Why Do People Ignore The Disadvantages Of Men?

Men's Rights, Relationships -

Why Do People Ignore The Disadvantages Of Men?

Society needs to challenge the negative stereotypes and treatment of men, promote empathy, and have open discussions about masculinity in order to address the disadvantages faced by men

Questions to inspire discussion

  • Why does the speaker identify as George?

    The speaker identifies as George to allow for a fluid selection of ideas within a community rather than an individual's mind.

  • Why is understanding individuals' experiences crucial?

    Understanding individuals' experiences is crucial in promoting empathy and challenging hatred.

  • Why do people hold beliefs against men?

    People may hold beliefs against men because it is politically popular and they ignore information that suggests men may be disadvantaged.

  • Why has the right dominated the conversation with men?

    The right has dominated the conversation with men due to a lack of positive role models and inspiration for men to improve themselves.

  • Why is toxic masculinity a problem perpetuated by all of society?

    Toxic masculinity is a problem perpetuated by all of society, including women, and we should all be accountable for the way men are treated and valued. 

Key insights

  • 🤔 Challenging established ideas can create an identity crisis for individuals whose community, friends, job, and lifestyle are built around a specific set of beliefs.
  • 😮 Understanding the experiences and journeys of individuals can help us empathize with their perspectives and challenge our own biases.
  • 💔 The lack of support and resources for male victims of domestic violence and homelessness is concerning and needs to be addressed.
  • 💁‍♂️ "If women have a problem, we say what can we do to fix Society. If men have a problem, we say what should men do to fix themselves."
  • 🤔 Toxic masculinity is being compared to the historical pathologization of female distress, suggesting that it may be a similar case of labeling and treating a natural aspect of gender as a problem to be fixed.
  • 😮 The historical practice of pathologizing women's distress as a problem to be solved, such as through masturbation therapies, is shocking and disturbing.
  • 🤷‍♂️ The concept of toxic masculinity puts the problem inside of men, while patriarchy puts men inside of the problem, raising questions about accountability and the way society values men.
  • 🧬 Humans are "grandchildren optimizing machines," meaning that our evolutionary drive is focused on optimizing the success of future generations rather than just our own.
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  • 00:00 🤔 People get angry when the truth about men facing disadvantages is discussed because their identity and livelihood are built around certain political beliefs.
    • 01:03 📺 Changing one's identity is difficult, so the speaker avoids aligning with any political movement and instead identifies as George, allowing for a fluid selection of ideas, as opinions exist within a community rather than an individual's mind, and understanding the experiences that shape individuals is crucial in promoting empathy and challenging hatred.
      • Changing one's identity is difficult, so the speaker avoids aligning with any political movement and instead identifies as George, allowing for a fluid selection of ideas, as opinions exist within a community rather than an individual's mind.
      • To change someone's mind about important issues like domestic and sexual violence, one must either disassociate from their community or change the entire community's mindset, as understanding the experiences that shape individuals is crucial in promoting empathy and challenging hatred.
    • 02:49 📺 Most people who hold beliefs against men ignore information that suggests men may be disadvantaged, such as in cases of domestic violence and homelessness, and are unwilling to confront their own masculinity.
      • Most people who hold beliefs against men do so because it is politically popular and they ignore information that suggests men may be disadvantaged, such as in cases of domestic violence and homelessness.
      • People are unwilling to put in the effort to overcome the dissonance of confronting their masculinity.
    • 04:54 📺 The lack of positive male role models has made it difficult for those on the left to find inspiration and improve themselves.
      • The right has dominated the conversation with men because there has been a lack of positive role models and inspiration for men to improve themselves.
      • It is difficult for those on the left to find a positive male role model, as demonstrated by a moment in which the speaker's interlocutor struggled to suggest someone other than their own brother-in-law.
    • 06:50 👨‍🏫 Men are expected to fix themselves when they have problems, while women's problems are seen as societal issues, and society celebrates traditionally masculine traits in women but not in men.
      • 07:35 📺 Toxic masculinity is pathologized and treated as a problem to be fixed through expensive workshops, similar to how female distress was pathologized in the past, but it is a problem perpetuated by all of society and we should all be accountable for the way men are treated and valued.
        • Toxic masculinity is being pathologized and treated as a problem to be fixed through expensive and ineffective workshops, similar to how female distress was pathologized in the past.
        • Female distress was pathologized and treated as a problem to be solved, with masturbation therapies being suggested as a cure, leading to the pathologization of female distress instead of listening to it.
        • Toxic masculinity is a term that wrongly places the blame solely on men for societal issues, when in reality, it is a problem perpetuated by all of society, including women, and we should all be accountable for the way men are treated and valued.
        • Mothers were found to perpetuate harmful gender stereotypes onto their children, particularly disapproving of boys breaking gender stereotypes, while fathers did not seem to have a preference, possibly due to mothers spending more time with children.
      • 11:54 📺 Women desire attractive sons to optimize future generations, highlighting the need for better communication about masculinity.
        • Women have an innate desire to have attractive sons because they understand that more dominant and prestigious men have better mating outcomes, as they are essentially optimizing for future generations.
        • People want to live in denial and there is a need to improve the communication surrounding the topic of masculinity.
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