Tesla's Dojo 2 Supercomputer: Leading the AI Revolution

Dojo, Herbert Ong, Jeff Lutz, Tesla -

Tesla's Dojo 2 Supercomputer: Leading the AI Revolution

Tesla is pushing the boundaries of AI and supercomputing with the development of Dojo 2, aiming to build the world's biggest supercomputer by the end of next year, and setting high goals for performance and cost efficiency

Questions to inspire discussion 

  • Who is leading Tesla's DOJO supercomputer project?

    Peter Bannon is the new leader of Tesla's DOJO supercomputer project, replacing the previous head, Ganesh Thind.

  • What are Tesla's goals for the DOJO supercomputer?

    Tesla aims to build the world's biggest supercomputer by the end of next year, focusing on performance and cost efficiency.

  • What impact does the personnel movement have on Tesla's DOJO project?

    The personnel movement, including the departure of key figures, has led to concerns about the future of the DOJO project, but Tesla is focused on maintaining a strong leadership team.

  • Why is Tesla developing its own supercomputer instead of buying technology from Nvidia?

    Tesla is developing its own supercomputer to improve performance, reduce costs, and eliminate the need for Nvidia's high gross margins.

  • What is the significance of Pete Bannon leading Tesla's DOJO supercomputer team?

    Pete Bannon's expertise in arm-based processors and custom AI-driven chips makes him a valuable leader for Tesla's billion-dollar DOJO supercomputer project. 

Key Insights

  • 🔋 Tesla is already designing Dojo 2 to take their performance to the next level and improve their cost structure and footprint.
  • 🚗 The advanced processor in Tesla's supercomputer dojo is crucial for training the AI necessary for autonomous car functionality, making it a significant development in the modern processor and AI community.
  • 💻 Elon Musk is focused on staying ahead of the curve with performance and cost, aiming to build the world's biggest supercomputer by the end of next year.
  • 🎯 Dojo needs to hit massive targets, and Elon is pushing for incredible goals, showing the urgency and high expectations for the supercomputer project.
  • 🔋 The 48 volt architecture in Tesla's hardware 4 computer is a big deal for the auto industry, with power consumption running under 100 watts.
  • 🚗 There's no other inference computer with the level of performance and power consumption driving around in another vehicle, making Tesla's DOJO a first of its kind in the industry.
  • 🧠 The competition for talent in AI is fierce, with top minds moving between companies to gain more experience and expertise.


#Tesla #Dojo 


  • 00:00 🚗 Tesla's Dojo supercomputer project has a new leader, Peter Bannon, as Ganesh Vataman and Tim Zamon departed, raising concerns about the future of self-driving technology.
    • Ganesh Vataman left Tesla, Peter Bannon was promoted, and Tim Zamon also departed, leading to concerns about Dojo's future, but it may be due to Elon Musk's demand for urgency.
    • Tesla is currently in the production phase of Dojo 1, with plans to ramp up and design Dojo 2 to improve performance and reduce costs.
    • Tesla's head of the Dojo supercomputer project has been replaced by Peter Bannon, potentially impacting the development of self-driving technology.
  • 02:51 🚗 Tesla's billion-dollar DOJO supercomputer, used for training AI data for autonomous cars, has a new leader, Peter Bannon, an expert in arm-based processors and custom AI-driven chips.
    • Tesla's supercomputer program named dojo, used for training AI data for autonomous car functionality, has a new leader, Peter Bannon, after the departure of the previous head, Ganesh Thind.
    • Peter Bannon, an expert in arm-based processors and custom AI-driven chips, will be the new leader of Tesla's billion-dollar DOJO supercomputer.
  • 04:52 🚀 Peter Bannon, known for his work on 48 volt architecture, is now leading Tesla's DOJO supercomputer team, as Tesla aims to build the world's biggest supercomputer by next year.
    • Peter Bannon is the long-term replacement for Mark German and has a great reputation in the community for his work on the 48 volt architecture.
    • The leader of Tesla's DOJO supercomputer is credited for the design and architecture of the self-driving computer in Teslas.
    • Pete Bannon is now leading Tesla's DOJO supercomputer team, and Tesla continues to attract top talent and aims to build the world's biggest supercomputer by next year.
  • 07:44 🚀 Tesla brings on Pete Bannon to lead the Dojo supercomputer, emphasizing the importance of bench strength for competitiveness.
    • Tesla's movement of personnel is standard, but they need to be ready for turnover, and the key for Tesla is their bench strength to stay competitive.
    • Elon Musk has high expectations for the Dojo supercomputer and has brought on Pete Bannon to lead the project.
  • 09:23 🚗 Tesla's custom design chip for full autonomy was developed over 18 months and is now being implemented in their vehicles.
    • 10:56 🚗 Tesla's new leader is focused on silicon and system design for sensors in the car, while developing a new DOJO supercomputer to improve performance and eliminate the need for Nvidia's technology.
      • Tesla's new leader is focused on silicon and system design for sensors in the car, including crash detection and advanced features, and has recently worked on a game-changing 48 volt architecture for the auto industry.
      • Tesla's new DOJO supercomputer has impressive performance and power efficiency, with a focus on speed and innovation, leading to questions about why Tesla is not just buying the technology from Nvidia.
      • Tesla is developing a new supercomputer with tighter integration and lower costs, aiming to improve performance and eliminate the need for Nvidia's high gross margins.
    • 13:37 🚀 Tesla's highly tenured team and strong culture ensure continued success despite the departure of the head of Dojo, with key figures still with the company and crucial positions in the Bay Area.
      • Pete Bannon led the unique and impressive development of Tesla's DOJO supercomputer, and despite the departure of the head of Dojo, the company's deep bench and strong culture ensure continued success.
      • Tesla's new CFO, investor relations, business development, supply chain, and CIO have significant tenures, with some being there for 11 years, and there is breaking news that a key figure is still with the company.
      • Tesla's key positions in the Bay Area, including vehicle design, powertrain, battery, supply chain, and software, have significant tenure and are crucial for the company's success.
      • Tesla's highly tenured team has worked together for a long time, allowing for efficient processes and a strong bench of leaders.
    • 17:43 🚀 Tim Zamon leaves Tesla for Google's Deep Mind, showcasing the fierce competition for AI talent, but Tesla remains strong with a solid leadership team and comprehensive resources for investors.
      • Tim Zamon, who previously worked at Tesla and Nvidia, is now joining Google's Deep Mind, highlighting the competitive nature of recruiting top talent in the AI industry.
      • Tim's departure is regrettable for Tesla, but they have a solid leadership team and are building a great bench, and the speaker has created a comprehensive resource for Tesla investors on their website.

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