The Future of Technology: Impact on Labor, Economy, and Society | Tony Seba

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The Future of Technology: Impact on Labor, Economy, and Society | Tony Seba

Disruptive innovations in technology, such as humanoid robots and electric vehicles, will lead to significant changes in labor, economy, and society, posing both opportunities and challenges for the future

Questions to inspire discussion

  • What are the predictions about the future of electric vehicles?

    The video discusses accurate predictions made by Tony Seba and his team about the future of EVs, which the media has not reported on.

  • What is the potential impact of humanoid farm robots on jobs?

    Elon Musk warns about the imminent disruption of physical labor by humanoid farm robots, raising concerns about the potential impact on jobs.

  • What is the cost of labor for humanoid robots?

    Humanoid robots are predicted to enter the market at a cost of under $10 an hour for labor, potentially making it difficult for humans to compete.

  • How will advancements in technology affect global labor?

    Technological advancements will lead to disruption of global labor, with Tesla aiming to capitalize on this by developing humanoid robots.

  • What are the potential implications of humanoid robots on national security?

    Advancements in technology could allow smaller nations to become more economically self-sufficient and less dependent on foreign trade, potentially posing challenges to national security.


Key Insights

The impact of humanoid robots on labor and the economy

  • 🐎 According to Tony Seba, we are on the cusp of a new disruption where humans are about to be replaced by robots, just like horses were.
  • 🔋 Humanoid robots can learn at a pace a billion times faster than any human being in history, including Elon Musk and Albert Einstein.
  • 💰 Tony Seba predicts that humanoid robots will cost under $1 an hour before 2035, potentially making it impossible for humans to compete in the job market.
  • 🔮 By the 2040s, humanoid robots will be able to do virtually anything a human can do and much more, potentially replacing jobs in various fields.
  • 🤖 Humanoid robots fundamentally change the equation of available labor, unleashing a torrent of productivity as tasks previously performed by humans can now be done more cheaply by robots.
  • 🤖 Humanoid robots could potentially replace physical labor by humans as quickly as the disruption X curves illustrated earlier for planning and investment purposes.

The rapid pace of technological disruption and its implications for society

  • 🧠 The world is changing at the fastest pace in human history, and it's better to be educated and informed about real substance rather than rotting your brains with disinterested media.
  • 🌍 Farming and the internet were not just improvements, but entirely new paradigms that created vastly larger and more capable systems of energy, transportation, food, and information.
  • 🌍 The marginal cost of labor will rapidly approach zero, leading to an enormous increase in GDP and the complete eradication of poverty.
  • 💡 As the cost of labor falls, the cost of everything else will also decrease, leading to drastically improved quality of all manufactured goods.
  • 💰 The sweeping implications of the inevitable explosion in productivity and material superabundance from humanoid robots mean that the returns to society at large on investment in them are nothing short of staggering.
  • 🔥 The disruption of human labor by humanoid robots will be like hosing gasoline on an already roaring inferno, accelerating the deployment of foundational disruptions in energy, transportation, and food sectors.


XMentions: @TheEVKing @Tesla @TonySeba @adam_dorr @HabitatsDigital @GoingBallistic5 @DrKnowitAll16 @SalimIsmail @PeterDiamandis


