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Herbert Ong, Jeff Lutz, Tesla -

Tesla's new Cybertruck launch and next generation vehicle will be game-changing, with innovations in materials, manufacturing processes, and affordability Questions to inspire discussion  What innovations does Tesla's new Cybertruck bring? —The Cybertruck introduces innovations in materials, manufacturing processes, and affordability, including a special ultra strong stainless steel alloy and a new manufacturing process called air bending. What challenges did Tesla face in producing the Cybertruck? —Tesla faced supply chain disruptions and manufacturing challenges, but successfully reinvented the process and built the Cybertruck in a short period of time. What is unique about the manufacturing process for the Cybertruck? —Tesla had...

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Dojo, Herbert Ong, Jeff Lutz, Tesla -

Tesla is pushing the boundaries of AI and supercomputing with the development of Dojo 2, aiming to build the world's biggest supercomputer by the end of next year, and setting high goals for performance and cost efficiency Questions to inspire discussion  Who is leading Tesla's DOJO supercomputer project? —Peter Bannon is the new leader of Tesla's DOJO supercomputer project, replacing the previous head, Ganesh Thind. What are Tesla's goals for the DOJO supercomputer? —Tesla aims to build the world's biggest supercomputer by the end of next year, focusing on performance and cost efficiency. What impact does the personnel movement have...

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Cybertruck, Herbert Ong, Jeff Lutz, Tesla -

Tesla's Cybertruck has the potential for high gross margins due to innovative technology, competitive pricing, and cost-cutting measures, despite initial high costs and low production volume  Questions to inspire discussion Why did Tesla's Cybertruck pricing disappoint fans and investors? —The higher prices are due to factors such as manufacturing costs and demand exceeding supply, which are discussed by a supply chain expert in the video. Will Tesla's Cybertruck margins be low due to high costs and low volume? —Some experts believe that demand will outstrip supply, leading to higher margins, despite initial high costs and low production volume. How has...

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