Rachel Wilson: The Impact of Occult Feminism

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Rachel Wilson: The Impact of Occult Feminism

Feminism has been influenced by occult ideologies, leading to negative effects on families and society, and that women should embrace traditional values and virtues while men need to resist feminist influence and reclaim their authority


Questions to inspire discussion 

  • What is the influence of occult ideologies on feminism?

    Occult ideologies have influenced feminism, leading to negative effects on families and society, and the distortion of the true history of women.

  • How has feminism affected traditional values and virtues?

    Feminism has led to pushback against traditional values and virtues, causing women to face criticism for wanting to prioritize family and motherhood.

  • What is the impact of feminist ideology on men?

    Men are encouraged to resist feminist influence and reclaim their authority, as the push for feminism disrupts the natural balance of power between the sexes.

  • How has the feminist movement distorted the history of women?

    The feminist movement has distorted and rewritten the history of women, removing the truth about the anti-suffrage movement and early feminist movement from textbooks.

  • What are the consequences of rejecting traditional values and embracing feminism?

    Rejecting traditional values and embracing feminism has led to an increase in mental illness, societal decay, and a decline in population, with negative effects on women, men, and children.


Key Insights 

Feminist Ideology and Occultism

  • 🌌 First wave feminism and luciferianism are inextricably linked, revealing a deeper spiritual aspect to the movement.
  • 📚 "Most of the famous earlier suffragettes and feminist activists were into theosophy and esotericism, which seems to be a really huge influence on feminism itself."
  • 😈 Early feminists saw Christianity as the enemy and saw Lucifer as their Liberator, openly declaring him as their mascot.
  • 💰 Rachel Wilson highlights the extensive research and primary sources she delved into, including anti-suffrage tracks and writings of suffragettes, to uncover the radical and experimental origins of feminist activism in the 1800s.
  • 🔮 The title of the book "occult feminism" has a two-fold meaning, tying together the beliefs of women with an underlying occultic esoteric belief structure.
  • 🔮 The occult has been at the root of feminist ideology since ancient times, influencing revolutionary periods and the rejection of church and government authority.
  • 🌍 The idea that a utopian world can only exist when women run everything, and that the patriarchy brings corruption and violence, is a common theme in occult feminism.
  • 😈 Feminist theology legitimizes the violence through the belief in cosmic victimhood and the empowerment motif of vengeful goddesses.
  • 🤔 Feminism is an occult anti-God movement that has been from the start.
  • 🌎 The idea of "my body, my choice" is rooted in the belief that women are cosmic victims and tied to goddess worship. 

Impact of Feminism on Society

  • 🔄 Feminism has had a revolutionary impact on every aspect of modern life, completely dismantling the traditional social order in just one century.
  • 🏠 Statistically, the safest place for children is with both biological parents, and living with a married husband has the lowest rate of abuse for women.
  • 🚫 Feminist ideology in Russia promoted a future without biological families, with children raised communally and fathers removed to eliminate patriarchal legacy.
  • 🌍 Despite the dire situation, history shows that successful marriages, families, and the church have survived incredible persecution, giving hope for the future. 

Anti-Natalist Rhetoric and Environmentalism

  • 🌍 The anti-natalist attitude is contributing to the rhetoric that humans are bad for the planet and babies are seen as contributing to climate change and overpopulation.


