Why Does No One Trust The Media Anymore? - Patrick Bet-David

Media, Patrick Bet-David, Relationships, Social media -

Why Does No One Trust The Media Anymore? - Patrick Bet-David

Trust and authenticity are crucial in various aspects of life, including relationships, media, and leadership, and questioning everything and considering different perspectives can help eliminate blind spots and make better decisions

    Questions to inspire discussion

    • How can choosing the right enemy help achieve success?

      Choosing the right enemy can bring out a side of you that you weren't aware existed, just like love, and utilizing negative emotions like hate and fear can be potent fuel for motivation, but it's important to not let it consume you for too long.

    • What factors drive individuals to achieve great success?

      Unconditional love, experiencing unbelievable pain from someone you love, and choosing your enemies wisely are the three key factors that drive individuals to achieve great success.

    • How does competition impact success in sports?

      Competition in sports and success in the NBA are determined by different mindsets, with examples of players like Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan, and relying on resentment and enemies is not a sustainable strategy for long-term success.

    • How can trust and authenticity be built in the media?

      Authenticity and trust in the media are built through genuine honesty, owning mistakes, and being open, as exemplified by Dana White, who is seen as a trustworthy figure, and the perception of oneself as either exceptional or inadequate is often exaggerated.

    • Why are people turning to alternative sources like podcasts for information?

      People have lost trust in mainstream media and the government, and they are turning to alternative sources like podcasts to hear different perspectives and make sense of the world.

    Key Insights

    Leadership and Success

    • 📚 "When you study the people that do something very big, we're talking about some interesting people. Today you and I have somebody we both respect a lot, Robert Green."
    • 😮 The biggest obstacle we have to overcome is often the voice inside our own head, which has become our own worst enemy.
    • 🔥 The potent fuel of pain and negative emotions can be utilized for motivation, but it should be used wisely and not for too long to avoid negative consequences.
    • 🏀 The mindset of a true competitor goes beyond just wanting to compete, but rather wanting to dominate and be number one, which sets them apart from others.
    • 🎥 The story of Churchill's leadership during World War II shows that sometimes leaders have to make tough and unconventional decisions to ensure victory.
    • 💼 Steve Jobs' leadership style evolved over time, transitioning from a startup mentality to a more collaborative approach, as seen in his partnership with Microsoft and his focus on taking Apple to the next level.
    • 🎲 People's true nature is revealed through their repeated beliefs, actions, and behaviors, and eventually, they will receive what they deserve.
    • 💎 The true value lies in friendships, relationships, self-confidence, peace of mind, and positively impacting others, not in material possessions.

    Media and Information Trust

    • 🤔 Be skeptical and question both sides of a story to eliminate blind spots and become sharper.
    • ⏰ With the potential for a world war, it becomes crucial for individuals with a large platform to comment on significant events.
    • 🌍 The trust in mainstream media and the government in America is at an all-time low, with only 27% of people trusting the information they provide.
    • 😱 The length of podcasts, such as Joe Rogan's three-hour episodes, challenges the notion that people's attention spans are too short for longer content.

    Authenticity and Trustworthiness

    • 🎙️ Dana White's authenticity shines through in his press conferences, where he speaks his mind without sounding scripted or contrived, making him a refreshing figure in the media.
    • 😎 Dana White's authenticity and honesty make him incredibly likable and trustworthy, even without any personal stake in him.
    #Media #SocialMedia #Sociology 


     00:00 📚 Choosing the right enemy can bring out a hidden side of you and fuel motivation, as discussed in "Choose Your Enemies Wisely" and exemplified by Elon Musk, while studying competition is crucial for success.

