Beware of Women's Manipulation in Relationships and Divorce

Divorce, False Allegations, Family Law, Hypergamy, Relationships, Social Bias, Social Dynamics, Sociology, Toxic Femininity -

Beware of Women's Manipulation in Relationships and Divorce

Men need to be cautious and aware of potential manipulation and false accusations from women, especially in the context of divorce and relationships 


Questions to inspire discussion 

  • Why do men need to be cautious in relationships?

    Men need to be cautious because they can be manipulated and falsely accused by women, especially in the context of divorce and relationships.

  • What should men be aware of in relationships?

    Men should be aware of potential manipulation and false accusations from women, especially in the context of divorce and relationships.

  • Why is it important for men to be cautious?

    It is important for men to be cautious because they can be vulnerable to manipulation and false accusations from women, especially in the context of divorce and relationships.

  • What is the main concern for men in relationships?

    The main concern for men is the potential for manipulation and false accusations from women, especially in the context of divorce and relationships.

  • How can men protect themselves in relationships?

    Men can protect themselves by being cautious and aware of potential manipulation and false accusations from women, especially in the context of divorce and relationships.


Key Insights

  • 🚨 The biggest mistake that guys make in divorce is the vast difference between the way women handle it and the way men handle it.
  • 🚪 Women often plan for months or even years before ending a relationship, while men are usually blindsided by the breakup.
  • 😔 Men's self-deletion rates are eight times higher than women after divorce, making it a difficult and devastating experience for them.
  • 👰 Instead of marrying, women now do a lawsuit because guys aren't marrying women like they used to back in the day.
  • 🔍 Women will claim to be raped to cover up cheating, according to law enforcement, shedding light on a controversial and alarming trend.
  • 💔 A woman used false accusations to get her boyfriend arrested and secure a visa to stay in America.
  • 🕵️‍♀️ "Watch her behavior and take a good look at her past to see what she's all about."


#Relationships #Sociology #ToxicFeminity #Hypergamy #FamilyLaw #Divorice #FalseAllegations

 XMentions: @FreshandfitM @rich_cooper


  • 00:00 🚫 Women handle divorce differently than men, with women initiating the majority and doing a lot of planning.
    • 00:45 🚨 Women can take months or years to plan leaving a relationship, while men are often blindsided by the sudden change in intimacy and increased conflict, leading to a painful and inevitable breakup.
      • 01:32 🚫 Women often use divorce to gain custody, assets, and income from men, alienating them from their kids, and seeking the best they can get.
        • 02:05 🚫 Family law is written to protect and enrich women, and men need to be aware of new scams like women filing lawsuits instead of getting married.
          • 02:46 🚨 Women can manipulate men into assault accusations to get money indirectly, as explained by a retired law enforcement officer.
            • 03:19 🚨 Women will falsely accuse men of domestic violence and cheating to cover their own actions, with 80% of these accusations being false.
              • 04:42 😱 Woman from Italy married a guy, got upset when he didn't do what she wanted, recorded him with a gun to set him up on charges and get a visa to stay in America.
                • 05:51 🚫 Be cautious about inviting a woman into your life, watch her behavior and past to avoid potential ruin.



                  Duration: 0:6:9

                  Publication Date: 2024-06-09T10:38:49Z




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