Gender Pronouns RSS

Gender, Gender Pronouns, Greg Koukl, Identity, Woke Ideology -

While people should be allowed to express their preferred pronouns, individuals should also have the choice to not disclose their pronouns if they prefer, and being authentic to one's own convictions is important   Questions to inspire discussion Proposed Guidelines for Schools 🏫Q: What do the new UK government guidelines propose for single-sex schools? A: The guidelines would allow single-sex schools in England to reject transgender pupils of the opposite biological sex, applying to both state and independent schools. 👥Q: How might these guidelines affect existing transgender students in single-sex schools? A: The guidelines could potentially impact all-girls and all-boys...

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Camille Paglia, Free speech, Freedom, Gender, Gender Pronouns, Modern feminism, Personal Autonomy, Relationships, Transactivism -

Political correctness and post-structuralism have negatively impacted academia and culture, leading to a decline in education and arts, and the need for a return to traditional values and a broader perspective on history and culture  Questions to inspire discussion  What is the impact of political correctness on art and culture? —The resurgence of political correctness has led to a decline in free speech and thought in art and culture, negatively impacting academia and the arts. How has post-structuralism affected academia? —Post-structuralism has destroyed the humanities and young women academics' voices, leading to a decline in the quality of scholarship and...

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