The Dangerous Impact of Woke Ideology on Liberalism | Carl Benjamin

Carl Benjamin, Social Bias, Social Dynamics, Social media, Sociology, Woke Ideology -

The Dangerous Impact of Woke Ideology on Liberalism | Carl Benjamin

The media and government are using ideology and manipulation to prioritize minority representation over merit and qualifications, leading to a dangerous and pernicious demand for ideological conformity

Questions to inspire discussion 

  • What is the speaker discussing in the video?

    The speaker discusses the dangers of woke ideology and its impact on society.

  • How does the media frame individuals?

    The media uses sly tactics to frame individuals as bad people, poisoning the public's understanding of them.

  • What is the speaker's view on wealth redistribution?

    The speaker believes wealth redistribution is unfair and ultimately evil.

  • What is the impact of mass immigration?

    Mass immigration leads to overpopulation, straining infrastructure, and stagnating wages.

  • How does the speaker feel about the left's philosophy?

    The speaker felt alienated from the left and rejected its philosophy.

Key Insights

  • 🤔 The media knows that people don't read past the headlines, so they use bold and misleading headlines to poison the public's perception of individuals.
  • 🚨 The government deems characterizations as racist, misogynist, or homophobic as criminal, leading to a dangerous and pernicious ideological demand.
  • 📰 The media has been captured by ideology and is acting in the best interest of the managerial elite, not the general public.
  • 📺 The BBC and Channel 4 prioritize minority representation over merit and qualifications in their programming decisions.
  • 🤔 "The world they're trying to bring into existence is probably going to be terrible and so I think they should be stopped."
  • 💰 The left's innovation is to make it so that we all have the same wealth, which is actually a really evil prospect if you think about it.
  • 🌍 Liberalism will always find the minority more legitimate than the majority, causing a differential in recognition and making the minority a locus of morality.
  • 🤯 Intersectionality, or wokeism, has been successful in conquering liberal thought by strong-arming recognition for marginalized groups.


