The Rise of Woke Young Women: Factors and Influences

Eric Kaufmann, Jordan B Peterson, Propaganda, Woke Ideology -

The Rise of Woke Young Women: Factors and Influences

Young women are more woke and progressive due to a variety of factors including their emotional attachments to marginalized groups, the influence of ideologies and sensitivity, and the expansion of victim and victimizer narratives

    Questions to inspire discussion

    • Why are young women more woke and progressive?

      Young women prioritize absolute equality and emotional safety, driven by emotional attachments to marginalized groups rather than a set of ideas.

    • What factors influence young women to adopt woke beliefs?

      Low verbal intelligence, female temperament, politically correct courses, and increased female domination in the University system are predictors for adopting woke beliefs.

    • What ideologies influence young women to be more woke?

      Young women are influenced by Marxism, postmodernism, and liberal progressivism, leading them to support a woke moral order and show compassion based on their ideology.

    • How are young women influenced by Tik Tok?

      Young women are being influenced by Tik Tok and are increasingly occupying majority positions in university institutions, which presents a new social problem.

    • How has the education system shifted in relation to woke beliefs?

      The education system has shifted in a big way, with radical ideas now being scaled up and present in every school.

    Key Insights

    • 🌍 The definition of woke is the making sacred of historically marginalized race, gender, and sexual identity groups, leading to a fuzzy folk ideology.
    • 🌈 The narrative of victim and victimizer now plays out along multiple dimensions, including race, gender, and sexuality.
    • 🔍 The influence of Marxism, postmodernism, and liberal progressivism is shaping the woke mindset of young women.
    • 🚺 The increasing female domination in humanities and social sciences may be a contributing factor to the rise of woke culture among young women.
    • 🚺 Women are less likely than men to support using violence to prevent somebody from speaking, but more likely to oppose offensive speakers on campus.
    • 🚺 The rise of female-dominant institutions in the last 30 years presents a new and historically unprecedented social problem that needs to be examined.
    • 👩‍🎓 Women reflect the dominant ethos in society, reinforcing the ideology of the elites.
    • 👩‍🎓 Young women are seeing critical race theory everywhere and feel it's the way to be a good moral person.

    #Woke #Sociology #FemalePropaganda

    XMentions: @DrJordanBPeterson @HabitatsDigital @epkaufm


    • 00:00 👩 Young women are more woke because they prioritize absolute equality and emotional safety, driven by emotional attachments to marginalized groups rather than a set of ideas.
      • The definition of woke is the making sacred of historically marginalized race, gender, and sexual identity groups, leading to a fuzzy ideology where offending these groups results in being canceled.
      • Young women are more woke because they prioritize absolute equality and emotional safety, and their ideology is driven by emotional attachments to marginalized groups rather than a set of ideas.
    • 02:44 👩 Young women are more woke and progressive due to the expansion of the victim and victimizer narrative, politically correct authoritarianism, and the influence of Marxism, postmodernism, and liberal progressivism.
      • The narrative of victim and victimizer has expanded to include multiple dimensions of inequality, and there is a group of ideas called politically correct authoritarianism that deviates from the liberal progressivist ethos by being willing to use compulsion and force.
      • Low verbal intelligence, being female, having a female temperament, and taking politically correct courses are predictors for adopting woke beliefs, which may be influenced by the increased female domination in the University system.
      • Young women between the ages of 18 and 34 are more woke and progressive, influenced by Marxism, postmodernism, and liberal progressivism.
    • 05:34 👩‍🎓 Young women are more woke due to the increasing female domination in humanities and social sciences, with a shift towards liberalism among 18-year-old women since 2004.
      • 06:58 🚺 Women are less likely than men to support violence to prevent someone from speaking, especially when it comes to offensive speech on campus.
        • 08:13 👩 Young women are more woke due to their influenced ideology and sensitivity, while men are more likely to be contrarians.
          • Women are more likely to support a woke moral order and show compassion based on the ideology they have been influenced by, while men are more likely to be contrarians.
          • Young women, particularly those who are childless, are more woke due to their sensitivity and maternal instinct.
        • 10:18 👩‍🎓 Young women are becoming more socially aware, possibly due to Tik Tok and their increasing presence in universities, while political donations shifted towards the Democrats in 2004.
          • Young women are being influenced by Tik Tok and are increasingly occupying majority positions in university institutions, which presents a new social problem.
          • Political donations shifted towards the Democrats around 2004, possibly due to George W. Bush's populist style cultural conservatism not aligning with elite opinion formers.
        • 12:27 👩 Young women are more woke due to their reflection of the dominant ethos in society and the influence of factors like hypergamy and age, as well as the presence of radical ideas in the education system.
          • Women reflect the dominant ethos in society and would be at the forefront of any shift against wokeism, with their support of the dominant ideology of the elites possibly being influenced by factors like hypergamy and age.
          • The education system has shifted in a big way, with radical ideas now being scaled up and present in every school.
        • 14:12 👩 Young women are exposed to critical race theory concepts in school and institutions, leading them to believe it is the way to be a good moral person. 




        Publication Date: 2024-06-09T07:40:48Z


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