Women should not be offended by the term "homemaker" and should be proud of their choices, including prioritizing marriage and children
Questions to inspire discussion
Why are women offended by the term "homemaker"?
—Women are offended because they have been led to believe they should not want to stay at home, but the majority actually prefer it.
What led to the push to break up the idea of a family?
—The increase in women in the workforce after World War II led to a push to break up the idea of a family in order to increase consumerism.
Why are women being shamed for embracing the role of homemaker?
—Women are being shamed for embracing the role of homemaker, but it's okay to serve and love your partner.
How does being called a homemaker diminish a woman's worth?
—Being called a homemaker diminishes a woman's worth because it implies that her role is less important than others.
Why are some women embracing traditional roles to appeal to certain men?
—Some women are embracing traditional roles to appeal to certain men, but it's not genuine and can be harmful to their self-worth.
Key Insights
- 🤔 "Women are horribly offended by what he just said why because he's saying that women have been lied to in this belief that they should not be a homemaker."
- 🤔 The judgement of a woman's worth based on her past experiences is a common problem that many women face.
#Relationships #Sociology #SocialDynamics
XMentions: @SartainPodcast @HabitatsDigital
00:00 👩 Women should be proud of their accomplishments, including being homemakers, and should not be ashamed of prioritizing marriage and children.
01:30 🚺 Women are offended by the term "homemaker" because of societal pressure, but the majority actually prefer it, and the push for women in the workforce was driven by consumerism.
- Women are offended by the term "homemaker" because they have been led to believe they should not want to stay at home, but 83% of women surveyed would prefer to be homemakers.
- After World War II, the increase in women in the workforce led to a push to break up the idea of a family in order to increase consumerism.
03:29 🚺 Women are shamed for embracing homemaking, but some do it to appeal to men and it diminishes their worth.
- Women are being shamed for embracing the role of homemaker, but it's okay to serve and love your partner.
- Women are offended by being called homemakers because it diminishes their worth, and some are embracing traditional roles to appeal to certain men, but it's not genuine.
05:13 🚺 Women are offended by the term "homemaker" because it sounds like submission and imprisonment.
06:35 🚺 Women are offended by being called homemakers because they have been lied to about their choices, and it shouldn't be offensive to suggest they might be happier not working.
07:41 🤔 Women are judged for being either too pure or too promiscuous, with no middle ground, when it comes to being considered homemakers.
08:47 🤔 Women are offended by the term "homemaker" because of the double standard in society's expectations of men and women's sexual experiences.
10:13 🎁 Women should not be offended by being called homemakers, and the speaker offers a free gift for learning how to position oneself as a high status man.
Duration: 0:10:31
Publication Date: 2024-06-04T18:11:23Z
WatchUrl: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6rIc-mbbAM