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Media, Patrick Bet-David, Relationships, Social media -

Patrick Bet-David is an entrepreneur, founder of Valuetainment, podcaster and author. Given that the world is in chaos, we would usually turn to our institutions and news organisations to make sense of what's happening. But trust in these institutions is as an all time low, so what can we do about it? Expect to learn why it’s actually important to have enemies, Patrick's thoughts on Ben Shapiro's new Snow White movie, what he thinks about Dana White's life philosophy, what it takes to actually impress people, why immigrants have such a strong work ethic, who actually runs the world, whether Tucker Carlson is going to break the internet and much more...

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Men's Rights, Relationships -

Chris and George TheTinMen discuss why there is a push to “cure” men of their masculinity? Why do people get so angry when you mention the difference between boys and men? Why is it so hard for men to find a positive role model according to George TheTinMen? Why are workshops popping up that help “cure” men of their masculinity? #masculinity #toxicmasculinity #mensrights

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Chris Willamson, Daniel Schmachtenberger, Sociology -

Daniel Schmachtenberger is a founding member of The Consilience Project and works in preventing global catastrophic risk. Having accurate sensemaking is a superpower in the 21st century. As the volume of information we need to sort through increases, the ability to distinguish signal from noise becomes ever more important. Given this, I wanted to ask Daniel exactly how he would advise someone to become an adept sensemaker. Expect to learn the characteristics that a good sensemaking agent should have, why the relationship between sense, meaning and choice making is so crucial, whether Daniel thinks that humanity is too emotional to reach our full potential, at what stage of personal actualisation we should begin to help the world and much more...

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Free speech, Gad Saad, Jordan B Peterson, Sociology, Woke Ideologies -

I'm truly honored and delighted to be re-training Jordan Peterson into being a better human being.

#satire #sarcasm #jordanpeterson #freedomofspeech #progressivism #socialmedia #feelings [Yes, this is a satirical piece.]

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Orion Taraban, Psychology, Shawn T. Smith, Sociology -

#psychology #women #relationship ------------------------------------- 1:7:15 2023-11-26T12:37:41Z

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