Psychology RSS

Evolutionary Psychology, Orion Taraban -

While evolutionary psychology can be incredibly useful in explaining much of modern mating and dating preferences, it fails, in my opinion, to adequately appreciate the influence of status on intersexual dynamics. The standards of attractiveness fluctuate (somewhat) from generation to generation and from culture to culture; however, what remains constant is the collective selection of some subset of partner traits considered to be "desirable." Attracting a partner with more of these traits -- irrespective of how arbitrary or superficial those traits might be -- generally redounds to increased survival and prosperity.

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Lesley Timbol -

Social anxiety disorder causes significant anxiety in everyday interactions, but it can be treated with therapy and medication, as well as by challenging negative thoughts, practicing mindfulness, and making lifestyle changes.   Questions to inspire discussion What is social anxiety disorder? —Social anxiety disorder causes significant anxiety in everyday interactions, leading individuals to worry about embarrassing themselves and fear being judged negatively by others. What are the physical symptoms of social anxiety disorder? —Physical symptoms of social anxiety disorder include blushing, fast heartbeat, trembling, sweating, nausea, trouble breathing, muscle tension, and blank mind, making it difficult to endure social situations....

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Personal Development -

Subscribe for Motivational Videos Every Weekday, Helping You Get Through The Week! 👈 Follow us on Mindset app for free and get the best motivational speeches to start your day right. Follow us on: Instagram: Facebook: Speaker: Jordan Peterson YouTube: Twitter: Donation Link: Buy His Books 12 Rules of Life: An Antidote to Chaos - Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief - ----------------------------------------­­------------------------- Footage licensed through Filmpac, RawFilm, Artgrid, and Videoblocks. Audio Licensed through AudioJungle & Various Partnerships ----------------------------------------­­------------------------- YouTube Disclaimer: We own commercial licenses for all the content used in this video and it was fully edited by us. Help us caption & translate this video!

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Alex Hermozi, Futurework, Productivity, Worker Productivity -

The key idea of the video is that starting tasks immediately, working hard, and finding fulfillment in challenging tasks can lead to increased productivity, happiness, and a fulfilling life.   KEY INSIGHTS Starting is the perfect condition for work, as the moment you begin working is when your output per unit of time goes up. The speaker has compressed the time between thinking about starting a task and actually starting it, resulting in increased productivity. The key to success is putting in the work, as cutting corners or trying to dress it up will only result in being reminded that the...

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Psychology -

People who like to be alone have some amazing qualities. Natural introverts are better than extroverts at certain things. If you are consistently saying to yourself "I am alone", this message may be for you. Sources:   Surprising Benefits of Being an Introvert   Signs You’re an Introvert   The Curious Social Advantages of Being an Introvert   Seven Reasons to Be Proud to Be an Introvert Chief Editor: Tristan Reed Voice Over: Troy W. Hudson For Troy: Music from

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