The Real Reason Why The Government Attacks The Manosphere

Manosphere, Politics, Woke Ideology -

The Real Reason Why The Government Attacks The Manosphere

The manosphere is being targeted for censorship not due to its offensive content, but because it is successfully influencing disenfranchised minority men to shift their political allegiance towards the Republican Party, highlighting a growing societal divide


Questions to inspire discussion 

Political Impact

🗳️Q: Why is the manosphere content being banned?
A: The real reason is that it causes minority men (Black, Hispanic, Asian) to vote Republican, which is politically inconvenient for the left, not due to offensiveness or protection of women.

🔄Q: How is the manosphere affecting political affiliations?
A: It's a highly conservative political movement causing minority men to switch to the Republican party, which is infuriating to the left.

Movement Characteristics

💰Q: What makes the manosphere unique as a political movement?
A: It's a self-sustaining political movement that requires zero funding but is converting people from one political party to another, which is extremely rare and highly effective.

Effectiveness and Reach

🔍Q: How effective is the manosphere in influencing political views?
A: The manosphere is converting people from one political party to another without any funding, making it an extremely rare and highly effective political movement.


Key Insights 

Political Impact

🗳️The manosphere is described as a highly conservative political movement that is causing minority men (Black, Hispanic, Asian) to switch to the Republican party, which is reportedly infuriating to the left.

🔄This movement is characterized as a self-sustaining political force that requires zero funding yet is effectively converting people from one political party to another, which is noted as extremely rare.

Censorship Motivations

🚫The speaker suggests that the real reason for banning manosphere content is not due to offensiveness or protecting women, but because it causes minority men to vote Republican, which is politically inconvenient for the left.

Movement Characteristics

💪The manosphere is described as a conservative movement that is highly effective in influencing voting patterns, particularly among minority men.

🔁It's portrayed as a unique political phenomenon due to its ability to sustain itself without funding while successfully shifting party allegiances.


#Woke #Manosphere #Politics

XMentions:  @SartainPodcast


  • 00:00 🗳️ Manosphere content is banned not for being offensive, but because it influences minority men to vote Republican.
    • 00:33 🧐 A growing divide between liberal women and conservative men is leading authorities to target mid-tier content creators, reflecting deeper societal tensions.
      • 01:27 🗳️ Disenfranchised men, particularly poor minorities, are shifting their political allegiance as they seek stable relationships and family life.
        • 02:12 🗳️ The manosphere thrives as a self-sustained political movement, drawing attention and converting individuals across party lines, especially during election cycles.
          • 03:06 💰 Influencer media is lucrative, yet some face legal troubles over Russian ties and financial misconduct, while DNC's Progressive Victory funds perceived party shills.
            • Influencer media is highly profitable, but some prominent figures are facing legal issues related to Russian influence and financial misconduct.
            • Progressive Victory, a DNC political action committee, funds individuals perceived as shills for the Democratic Party, similar to conservative counterparts.
          • 04:20 💬 Russia's invasion of Ukraine is a disastrous failure, provoking significant backlash against those who criticize it.
            • 05:03 🤔 The ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia is misrepresented in U.S. politics, overshadowing the fundamental issues of self-defense and international relations.
              • 05:54 💰 Tim P claims he earns $100,000 to $200,000 per episode, arguing that his audience's engagement justifies higher pay compared to others.


              Duration: 0:6:25


              Publication Date:2024-09-25T12:41:16Z


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