#Feminism #Relationships 

 XMentions:  @Rach4Patriarchy


  • 00:00 🔮 First wave feminism linked to occultism, speaker's journey from New Age to Christianity, defending traditional values and motherhood, red pill movement gaining popularity, increasing antidepressant use due to pushback for prioritizing family and motherhood.
    • First wave feminism is linked to occultism and anti-Christian spiritual warfare, and the true history of women has been scrubbed from textbooks by second and third wave feminists.
    • The speaker discusses her journey from the New Age to Christianity and how her research on feminism revealed the influence of theosophy and esotericism on the feminist movement.
    • Raised in a conflicting household, the speaker became a single mom at 20, faced criticism for wanting to stay home with her children, and defended her traditional values and choices.
    • The speaker discusses her journey into writing a book defending motherhood and homeschooling, which gained attention after an article she wrote went viral and led to a Tucker Carlson appearance, ultimately resulting in the success of her book.
    • The red pill movement is gaining popularity among men and women who are questioning feminism and encountering pushback for wanting to prioritize family and motherhood, with a prevalent anti-natalist attitude and assumptions about non-feminist women.
    • Antidepressant use is increasing as women face pushback for wanting to be homemakers and mothers, despite declining birth rates and the potential consequences of half of women not having children in the future.
  • 14:32 🎙️ Women's speaker challenges societal norms, discusses occult feminism, and advocates for valuing motherhood and cooperation with husbands, while criticizing the distortion of feminist history in textbooks.
    • People have criticized the speaker for not achieving traditional success, but she is proud of raising five successful and moral children.
    • The speaker aims to dispel myths and make life more comfortable for women who choose to be stay-at-home moms, emphasizing the importance of valuing motherhood and cooperation with their husbands.
    • Women who try to break the sisterhood and speak out about feminist issues face extreme pushback and hate mail from other women, highlighting the difficulty of challenging societal norms.
    • The speaker discusses the irrationality and emotional manipulation of occult feminism, highlighting the need for rational debate and the influence of spiritual manipulation.
    • Early feminists saw Christianity as patriarchal and oppressive, and openly declared Lucifer as their liberator, with figures like Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth Cady openly embracing this ideology.
    • The history of feminism has been distorted and rewritten by women's studies departments to fit a narrative of oppression, removing the truth about the anti-suffrage movement and early feminist movement from textbooks.
  • 26:02 🔮 Women's suffrage movement had a PR problem, wealthy philanthropists promoted radical gender ideas, Gilded Age industrialists pushed for women in factories, CIA's involvement in feminism, increase in mental illness attributed to feminist environmentalist ideal, and "Occult Feminism" explores women's occult beliefs and practices.
    • Women involved in anti-suffrage groups had far bigger participation than pro-suffrage groups, suffragists blocked referendums on women's voting because only 4% of women wanted to vote, and the suffrage movement had a PR problem due to unlikable leaders, leading to the unpopularity of women's suffrage for a long time.
    • The speaker delves into the extensive research she conducted on the origins of feminism, highlighting the influence of wealthy philanthropists in promoting social engineering and the radical ideas of gender abolition and experimentation with gender roles that originated in the 1800s.
    • Gilded Age industrialists pushed for women to work in factories to increase cheap labor, which also led to an increase in income tax base, compulsory public education, and a rise in out of wedlock births and welfare spending.
    • The institutional capture and CIA's involvement in pushing feminism has led to a revolutionary change that has completely dismantled the traditional social order and affected every area of modern life.
    • The speaker discusses the increase in mental illness and societal decay, attributing it to the instability of children growing up without fathers and the feminist environmentalist ideal.
    • Women in history were oppressed and enslaved, and the book "Occult Feminism" explores the occult beliefs and practices of women, including theosophy, spirit mediums, fortune telling, and Eastern mystery religions.
  • 38:30 🔮 Feminism has been influenced by occult ideologies, leading to a push for women's liberation, but also potential mental instability, cognitive dissonance, and disruption of the natural balance of power between the sexes.
    • Feminism has a hidden history that has been obscured by women's studies departments, and Susan B Anthony believed that women were too happy and conservative to push for women's liberation, so she relied on wealthy men to push for suffrage, and over time, propaganda and occult ideologies have influenced women to become more progressive.
    • Feminists are drawn to occult and esoteric beliefs that promote the idea of women as divine and benevolent rulers, in opposition to traditional Christian and Abrahamic religions.
    • Feminist occultism embraces vengeful goddesses as a form of empowerment, while feminist theology legitimizes violence against men and women, leading to cognitive dissonance and potential mental instability as they age.
