The Impact of Selfie Culture on Women's Mental Health

Chris Willamson, Louise Perry -

The Impact of Selfie Culture on Women's Mental Health

The pressure for women to receive compliments on their selfies can impact their mental health

    Questions to inspire discussion 

    • Why do women post selfies?

      Women post selfies for validation and support from other women, seeking the same validation in return.

    • How do luxury goods relate to women's mental health?

      Women buy luxury goods as a signal of their mate's investment and to compete intersexually, which can impact their mental health.

    • What influences women's struggle with mental health?

      The pressure to maintain a youthful appearance to attract men and intersexual competition to appear high status are contributing factors.

    • How does intersexual competitiveness affect women's behavior?

      Women with high intersexual competitiveness are more likely to sabotage the attractiveness of other women, such as recommending more hair to be cut off in a salon setting.

    • What impact does the expectation of validation have on women's mental health?

      The expectation of receiving validation on their selfies can contribute to mental health struggles for women.

    Key Insights

    • 👀 The expectation for women to receive compliments on their selfies creates pressure and can impact mental health.
    • 👀 Looking well-groomed is about signaling to girls and gays, who are the ones actually receiving the signals.

    #Women #MentalHealth  


    • 00:00 👩 Women have a bottomless desire for beauty treatments, and the beauty industry is driven by technological innovation, leading to a ratcheting up of beauty standards.
      • 01:21 💅 Women spend a lot of money on beauty treatments, but technological advancements have improved the quality and longevity of these treatments.
        • 02:45 👩 Women are facing increased pressure to enhance their appearance due to intersexual competition, leading to mental health struggles.
          • 04:21 🚺 Women seek validation through selfies and luxury goods, contributing to mental health struggles, while men are insensitive to these signals.
            • Women post selfies for validation and support from other women, but the expectation of receiving the same validation back can contribute to mental health struggles.
            • Women buy luxury goods as a signal of their mate's investment and to compete intersexually, while men are insensitive to these signals.
          • 06:09 🚺 Women's mental health struggles are influenced by pressure to maintain youth and attractiveness, as well as intersexual competition for status.
            • Women with high intersexual competitiveness are more likely to sabotage the attractiveness of other women by recommending more hair to be cut off in a salon setting.
            • Women's struggle with mental health is influenced by the pressure to maintain a youthful appearance to attract men and the intersexual competition to appear high status in other ways.
          • 08:15 👩 Women's fashion trends are driven by the overrepresentation of gay men in the industry, leading to a preference for androgynous looks, but Victoria's Secret has decided to go back to using hot models.
            • 09:30 👗 Lululemon used to only stock small sizes, but changed due to financial reasons, now featuring plus-sized models.
              • 10:26 💤 Get a good night's sleep with premium, sustainable bamboo bedding from Cozy Earth, with a 35% discount using the code "modern wisdom 35" at checkout.



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