against societal expectations and the pressure to constantly prove themselves to women who have unrealistic standards and have fallen into the trap of measuring men by Hollywood and social media standards.
          • Masculine men have been shamed for their qualities, but society has failed to recognize their sacrifice and perseverance.
        • 04:19 🔥 Men are walking away from relationships because women have forgotten what truly makes them attractive to men, leading to a societal predicament.
          • 05:16 👰 Women are frustrated that there are no weddings in sight and they feel like time is running out for them to attend weddings in their prime.
            • 06:01 🔥 Woman admits to lying to her boyfriend about visiting her sick grandmother in Florida, takes money from him and meets up with another guy in LA.
              • 07:02 😡 Feeling pressured by family to get married and have kids, but also wants it for herself, and is frustrated with being single at 27.


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