Avoid These 7 Deal Breakers with Women

Paul Elam, Relationships, Toxic Femininity -

Avoid These 7 Deal Breakers with Women

Parents often teach their sons how to attract and take care of women, but not how to identify and avoid undesirable partners or take care of themselves in relationships


Questions to inspire discussion 

  • What do parents often teach their sons about relationships?

    Parents often teach their sons how to attract and take care of women, but not how to identify and avoid undesirable partners or take care of themselves in relationships.

  • Why is it important for sons to learn about identifying undesirable partners?

    It is important for sons to learn about identifying undesirable partners to protect themselves from toxic or harmful relationships.

  • What is the main focus of the video?

    The main focus of the video is on the lack of education for sons on how to identify and avoid undesirable partners and take care of themselves in relationships.

  • What is the controversial idea discussed in the video?

    The controversial idea discussed in the video is the imbalance in the education provided to sons about relationships, focusing more on attracting and taking care of women rather than self-care and identifying undesirable partners.

  • How does the video address the issue of imbalance in relationship education?

    The video addresses the issue of imbalance in relationship education by highlighting the importance of teaching sons how to identify and avoid undesirable partners and take care of themselves in relationships.


Key Insights

  • 🚫 Most parents teach their sons what they must do to attract women and take care of them, not how to cull out undesirables or take care of themselves.
  • 🧠 "Perhaps she's smart enough that she can be trained or educated out of her hypergamy. Anything is possible now down the road if you're serious about each other and are discussing the possibility of sharing life as a team."
  • 🚼 "No one in their right mind starts talking reproduction in the first conversation."
  • 🚫 It is so certain that miio Kaku could express it on a chalkboard with deadly accuracy do yourself a favor push the jettison button on this one with extreme prejudice.
  • 🚫 She tells you she's a feminist if I have to explain this forget.


#Relationships #Sociology #ToxicFeminity

 XMentions: @HabitatsDigital @RealPaulElam


  • 00:00 🚫 Seven deal breakers for men when screening out women for romantic relationships, focusing on self-care and avoiding blind gynocentrism.
    • 01:05 🚫 Listen closely to women early on, as they communicate deal breakers such as asking about your car without knowing anything about cars.
      • 01:59 🚫 Don't date women who are only interested in your money.
        • 03:23 🚫 Don't date women who are already talking about having children in the first conversation.
          • 04:43 🚫 Don't tell a woman what you want in a woman, and avoid women who talk about their exes on the first date.
            • 06:17 🚫 Don't ask about her income, car, or pay for dinner, and definitely don't pick your nose at the table.
              • 06:51 🚫 Women who constantly say they don't need a man are actually the neediest and women who say they're feminists are a deal breaker.
                • 08:18 🚫 Don't settle for women out of scarcity and insecurity, hold them to standards and explore beyond looks and needs.



                  Duration: 0:10:0

                  Publication Date: 2024-06-11T19:17:01Z

                  WatchUrl: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTSByNW8H_s



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