Embracing the Dark Goddess for Courage and Healing

Marcus T. Anthony -

Embracing the Dark Goddess for Courage and Healing

Bowing before the Cruel Goddess can lead to courage, healing, and wisdom, even in the face of deep pain and hopelessness

Questions to inspire discussion 

  • What challenges did the speaker face in 2014?

    The speaker faced personal challenges while attending a tough English teaching course in Bangkok, and later dealt with job loss, financial struggles, and personal and family crises.

  • How did the speaker receive spiritual guidance?

    The speaker received spiritual guidance through songs in their head and a listening skill taught by an Aboriginal shaman woman in Australia.

  • What did the oracle reveal to the students?

    The oracle revealed soul issues and advised on dealing with anger to the students in a subterranean cave.

  • How did the speaker overcome feelings of inadequacy?

    The speaker reframed negative evaluations as an opportunity for growth and committed to their own healing journey, ultimately overcoming feelings of inadequacy and mistrust.

  • What was the outcome of the speaker's journey?

    The speaker's journey led to landing a lecturer's position at the University of Melbourne, kickstarting an academic career leading to their current position as Associate Professor in China.

Key insights

  • 😈 Bowing before the Cruel Goddess can lead to courage, healing, and wisdom, even in the face of deep pain and hopelessness.
  • 🌪️ My return to Australia had been greeted with endless rejections from the university. Job applications I made – a rejection trend that had spanned almost a decade and included no less than 16 consecutive failed job interviews since I had gained my doctorate in 2006.
  • 🎶 The lyrics suggested to me that even though the feedback that I was getting from my teacher-trainers, was very, very critical. It was actually in my best interests. An act of love, even.
  • 🔪 The idea that one has to trust the goddess in these situations, so I present my hand to her.
  • 🌌 Sometimes God or Goddess will invite us into places that are frightening, which might be fearful, or even trigger trauma and suffering, with the intention of bringing us into deeper awareness of our soul issues.
  • 🌱 The realization that negative evaluations triggered feelings of inadequacy and shame, leading to a commitment to healing and self-compassion.
  • 🔪 When we stand at the feet of that Great Goddess, her powerful hand and sharp knife will slice through into our heart and soul, bringing the hands of Time to a standstill, and delivering us into the arms of eternity.




  • 00:00 🌑 Embrace the darkness and pain of the Cruel Goddess to find courage, healing, and wisdom in the depths of the human psyche.
    • 01:05 🌑 Facing personal challenges, job loss, financial struggles, and family crises, the speaker found strength and guidance from the Dark Goddess.
      • In 2014, the speaker faced personal challenges while attending a tough English teaching course in Bangkok.
      • Fired from job in China, returned to Australia with no savings, facing rejection from universities and dealing with personal and family crises.
    • 02:41 😔 Struggled with unsatisfactory grades in CELTA training due to different teaching approach, leading to resentment and depression.
      • 03:40 🌑 Embracing spiritual guidance through songs, receiving wisdom from a dream, and interpreting critical feedback as an act of love.
        • Received spiritual guidance through songs in my head, leading to a listening skill taught by an Aboriginal shaman woman in Australia.
        • The speaker received encouragement from song lyrics to continue the CELTA program and interpreted critical feedback as an act of love, while also receiving wisdom from a profound dream.
      • 05:45 🔮 Students receive spiritual readings from a female oracle in a subterranean cave, with the oracle revealing soul issues and advising on dealing with anger, and the giant oracle cuts the speaker's finger with a knife, but stops before causing serious harm, leading to a feeling of relief.
        • Students receive spiritual readings from a female oracle in a subterranean cave, with the oracle revealing soul issues and advising on dealing with anger.
        • The giant oracle cuts the speaker's finger with a knife, but stops before causing serious harm, leading to a feeling of relief.
      • 07:33 🌑 Confronting fears and trauma can lead to deeper awareness of self-limiting beliefs and emotional disconnection.
        • 08:53 🌑 Overcame feelings of inadequacy, reframed negative evaluations, landed lecturer position at University of Melbourne, now Associate Professor in China.
          • The speaker overcame feelings of inadequacy and mistrust by reframing negative evaluations as an opportunity for growth and committing to their own healing journey.
          • Returned to lesson preparations with renewed vigor, received excellent evaluations, passed remaining lessons and assignments, ultimately landing a lecturer's position at the University of Melbourne, kickstarting an academic career leading to current position as Associate Professor in China.
        • 10:56 🌑 Life is an opportunity to learn and awaken from the delusion of self, and ultimately we will all face the Great Goddess.

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