      • Everyone has enemies, but when you want to achieve something big, you need to choose your enemies wisely because people want you to do well, just not better than them.
      • The biggest obstacle we often face is not external, but rather the voice inside our own heads, and just like love, having an enemy can bring out a side of us we've never seen before.
      • Choosing the right enemy can bring out a side of you that you weren't aware existed, just like love, and utilizing negative emotions like hate and fear can be potent fuel for motivation, but it's important to not let it consume you for too long.
      • Unconditional love, experiencing unbelievable pain from someone you love, and choosing your enemies wisely are the three key factors that drive individuals to achieve great success.
      • Elon Musk's ability to choose his enemies wisely and possess traits of insufficiency, superiority, and focus are discussed in relation to the concept of competition versus enemies in the book "Choose Your Enemies Wisely."
      • The speaker discusses the importance of studying competition and highlights the downfall of companies like Kmart while emphasizing the success of Walmart and its founder, Sam Walton.
    • 22:24 📚 Logic and emotion play a role in trust, while the speaker also mentions a science-backed electrolyte drink, and leadership can be categorized into dominance and prestige, with examples of individuals like Churchill, Kobe Bryant, and Michael Jordan, and teaching young girls that boys who show interest in them are dangerous creates a generation of fragile, narcissistic, and fearful girls.
      • Logic and emotion play a role in trust, and controlling emotion can lead to a different perspective, while the speaker also mentions a science-backed electrolyte drink.
      • Competition in sports and success in the NBA are determined by different mindsets, with examples of players like Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan, and relying on resentment and enemies is not a sustainable strategy for long-term success.
      • Churchill's willingness to use unconventional tactics and his determination to do whatever it takes to win during wartime made him a respected leader, despite some negative opinions during peacetime.
      • Leadership can be categorized into dominance and prestige, and individuals must evolve and outgrow their enemies as they mature and progress in their careers.
      • Tucker Carlson and Ben Shapiro are both driven by personal motivations and enemies, with Tucker seeking to defy his critics and raise money, while Ben engages in feuds and discusses moral issues.
      • Teaching young girls that boys who show interest in them are dangerous creates a generation of fragile, narcissistic, and fearful girls, leading to a wasted life and loneliness.
    • 38:07 📺 Disney's recent flops and poor decisions by former CEO Bob Iger have led to a loss of trust from parents and viewers, while the media's manipulation tactics have made people skeptical, emphasizing the importance of true character and quality prevailing; the current dating scene is criticized for being transactional, and the decline of trust in online dating sites highlights the need for personal referrals and relationship history for successful marriages, with the speaker also discussing the importance of early conversations about relationships and sex with kids, and the benefits of using Shopify for online businesses.
      • Disney has been experiencing a series of flops, which is not a good look for potential buyers like Apple, and Bob Iger, the former CEO of Disney, made poor decisions and lost the support of parents and legacy viewers.
      • The media company Daily Y is built on identifying and opposing enemies, but its success and long-term sustainability will depend on whether others can continue with the same level of passion and if the market chooses them.
      • People are skeptical of the media because they are aware of tactics used to manipulate perception, and ultimately, true character and quality will prevail over temporary success.
      • The current dating scene is being demonized because it is seen as transactional and strategic, with people using dating apps for casual hookups and not forming genuine connections.
      • The speaker discusses the devaluation of relationships and the decline of trust in online dating sites, highlighting the importance of personal referrals and a history of relationships for successful marriages.
      • The speaker discusses the importance of having conversations with kids about relationships and sex at an early age, and also mentions the benefits of using Shopify for online businesses.
    • 52:36 📺 People should value principles, relationships, and positive impact over material possessions, and authenticity and trust in the media are built through honesty and owning mistakes, as exemplified by Dana White, while also considering different perspectives in politics.
      • People should be impressed by values, principles, and how people treat others, rather than material possessions, as true value lies in friendships, relationships, self-confidence, peace of mind, and positively impacting others.
      • The scarcity of pineapples in the past made them valuable, but just because something is difficult to obtain does not mean it is inherently valuable, and people should be cautious about chasing possessions solely because they are hard to get.
      • Dana White's leadership and authenticity have made UFC successful, and he has shown resilience and determination during the COVID-19 pandemic.
      • Authenticity and trust in the media are built through genuine honesty, owning mistakes, and being open, as exemplified by Dana White, who is seen as a trustworthy figure, and the perception of oneself as either exceptional or inadequate is often exaggerated.
      • The speaker discusses the importance of capitalism and hearing both sides in politics, using the example of the Israel-Palestine conflict to highlight the need for asking critical questions and considering different perspectives.
      • Why is Egypt not taking in more refugees from Palestine and Gaza?
    • 01:14:52 🔍 Question everything, be skeptical, and entertain both sides of an idea to eliminate blind spots and become sharper, as people have lost trust in mainstream media and are turning to alternative sources like podcasts to hear different perspectives and make sense of the world.
      • Question everything, be skeptical, and entertain both sides of an idea to eliminate blind spots and become sharper.
      • Is it necessary for individuals with a large platform to comment on every issue, such as the Israel-Palestine conflict, or can they choose to remain silent if they have been consistent in their approach to other topics?
