Lesley Timbol RSS

Lesley Timbol, Motivation, Psychology -

Are you motivated all the time? I know I’m not. Regardless of your sport, athletes often find it challenging to train or practise when they just don’t feel like it. Do they just grin and bear it? Or is there another choice?

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Lesley Timbol, Mental Health, Psychology -

Every athlete wants to be the best in their sport so why do so many athletes struggle achieving their true potential? After all, they want to make improvements so they feel motivated but what’s missing? Check out the answer in this video.

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Lesley Timbol -

Social anxiety disorder causes significant anxiety in everyday interactions, but it can be treated with therapy and medication, as well as by challenging negative thoughts, practicing mindfulness, and making lifestyle changes.   Questions to inspire discussion What is social anxiety disorder? —Social anxiety disorder causes significant anxiety in everyday interactions, leading individuals to worry about embarrassing themselves and fear being judged negatively by others. What are the physical symptoms of social anxiety disorder? —Physical symptoms of social anxiety disorder include blushing, fast heartbeat, trembling, sweating, nausea, trouble breathing, muscle tension, and blank mind, making it difficult to endure social situations....

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