How to Truly Reach Your Athletic Potential

Lesley Timbol, Mental Health, Psychology -

How to Truly Reach Your Athletic Potential

Athletes can reach their full potential by setting clear, challenging goals, developing an action plan, pushing themselves out of their comfort zones, and focusing on being the best version of themselves


Questions to inspire discussion 

  • How can athletes reach their full potential?

    Athletes can reach their full potential by setting clear, challenging goals, developing an action plan, pushing themselves out of their comfort zones, and focusing on being the best version of themselves.

  • What is the key to reaching full potential?

    The key to reaching full potential is setting clear, challenging goals and developing an action plan to achieve them.

  • Why is pushing out of comfort zones important?

    Pushing out of comfort zones is important for athletes to grow and improve their skills, ultimately reaching their full potential.

  • What should athletes focus on to be their best?

    Athletes should focus on being the best version of themselves in order to reach their full potential.

  • How can athletes develop an action plan?

    Athletes can develop an action plan by breaking down their goals into smaller, manageable steps and setting deadlines for each step.

Key Insights

  • 🏋️‍♂️ Many athletes get stuck at a performance level because their wishes outweigh their actions.
  • 🏋️‍♂️ Elite athletes push themselves to be their best by setting clear, challenging goals and developing an action plan to achieve them.
  • 🔥 Pushing oneself out of their comfort zones, especially when setbacks occur, is essential for growth and improvement in sports.
  • 🏆 To be your best, you must give your best in preparation, training, practices, and competitions.
  • 🏆 Focus on being the best version of yourself instead of comparing yourself to others who you think are doing better.


#Psychology #MentalHealth #LesleyTimbol 


  • 00:00 🏋️ Athletes struggle to reach their potential because they lack intentional actions, meaningful goals, and an action plan.
    • 00:45 🏅 Strive for constant improvement through practice, nutrition, mental and strength training, and setting clear, challenging goals to reach your athletic potential.
      • 01:34 🏆 Consistently challenge yourself, mentally prepare, seek feedback, objectively evaluate, learn from mistakes, compete under pressure, and stay committed to reach your athletic potential.
        • 02:15 💪 Dedication, discipline, and commitment to physical, technical, and mental self-improvement are essential to reaching your athletic potential.
          • 02:43 🏆 Commit to being your best every day, create a personal motto, and remind yourself of it during training and competitions to reach your athletic potential.
            • 03:21 🏋️ Share this video with others to help the channel grow, and watch "how athletes move on from mistakes" for more strategies.


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