The Trap of Delusions: Why Smart People Believe Stupid Things

Intelligence, Sociology, Stupidity -

The Trap of Delusions: Why Smart People Believe Stupid Things

Humility and curiosity are essential for seeking truth and avoiding the trap of delusions, especially for intelligent individuals 

Questions to inspire discussion 

  • What are the implications of intelligent people believing in stupid things?

    Intelligent people believing in stupid things can have serious implications for education and society, as they may use their intelligence to rationalize and justify discrimination.

  • Why are highly intelligent individuals prone to bias?

    Highly intelligent individuals are more likely to display political bias and exhibit greater bias when presented with polarizing subjects, despite their ability to objectively evaluate statistical data, leading to the question of what makes intelligent people prone to bias.

  • What is the role of curiosity and humility in combating bias?

    Curiosity and humility are essential in combating bias and directing intellect towards objective truth, as they help individuals to approach information with an open mind and a willingness to learn.

  • How do smart people use their rhetorical skills to spread counterintuitive arguments?

    Smart people from elite institutions use their powerful rhetorical skills to spread counterintuitive arguments, which then become widespread in society, influencing public opinion and beliefs.

  • Can education alone prevent intelligent people from falling into cognitive traps?

    Education can help limit motivated reasoning, but only if accompanied by character development, as the root of the problem lies in irrational goals rather than intelligence or learning.

Key Insights

  • 🤔 Many delusions prey not on dim minds but on bright ones, with serious implications for education, society, and individuals.
  • 🧠 Human intelligence evolved less as a tool for pursuing objective truth than as a tool for pursuing personal well-being, tribal belonging, social status, and sex.
  • 🌐 The more counterintuitive the argument, the more it spreads from individuals to institutions to societies.
  • 🤔 The problem of runaway rationalization is not just a disorder of today's woke intellectuals but of educated people of any persuasion at any time.
  • 🔍 Curiosity is the desire to fill gaps in knowledge, and it is the strongest countermeasure against bias.
  • 🤔 Humility and curiosity are what we most need to find truth by seeking one, we also seek the other.
  • 🌱 Be open to the possibility that you may be wrong and always be willing to change your mind, especially if you're smart by being humble and curious.


#Sociology #Intelligence #Stupidity 



  • 00:00 🧠 Highly intelligent individuals can believe in stupid things and display political bias, raising questions about what makes smart people prone to bias.
    • Smart people can believe in stupid things, and this has serious implications for education and society.
    • Highly intelligent individuals are more likely to display political bias and exhibit greater bias when presented with polarizing subjects, despite their ability to objectively evaluate statistical data, leading to the question of what makes intelligent people prone to bias.
  • 01:51 🧠 Intelligent people are better at convincing themselves of things they want to believe rather than things that are actually true, due to the evolution of human intelligence and the means by which goals are pursued.
    • Intelligence in AI research is not just about being intelligent, but also about being effective in pursuing a specific goal, and the means by which a goal is selected is distinct from the means by which it is pursued.
    • Human intelligence evolved to pursue personal well-being and social status, leading to the adoption of irrational beliefs, and intelligent people are better at convincing themselves of things they want to believe rather than things that are actually true.
  • 04:12 🧠 Smart people spread counterintuitive arguments, like wokeism, which promotes identitarian ideology and rejects objectivity in favor of social justice, using logically unsound arguments to normalize obesity and argue that fighting obesity is white supremacy.
    • Smart people from elite institutions use their powerful rhetorical skills to spread counterintuitive arguments, which then become widespread in society.
    • Wokeism, an identitarian ideology, reduces the world to oppressor-victim relations and rejects objectivity in favor of promoting social justice, using logically unsound arguments to normalize obesity and argue that fighting obesity is white supremacy.
  • 06:45 🧠 Woke beliefs among cultural elites serve as a social signaling strategy, despite being irrational and often harmful.
    • Gender studies was created to normalize transgenderism and gender non-conformity through dubious arguments, such as the claim that sex is a spectrum, which is an elaborate case of the univariant fallacy.
    • Woke beliefs, prevalent among cultural elites, are intelligent but not rational, serving as a strategy for social signaling and increasing social status, despite often hurting those in need.
  • 09:04 🧠 Smart people have historically rationalized discrimination, as seen with Samuel Cartright diagnosing escaped slaves with a mental disorder, showing that intelligence does not prevent falling into cognitive biases and logical fallacies.
    • Smart people throughout history have used their intelligence to rationalize and justify discrimination, as seen in the case of American physician Samuel Cartright who diagnosed escaped slaves as suffering from a mental disorder that could be remedied by whipping them, showing that the problem of rationalization is not limited to today's intellectuals.
    • Intelligent people are susceptible to cognitive biases and logical fallacies, and teaching them about these concepts may not necessarily prevent them from falling into the same traps.
  • 11:27 🧠 Education alone is not enough to combat irrational beliefs; character development, curiosity, and humility are essential in directing intellect towards objective truth.
    • Education can help limit motivated reasoning, but only if accompanied by character development, as the root of the problem lies in irrational goals rather than intelligence or learning.
    • Curiosity and humility are essential in combating bias and directing intellect towards objective truth.
  • 13:04 🤔 Define yourself by your willingness to learn, be humble, and curious to seek truth, as rationality is about character, not intelligence.
    • 14:35 🧠 Be open to the possibility of being wrong, always be willing to change your mind, and prioritize humility and curiosity over winning arguments. 


    Duration: 0:15:39



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