    • Men are more accustomed to understanding boundaries and consequences of their actions, while women, who are not as familiar with these boundaries, may abuse power without fully understanding the consequences.
    • Society has been built and maintained by men for the benefit of women, and the push for feminism may lead to an imminent collapse as it disrupts the natural balance of power between the sexes.
    • Marriage has become a contract that is easy to break, with women often taking half of the man's resources and custody of the children, leading to higher rates of abuse when the biological father is not present in the household.
  • 57:46 🔮 Feminism is an occult, anti-God movement with negative effects on families, promoting the abolishment of biological families and fathers, and rejecting Christianity and embracing atheism.
    • Feminism promised safety for women and children, but data shows that living with both biological parents is the safest, and cohabitating with a partner is more dangerous, debunking the idea that men are the primary threat.
    • Feminism is being pushed heavily by mainstream entities, but it is an occult, anti-God movement that has negative effects on women, men, and children.
    • Feminist ideology in Russia and Eastern black Communists promoted the idea of abolishing biological families and fathers, leading to legal and state-funded abortions and a decline in population.
    • The speaker discusses the infiltration of standpoint theory into science and the destructive effects of rejecting Christianity and embracing atheism.
    • The speaker discusses the roots of women's rebellion in the story of Eve and the need for men to take on the burden of setting boundaries and saying no.
    • The speaker discusses the importance of being consistent in parenting and not giving in to children's demands.
  • 01:13:19 🔮 Men need to reclaim their authority and resist feminist influence, while women should embrace traditional values and virtues to prevent societal collapse.
    • Men have a responsibility to say no to women and not give in to their desires, as history has shown that powerful men giving in to women has been their downfall.
    • Women need to decondition their discomfort with men having power and authority, as men need to take back their rightful place of authority to prevent a catastrophic collapse of society.
    • Men are facing challenges in standing against feminist captured institutions, but it is possible to take authority in our own homes and workplaces and build successful marriages and families despite the dire situation.
    • People are finding courage to pursue traditional roles and values, despite societal pressure, and there is hope in Christ.
    • Men should start rewarding and valuing virtues like motherhood and chastity in women, which will lead to more women embracing those values and desires.
    • Sexual liberation has led to women using their sexuality as a source of power, but there should be some shame involved in certain behaviors to incentivize or disincentivize them.
  • 01:28:24 🚺 Reformed women should avoid destructive behaviors and societal pressures, embrace traditional roles, and see men as protectors for a healthier and happier future.
    • Reformed women should not expect high status men to marry them, and encouraging women to engage in destructive behaviors like opening themselves up sexually is dangerous.
    • Encouraging young women to avoid destructive behaviors and societal pressures can lead to a healthier and happier future.
    • Encouraging destructive life choices and promoting self-destructive behavior prevents young women from finding salvation and reconciliation with God.
    • Women should have the freedom to make choices about their bodies, but there are limits and boundaries that should be set by God and male authority figures.
    • Men are portrayed as protectors of women who are easily manipulated through marketing and emotional appeals, making it advantageous for them to vote.
    • Women need to embrace traditional roles and see men as protectors, as both men and women give something up in the arrangement of marriage and it is seen as a path to salvation in the Orthodox Christian church.
  • 01:39:45 🎙️ Feminism promotes sexual empowerment for women, leading to destructive mindsets and financial burdens, and the speaker discusses the need for critical thinking and scrutiny of feminism.
    • Feminism promotes the idea of sexual empowerment for young women, leading them to believe that their sexuality is their power and that they should never have to sacrifice or improve themselves, which ultimately leads to a destructive and delusional mindset.
    • Women are conditioned to prioritize education and career over marriage and motherhood, leading to financial burden and fear-mongering about being dependent on a husband.
    • The speaker discusses the lack of rational and objective decision-making in career choices for women, the push for every woman to go to college, and the need to reach younger women to think critically about their future.
    • The speaker discusses the impact of propaganda and the importance of reaching young women with the truth, and mentions her work with a semi-pro athlete who is pushing a similar message.
    • The speaker and her friend discuss their perspectives on feminism, the impact of societal influences on women, and the infiltration of institutions by powerful forces.
    • The speaker discusses the need for women to scrutinize and evaluate feminism, and promotes her book "Occult Feminism" while addressing the challenges she faced with the book's reviews on Amazon.



Duration: 2:4:40

Publication Date: 2024-05-29T09:16:06Z

WatchUrl: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_ZUDubTbAw



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