Uncovering the Truth Behind DEI Initiatives with Dr. Phil and Pastor James Ward Jr

DEI, Dr. Phil, Relationships, Woke Ideologies -

Uncovering the Truth Behind DEI Initiatives with Dr. Phil and Pastor James Ward Jr

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives are important for businesses, but they may only treat the symptoms of deeper societal issues related to power and control


Questions to inspire discussion 

  • Are DEI initiatives effective in all industries?

    No, they do not work in performance-based industries like the NBA and NFL.

  • What is the issue at the heart of the new civil war in America?

    The issue of justice is at the heart of the new civil war in America.

  • What does Eric suggest DEI initiatives should be renamed to?

    Eric suggests they should be renamed to EMC (Equality, Merit, and Color-blindness).

  • What does EMC stand for?

    EMC stands for Equality, Merit, and Color-blindness.

  • What does Eric refer to as contemporary DEI or critical social justice?

    Eric refers to EMC as contemporary DEI or critical social justice.


Key Insights

  • 🤔 "Our country is getting more and more diverse if you look at the census. In the next couple of decades. White people will no longer be the majority so D and is one of the most significant and important aspects of HR."
  • 🤔 "We're looking at diversity as bringing in different backgrounds, whether that is industry experience, race, gender, sexual orientation."
  • 💼 Employee engagement and candidate interest in diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives are important factors in the success of businesses.
  • ⚖️ DEI treats the symptom but not the sickness, and America is in a new civil war concerning ideologies of justice.
  • 🤔 "Teaching Standard English to black kids was seen as a form of racism because you're asking them to speak white."
  • 🤔 "How do you create a quality of outcome when people aren't the same?"
  • 🤔 "It's about control. It's about power. We got through D and I don't think we ever got to I."


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XMentions: @DrPhil


  • 00:00 🎙 America is in a new Civil War and diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives are crucial for organizations to effectively work together and value all individuals.
    • 01:40 🎙 Diversity initiatives should focus on broadening perspectives and backgrounds, not just meeting quotas for race and gender representation.
      • 03:22 📺 Diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives have shown success in increasing employee engagement and are important to candidates, despite conflicting studies on their effectiveness.
        • 04:41 🔍 DEI initiatives don't work in performance-based industries like the NBA and NFL, and the issue of justice is at the heart of the new civil war in America, suggesting renaming it to EMC (Equality, Merit, and Color-blindness) as contemporary DEI or critical social justice.
          • DEI initiatives need to work everywhere, but they do not work in performance-based industries like the NBA and NFL, and the issue of justice is at the heart of the new civil war in America.
          • Eric suggests that DEI initiatives should be renamed to EMC (Equality, Merit, and Color-blindness) and refers to it as contemporary DEI or critical social justice.
        • 06:36 🗣 Minorities are being taught that demanding merit hurts them, but instead of getting rid of merit, we should help them acquire the resources they need, and black students should be taught Standard English.
          • 07:28 🎙 Teaching Standard English to black kids is not a form of racism, but rather a tool for success, and contemporary DEI initiatives cannot work without prescriptive racism.
            • 08:54 🤝 Equity is not the same as equality; it's about leveling the playing field for everyone, even if they start at different points.
              • 10:10 🎙 DEI initiatives are trying to create equality of outcome, but the speaker advocates for more intentional programs that reach a broader audience and emphasizes the importance of meritocracy.



                Duration: 0:11:34

                Publication Date: 2024-04-22T11:49:36Z

                WatchUrl: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJaMcOVyDNI


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