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Anti-Racism, Racism, Woke Ideology -

The racial victim pyramid categorizes individuals based on perceived victimhood, with a hierarchy that places black individuals at the top and white individuals at the bottom, while also highlighting the complexities of identity and the influence of racial backgrounds on victim status Questions to inspire discussion Racial Hierarchy System 🏆Q: How are victim points allocated in the racial hierarchy? A: White people have 0 points, Asians have 10-15 points, Hispanics have 30 points, and Black people have the highest at 35 points. 👥Q: How are biracial individuals categorized? A: Biracial people inherit points from their higher racial group parent, with...

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Anti-Racism, John McWhorter, Victimhood, Woke Ideology -

Professor John McWhorter, author of "Woke Racism," argues that condescending leftist ideology hurts black people. I learned a lot from this full, half-hour interview with Columbia linguist John McWhorter. He argues that "Woke Racism" hurts black people in many ways: from treating them as incapable of logic, to calling for abolition of tests, to insisting that violent kids stay in schools. He says that all these ideas are propped by a religion-like ideology that "requires that you sequester your brain for illogical thinking." ------------------------------------- 0:34:19 2023-07-09T11:10:57Z

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