The Most Crucial Step in Judging Someone is to Determine Their Character-Robert Greene

Personal Development, Psychology, Robert Greene -

The Most Crucial Step in Judging Someone is to Determine Their Character-Robert Greene

Do not judge people based on their external characteristics, but rather on their character and behavior

Questions to inspire discussion

  • What is the most important thing to consider when judging people?

    The most important thing to consider when judging people is their character.

  • What should we look for in people's behavior to judge their character?

    Look for patterns in people's past behavior to judge their character.

  • How is technology affecting our ability to understand people?

    Technology is making us more primitive and less able to understand people.

  • What can help us understand others better?

    Understanding people's non-verbal communication can help us understand them better.

  • How should we approach judging people based on their external characteristics?

    Don't take appearances for reality when judging people based on their external characteristics.


Key insights

  • 💭 People can be very good at deceiving you with charm, flattery, or a brilliant resume, so it's crucial to look beyond surface appearances when judging someone.
  • 🤝 Understanding human nature and having superior social sense is more valuable than a glittering resume when judging someone's character.
  • 🔄 Humans have compulsive behavior and are compelled to repeat the same mistakes over and over again, making it crucial to pay attention to patterns and trends in people's actions.
  • 🧠 We often react to situations based on deep-seated emotions from our childhood, rather than the present moment.
  • 🤔 Most of the time, you're not really listening to people and you judge them based on your own problems, without truly understanding or being interested in them.
  • 🎭 People's extreme qualities often mask their opposite qualities, revealing their deep insecurities and vulnerabilities.


#MentalHealth #PersonalDevelopment 


  • 00:00 🤔 Judge people based on their character, not their details.
    • Realize that determining people's character is the most important thing to do when judging them.
  • 00:49 👍 Hire people with strong character who are adaptable, empathetic, and have a good work ethic.
    • Choose people with strong character who are adaptable, empathetic, and have a good work ethic.
  • 02:20 🤔 Look for patterns in people's past behavior to judge their character.
    • People tend to repeat the same mistakes, so look for patterns in their past behavior to judge their character.
  • 03:33 🧬 Our behavior is shaped by genetics, early relationships, and our environment.
    • Our behavior is a mix of inherited traits, early attachments, and interactions with people who shape our view of ourselves.
  • 04:57 🤔 Technology is making us more primitive, leading to negative outcomes.
    • Despite living in the most sophisticated time in history, technology is making us more primitive and less able to understand people, leading to poor hiring decisions and other negative outcomes.
  • 05:45 🤔 Get to know others better than you know yourself.
    • People are more complex than we think and we should be more interested in them than ourselves.
  • 06:31 🤔 Understanding non-verbal communication can help you better understand others.
    • People communicate non-verbally, and understanding this hidden language can help you understand others better.
  • 07:57 🤔 Don't judge a book by its cover.
    • People often mask their weaknesses with an opposite quality, so don't take appearances for reality.


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