Jordan Peterson Reveals Chilling Science of Evil

Dave Rubin, Jordan B Peterson, Sociology -

Jordan Peterson Reveals Chilling Science of Evil

Ordinary people have the potential to commit horrific acts of violence and genocide, and it is important to stand up for one's nation and defend culture, laws, and founding to prevent such atrocities

Questions to inspire discussion

  • What is the importance of standing up for one's nation?

    Standing up for one's nation is important to prevent horrific acts of violence and genocide, and to defend culture, laws, and founding principles.

  • Why is it important to defend culture and laws?

    Defending culture and laws is important to prevent atrocities and maintain the integrity of a nation's identity and values.

  • Can ordinary people commit acts of violence and genocide?

    Yes, ordinary people have the potential to commit horrific acts of violence and genocide if they do not stand up for their nation and its principles.

  • What is the significance of preventing atrocities?

    Preventing atrocities is crucial to maintaining peace and stability within a nation and preventing the loss of innocent lives.

  • How can individuals contribute to preventing violence and genocide?

    Individuals can contribute to preventing violence and genocide by standing up for their nation, defending its culture and laws, and advocating for peace and justice.

Key Insights

  • 😱 Many of the people involved in the Nazi atrocities were perfectly Ordinary People, suggesting that the vast majority of people in Nazi Germany went along with it.
  • 🔍 The terrifying initiation of a police Battalion from Germany into committing atrocities in Poland.
  • 🔫 The chilling transformation of ordinary men into cold-blooded killers through peer pressure.
  • 🌍 "We have a culture worth defending and laws worth defending, or much worse people will come and do unspeakable things."
  • 🔥 The West is at a critical moment where the choice of which way to go will determine the future.



  • 00:00 🤯 Ordinary people became genocidal Nazis, as evidenced by the majority of people in Nazi Germany going along with it.
    • 00:48 💡 Ordinary men, not indoctrinated Nazis, were able to commit evil acts in Poland despite being given the option to go home with no repercussions.
      • 01:32 💀 Loyalty to peers led men to commit horrific acts of violence.
        • 01:56 🤔 Stand up for your nation and let it be for your people.
          • 02:08 🔥 Defend culture, laws, and founding to prevent unspeakable acts by worse people.
            • 02:34 🤯 Most people think they wouldn't have been Nazis, but Jordan Peterson explains that they probably would have been.
              • 03:04 💀 People can do horrible things to each other, and society is at a turning point where we must choose which way to go.

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