The Misogyny Card: Silencing Truth About Women

Gynocentrism, Relationships -

The Misogyny Card: Silencing Truth About Women

Misogyny is often used as a weapon to silence any criticism of the gynocentric social order, and the responsibility of holding women accountable for false accusations should fall on women, not men 

Questions to inspire discussion 

  • What is misogyny used for in the gynocentric social order?

    Misogyny is used as a weapon to silence criticism of the gynocentric social order.

  • Who should be held accountable for false accusations?

    Women should be held accountable for false accusations, not men.

  • What is the responsibility of holding women accountable?

    The responsibility of holding women accountable for false accusations should fall on women.

  • Why is misogyny used to silence criticism?

    Misogyny is used as a weapon to silence any criticism of the gynocentric social order.

  • What is the main idea of the video?

    The main idea is that women should be held accountable for false accusations.


Key Insights

  • 🤔 Anything that goes against the gynocentric social order automatically becomes misogyny.
  • 🤔 "So we want to redirect Rolo's traffic over there and this is by the way this is all proven."
  • 🤔 "Misogyny is a loaded question, it can be anything you want and it becomes dangerous when you put it into those situations."
  • 🤯 The responsibility of holding women accountable for false accusations should fall on women, not men.


#Relationships #Gynocentrism 


  • 00:00 🚺 Misogyny is a container word that can be used to silence any criticism of women.
    • 01:00 🚫 A group funded by the Department of Homeland Security is trying to limit the incel menace by redirecting traffic and demonetizing certain YouTubers.
      • 02:10 🚫 Women are using the misogyny card to silence the truth about men and redirect traffic to promote positive masculinity.
        • 03:01 🚫 Misogyny is a loaded word that can be used to silence and demonize certain groups, such as incels, and is being weaponized to suppress important discussions.
          • 03:39 🚫 Women speaking out about misogyny are being targeted and silenced through manipulation of their online traffic and social media platforms.
            • 04:31 🤦 Misogyny is used ambiguously to silence the truth about women, and it's ironic that good-looking men are the ones giving advice on vulnerability.
              • 05:32 🚫 Women's words are often taken literally, but when they change their minds, questioning them is labeled as misogyny.
                • 06:35 🚺 Women who support "believe all women" should be more upset about false accusations made by women, rather than the speaker.



                  Duration: 0:7:56

                  Publication Date: 2024-06-16T10:48:00Z




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