Mastering Social Skills: How Older Men Captivate Women

Relationships, Stoicism -

Mastering Social Skills: How Older Men Captivate Women

Older men can use a combination of social skills, confidence, and maturity to attract and keep women interested in them 

Questions to inspire discussion 

  • How can older men attract and keep women interested?

    Older men can use a combination of social skills, confidence, and maturity to attract and keep women interested in them.

  • What approach do older men use to avoid rushing physical intimacy?

    Older men use patience and class to leave women wanting more, avoiding rushing physical intimacy and playing the long game.

  • How do older men use their wealth to attract women?

    Older men use their wealth to plan better and more lucrative dates, making themselves more desirable to women.

  • What kind of body language do older men display to attract women?

    Older men display mature and stoic body language to make themselves more desirable to women.

  • What are some key qualities older men use to attract women?

    Older men use patience, class, wealth, and mature body language to attract and keep women interested in them.


Key Insights

  • 👴 Older men are now becoming the most attractive thing women truly desire, in fact, research shows women prefer older men.
  • 🌱 The growth mindset is important when it comes to providing value for you and your companion, especially if your goal is to turn it into something long-lasting.
  • 🚶‍♂️ Mature and stoic body language is a social skill that older men use to attract women, projecting confidence and stability.
  • 🌟 Older men have the self-confidence that they don't need to prove everything to anyone anymore, giving them an advantage over younger men still trying to make an impression and find their place in society.
  • 💪 Looking good and caring for yourself is a display of discipline and shows how much you care about how others perceive you, setting up the perfect base for flirting.
  • 💍 Being decisive is a defining trait of maturity that women love, as it signals experience and confidence.
  • 💪 Making decisions without hesitation shows confidence and authority, which is a welcoming trait for women.
  • 💃 Master your body language on dates and own your age and wisdom in such a way that makes women addicted to you.


#Relationships #Stoicism 


  • 00:00 👴 Older men have an innate ability to make women addicted to them, and this guide provides nine social skills that work on both young and old women.
    • 00:58 👴 Older men use a growth mindset, wisdom, and positivity to make women addicted to them.
      • 02:26 👴 Older men use patience, class, and wealth to attract women, avoiding rushing physical intimacy and displaying mature body language to make themselves more desirable.
        • Older men use patience and class to leave women wanting more, avoiding rushing physical intimacy and playing the long game.
        • Older men use their wealth to plan better and more lucrative dates, and display mature and stoic body language to make themselves more desirable to women.
      • 03:57 👴 Older men use maturity, self-confidence, and stoicism to attract and keep women interested, but authenticity is key.
        • 05:01 💼 Take care of yourself and look good to naturally attract women and engage in flirting without appearing manipulative.
          • 05:57 💡 Getting in shape and being decisive while not showing insecurity are key social skills for older men to attract women.
            • 07:10 👨 Older men use confidence and decisiveness to show authority and make women feel welcomed and attracted to them.
              • 08:04 👴 Mastering confident body language and owning your age and wisdom will make women addicted to you, so stop wallowing in mediocrity.


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