      • People who lack understanding and expertise should refrain from giving opinions on topics they are not knowledgeable about, as it only adds to the noise rather than contributing to meaningful discussions.
      • Certain groups on the internet want people to comment on things but only if they support their side, and in podcasting, a successful host is a triple threat who can give perspective and opinion, entertain, and be willing to change their views.
      • There is a lack of trust in the media, and people are looking for different perspectives, but it is important to have expertise and consistency in order to be credible.
      • People have lost trust in mainstream media and the government, and they are turning to alternative sources like podcasts to hear different perspectives and make sense of the world.
    • 01:30:01 📺 Mainstream media heavily relies on older generations and pharmaceutical advertising, causing a decline in talent and compromising integrity, while personalities like Chris Cuomo are finding success outside of traditional media; late night hosts struggling with authenticity and attention spans, and immigrants outpacing average Americans due to mindset and work ethic.
      • Mainstream media relies on the support of older generations and pharmaceutical advertising, and if the president were to ban pharmaceutical ads, it would greatly impact their revenue and force many media personalities to find new careers.
      • Mainstream media's talent heavily relies on writers, and the industry's decline would result in 90% of that talent being lost, creating a perverse incentive for commentators to compromise their integrity to protect their wages.
      • Chris Cuomo, formerly of CNN, was fired and now has a pending lawsuit against CNN, causing people's perception of him to change, and he is now a free agent with his own podcast and merchandise.
      • Robert Downey Jr. FaceTimed the speaker's kids, who were devastated when Iron Man died, and the speaker discusses how Tucker Carlson is now thriving because he is finally free to express his opinions on mainstream media.
      • Anamorphic lenses are used to shoot videos with a short wide image, and it is exciting to see late night hosts struggle to hold conversations over Zoom, as it showcases the battle of ideas and authenticity, which is more interesting than scripted performances, although it is difficult to keep people's attention for long periods of time, as proven by the market, and the speaker shares a personal experience of firing a marketing expert who advised them to keep videos under 13 minutes, but their first viral video was over 60 minutes long,
      • Many immigrants who come to America with little money outpace the average American because they have a different mindset and work ethic, and it is important for parents to have conversations with their children about wealth and estate planning to avoid raising spoiled and entitled kids.
    • 01:44:23 📺 The speaker discusses the negative consequences of America's bad policies, such as incentivizing single parenthood, and suggests solutions like estate planning and lowering the voting age, while emphasizing the importance of high standards and expectations in parenting.
      • The speaker discusses the tension between wanting to give his children opportunities while also recognizing the importance of going through hardships, and highlights the increase in single motherhood in America due to policies and incentives.
      • America's bad policies, such as incentivizing single parenthood and not holding individuals accountable, have led to negative consequences like crime, and the speaker suggests that estate planning, living trust, and even lowering the voting age to 14.5 for those who have contributed to society could help address these issues.
      • Spending $100 billion on Ukraine instead of building walls has negative consequences for Americans, and the speaker wants his kids to be close to him for the rest of his life.
      • Messi moved into a community causing chaos, while a family next door has created a structured environment where their children and grandchildren are respectful and adhere to standards such as earning straight A's to have a phone or a car.
      • Having high standards and expectations, along with a strong belief in their children, is more important than pity or sympathy from parents, as it fosters respect and success in the long run.
      • The speaker discusses the importance of having a combination of a gentle parent and a parent who pushes for excellence, using personal anecdotes to illustrate this dynamic.
    • 01:55:31 💡 Paranoia can be a valuable advantage in business, but the burden of leadership is necessary for society's protection; people in power may engage in questionable behavior driven by control and ambition, while the tension between self-love and high standards arises from the desire for genuine love and fair exchange in relationships.
      • The speaker discusses the importance of a combination of tough coaching and belief in oneself for success, the negative effects of fatherlessness in homes, and the tension between success and becoming soft, as exemplified by David Goggins choosing to do smoke jumping instead of lucrative speaking gigs.
      • Paranoia can be a valuable competitive advantage in business, but the burden of responsibility and leadership is not a sexy sell, yet it is necessary for the protection and stability of society.
      • People in positions of power and influence, such as billionaires and apex predators, may engage in questionable behavior driven by their desire for control and ambition, often disregarding the consequences and negatively impacting others.
      • Some people in positions of power prioritize control and making decisions for others, while others seek power through creating laws and believing they know what's best; there are various organizations where powerful individuals gather, such as the G20, UN, and NATO, but some argue that the real power lies behind these organizations, and power itself can be addictive like a form of "power porn."
      • The tension between self-love and high standards arises from the desire for genuine love based on who we are, rather than what we do, while also recognizing the transactional nature of relationships and the need for fair exchange.
      • Choosing the right allies and running mates, who have a balance of selfishness and selflessness, is crucial for success and trust in relationships, as true believers are rare but valuable.

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