#Woke #Sociology

XMentions: @hereticsclips @Sargon_of_Akkad


  • 00:00 🚨 The speaker discusses the dangers of woke ideology, media poisoning public opinion, and the persecution of individuals for their opinions and characterizations.
    • The speaker discusses the dangers of the woke ideology and how it has led to the cancellation of individuals who do not conform to its demands.
    • Russell Brand has been accused of doing horrible things, but without a conviction, YouTube was wrong to take away his ability to earn on its platform.
    • The media's job is to poison public opinion and make society hostile, leaving no relief from persecution.
    • The media, particularly left-wing, uses sly tactics to frame individuals as bad people, poisoning the general public's understanding of them.
    • The public was manipulated to view a comedian as a Nazi without knowing the full context of the situation.
    • Police in the UK have the incentive to police the internet, leading to people being persecuted for their opinions and characterizations, which is dangerous and pernicious.
  • 10:20 📺 The media's shift towards serving the interests of the elite has led to frustration and alienation among the British public, with little representation for right-wing perspectives.
    • The evolution of profanity from religious to bodily to identity-based words reflects a shift in societal values and the protection of mental well-being.
    • The media played a role in uncovering the actions of Epstein and Savile, with social media and American journalists contributing to the exposure of their crimes.
    • The media, instead of holding those in power accountable, has been captured by ideology and is now serving the interests of the managerial elite, rendering anyone challenging the status quo as an enemy of the state.
    • The media is predominantly left-wing, with little representation for right-wing perspectives, leading to frustration and alienation among the British public.
    • People in the art world push books based on ideology without considering what the public wants, and they never question why they believe it's a good thing.
    • The speaker discusses the lack of representation for the average British person in the BBC and the pressure to have minorities on screen.
  • 18:25 🔑 Liberalism's focus on equality has led to neglect of fairness, as wealth redistribution and denying opportunities based on race are seen as unfair and ultimately evil.
    • The speaker felt alienated from the left and realized that the left's philosophy was not aligned with his beliefs, leading him to reject it.
    • The left's idea of wealth redistribution to make everyone equal is not fair and ultimately evil, as it means those who do no work are entitled to the same as those who do.
    • Liberalism's focus on equality and homogenization has led to the neglect of the importance of fairness and individual experiences.
    • A white man was denied a police course opportunity based on his race, which is unfair and doesn't require a massive ideological apparatus to understand.
    • Advantages and privileges are not necessarily unfair, and fairness is about deserving what you have, not just having it.
    • Unfairness does not justify taking away what someone has earned, and there is not always a direct connection between someone's privilege and another person's disadvantage.
  • 24:14 🔍 The push for fairness through a left-wing lens results in reducing education for everyone, while fairness through a non-left wing lens could mean charity and helping others without taking away from someone else.
    • The speaker questions the unfair advantage of private school education and the desire to abolish private schools.
    • The push for fairness through a left-wing lens results in reducing education for everyone, while fairness through a non-left wing lens could mean charity and helping others without taking away from someone else.
    • The speaker discusses the value of hard work and the concept of fairness in the world, referencing the liberal philosopher John Rawls and his veil of ignorance thought experiment.
    • The speaker argues against the idea of using Godlike power to redistribute wealth in order to eliminate unfairness.
    • The problem with the liberal mindset is that politicians don't understand the impact of their decisions on people's lives and the limits of what they can control.
    • The speaker discusses the concept of transcending biscuits and the soggy biscuit game.
  • 30:34 📺 Liberalism has shifted to the left, prioritizing minority issues over majoritarian concerns, leading to a lack of representation for the average English working family.
    • Wealthy individuals have an interest in paying taxes to prevent people from dying on the streets, but total redistribution of wealth is not the solution.
    • South America has a history of left-wing politics, with a nationalistic left that is different from the left in the UK.
    • Liberalism emerged from English tradition focused on the rights and liberties of Englishmen, and was later abstracted into the rights of man by legal philosophers like Blackstone and John Locke.
    • The French Revolution's universal rights of man and citizen were imposed on different societies, rendering them illegitimate, leading to a destructive and totalizing approach in France.
    • Liberalism's desire for a more open society has led to a crusading aspect and a shift towards progress, causing a divide between the forces of tradition and progress.
    • Liberalism has shifted to the left, prioritizing minority issues over majoritarian concerns, leading to a lack of representation for the average English working family.
  • 39:06 🔥 Liberalism's focus on accommodating minority identities has led to the rise of wokeism and potential downfall, while the speaker questions the hierarchy of race and the exclusion of certain groups.
    • Society has become too sensitive to jokes, and the speaker questions the hierarchy of race and the exclusion of certain groups.
    • Liberalism's internal logic of valuing liberty and equality has led to the rise of wokeism and the constant need to recognize and accommodate an increasing number of minority identities, causing liberalism to be unable to stand still and potentially leading to its downfall.
    • In Argentina, older people are more accepting of transgender individuals, but there is a language barrier in understanding the nuances of the issue compared to England.
    • Liberalism doesn't have a monopoly on traditional values, and being called right-wing shouldn't be seen as an insult.
    • The speaker believes in virtue ethics and questions the authority of taking away the rewards of hard work, while also discussing the value of charity in helping those in less fortunate positions.
    • Mark Zuckerberg donated to build a hospital in San Francisco, but unlike in a Kirby Enthusiasm episode, he didn't name it after himself.
  • 49:48 🔑 Exporting societal responsibilities to the state weakens civil society, leading to a lack of accountability and focus on addressing poverty, while mass immigration has led to economic destruction.
    • Exporting societal responsibilities to the state weakens civil society, leading to a collapse of community involvement and the need for civil servants, resulting in a lack of accountability and a focus on addressing poverty and difficulties.
    • Poverty is relative and cannot be eradicated, as people will always compare their standard of living to others.
    • The free market inhibits property ownership and allows for the movement of money and labor, leading to unfair advantages for rich countries.
    • Mass movement of people to rich countries leads to high housing costs and depressed wages, creating a buyer's market for employers.
    • Mass immigration is not normal for most countries, and the fact that it is considered extreme to stop immigration reveals a lot about the current societal position.
    • Mass immigration has led to overpopulation, straining infrastructure, increasing healthcare costs, and stagnating wages, ultimately destroying the country economically.
  • 56:27 🔍 Kelly Osborne criticized for comment, speaker emphasizes value of entry-level jobs, defends Tommy Robinson against unfair labels, encourages evidence against himself.
    • Kelly Osborne made a comment that was taken out of context and criticized by others, highlighting the hypocrisy of the situation.
    • The speaker discusses the devaluation of entry-level jobs and the lack of willingness to do them, emphasizing the importance of gaining life experience through such work.
    • The speaker discusses their experience working at kids' camps and how being busy helps them avoid thoughts of death.
    • Tommy Robinson has been unfairly maligned for representing working-class English interests and is treated the way he is due to class and representation issues.
    • Tommy Robinson has been unfairly labeled as a racist for criticizing Islam, but there is no evidence to support this claim.
    • The speaker encourages people to look into the actions of Carl and send evidence if he has made derogatory comments, but no one has provided any evidence.



0:00 Carl Benjamin Highlights

0:01:10 Russell Brand vs Cancel Culture

0:04:10 Media Trying to Poison You

0:06:10 Count Dankula / Mark Meechan

0:07:10 US vs UK Freedom of Press

0:09:40 The way swear words changed

0:11:40 Savile & Epstein: Do We Need Trial By Media?

0:14:00 Does the Left Run The Media?

0:16:40 Andrew’s Story & Elon Musk

0:18:05 Carl’s Journey From Left to Right

0:20:10 Carl & Andrew Debate Fairness

0:23:10 Woke / Left Wing ‘Fairness’

0:29:50 You Don’t Want People Dying on the Street

0:31:10 What ‘Liberal’ Actually Means

0:38:10 Jokes About Minorities

0:42:40 Trans Ideology Madness

0:44:10 Carl as Right Wing as It Gets

0:46:10 But Hitler…

0:49:10 How to Help the Impoverished

0:52:40 Why Immigration is Not Normal

0:55:30 Kelly Osborne’s Faux Pas

0:57:10 Carl Cleaning Toilets, Andrew Building Rockets

0:59:40 A Heretic Carl Admires

1:02:10 Islamism (Software vs Hardware)


Duration: 1:6:9

Publication Date: 2024-06-05T09:38:57Z



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