  • 00:00 🚨 Tony Seba's accurate predictions about the future of EVs and Elon Musk's warning about humanoid robots disrupting labor indicate a concerning direction for the world.
    • Tony Seba has made predictions about the future of EVs and the media is not paying attention.
    • Tony Seba and his team have made accurate predictions about the future of EVs, which the media has not reported on, and their recent predictions reveal the true direction of the world, which is concerning.
    • The rapid transformation of transportation from horses to automobiles in the 20th century followed a characteristic pattern of adoption and abandonment of technology.
    • Elon Musk is warning about the imminent disruption of physical labor by humanoid farm robots, and people should be very concerned about the potential impact on jobs.
    • Invest in the convergence of technologies creating humanoid robots with powerful artificial intelligence that can disrupt human labor at a pace a billion times faster than any human being.
    • Technological advancements will lead to disruption of global labor, with Tesla aiming to capitalize on this by developing humanoid robots, leading to the need for universal basic income as predicted by Elon Musk.
  • 07:15 🤖 Humanoid robots with a 10x cost reduction will disrupt human labor, potentially making it difficult for humans to compete in the global economy.
    • Technology has historically led to disruption when it enables a 10 times or greater cost reduction, driving sweeping transformations across human life.
    • Humanoid robots will soon be able to provide more value at a fraction of the cost of human labor, making them competitive in a substantial fraction of the global economy.
    • Tesla plans to sell a Tesla bot for the price of a car, and humanoid robots are predicted to enter the market at a cost of under $10 an hour for labor, potentially making it difficult for humans to compete.
    • Humanoid robots will eventually be able to do virtually anything a human can do and more, and will be cheaper and more capable with each passing day, leading to the inevitable disruption of a substantial fraction of human labor.
  • 12:28 🚀 Disruptive innovations like solar, wind, and autonomous electric vehicles will lead to new energy, transportation, and labor systems, increasing GDP and eradicating poverty.
    • Disruptions from new technologies are often mocked at first, but they can lead to entirely new and larger systems with new properties and business models.
    • Farming and the internet were disruptive innovations that created larger and more capable systems of energy, transportation, food, and information, and now a new paradigm shift is happening again.
    • Solar wind and batteries, autonomous electric vehicles, precision fermentation, cellular agriculture, and humanoid robots will create entirely new energy, transportation, food, and labor systems.
    • The speaker predicts a rapid increase in GDP and production worldwide, with the marginal cost of labor approaching zero, leading to the eradication of poverty and a significant increase in the standard of living for all people.
  • 16:28 🚗 The cost and efficiency of electric vehicles will improve rapidly over the next 10 years, leading to cheaper products and services.
    • Disruptions require new metrics, as seen with the shift from incandescent light bulb power consumption ratings to LED light bulb lumens and color temperature ratings.
    • The value of jobs will change to be based on tasks and the disruption of labor can only be understood by analyzing tasks as the correct unit of analysis.
    • The cost and efficiency of electric vehicles will improve rapidly over the next 10 years, leading to cheaper products and services.
    • As the cost of labor falls and humanoid robots are deployed at scale, the quality of virtually all manufactured goods will tend to improve, leading to a sweeping tide of supply-driven deflationary pressure across the global economy.
  • 20:47 💡 Elon Musk is shifting focus from EVs to creating humanoid robots to revolutionize industries and economies, supplanting physical labor by humans.
    • Robots have no limits in skill and attention to detail, leading to increased productivity and the potential for a technological singularity.
    • Humanoid robots will change the labor equation, allowing for explosive growth in productivity and the performance of tasks more cheaply.
    • Humanoid robots will revolutionize industries and economies, potentially wiping out China's manufacturing advantage and allowing nations to massively expand their workforce and grow their economy.
    • Elon Musk is pivoting Tesla to focus on creating workers that can produce anything, as it takes a significant amount of time and money to raise and educate a child for the workforce.
    • Humanoid robots can be added to the workforce quickly and at a low cost, and their deployment is expected to supplant physical labor by humans.
  • 26:12 🚀 America needs to urgently invest in humanoid robots for future productivity and prosperity, as advancements in technology could pose challenges to national security and lead to the rise of larger and more capable robot armies.
    • Advancements in technology could allow smaller nations to become more economically self-sufficient and less dependent on foreign trade, potentially posing challenges to national security.
    • In the future, nations and non-state actors will be able to raise humanoid robot armies that are larger and more capable than today's largest armies, with clear and unequivocal military implications.
    • America is behind in the electric car race and needs to urgently invest in humanoid robots for the inevitable explosion in productivity and overall prosperity.
  • 30:02 🤖 Societies need to aim for robots in every home and business to increase productivity, leading to advancements in energy, transportation, and food sectors, ultimately solving major societal problems.
    • Societies need to aim for robots in every home and business to increase productivity, and experimentation and incentive programs are needed to encourage adoption of the technology.
    • Humanoid robots will disrupt human labor, leading to advancements in energy, transportation, and food sectors, ultimately increasing prosperity and solving major societal problems.
    • Retirement, aging populations, climate change, and global challenges are driving the need for prosperity and problem-solving capacity through the disruption of labor, energy, transportation, and food.
    • Advancements in AI, robotics, solar panels, self-driving cars, and plant-based meat will lead to a period of unprecedented prosperity, with a focus on the importance of manufacturability and the rapid deployment of humanoid robots.
    • Humanoid robots will be the initial focus of AI-driven robotics due to the existing infrastructure and the need for large-scale data gathering for AI training.
    • Rapid deployment of humanoid robots requires significant investment in R&D, manufacturing capacity, and infrastructure to accelerate production and deployment.
  • 38:01 🤖 Technological unemployment is inevitable, leading to a shift in the workforce and the potential for one person to run a billion dollar company with the assistance of AI, creating widespread public concern and the need for a stable and just transformation across society.
    • Technological unemployment is inevitable, but there is a window to prepare for it as the demand for labor exceeds supply, with history showing that labor has evolved to remain complementary to capital despite technological advancements.
    • Humanoid robots will initially complement human workers, but their capabilities will eventually surpass those of humans, leading to a shift in the workforce and the potential for one person to run a billion dollar company with the assistance of AI.
    • Labor and capital will soon be replaced by machines, leading to a radical transformation of the human condition and widespread public concern about technological unemployment.
    • Labor disruption will lead to a need for a stable and just transformation across society, with various firms thriving in the early years of the disruption.
    • The demand for humanoid robots will create opportunities for many companies to develop and target various market niches with different business models, even if leading technology developers limit their robots to specific deployments.
    • Incumbent interests seek government protection against new technologies, but to avoid catastrophic mistakes, we must rethink the relationship between a nation's population and its economic output and be willing to experiment and transcend the limits of the past.


Duration: 0:45:57

Publication Date: 2024-06-25T18:27:05Z


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