Tesla's Production Record and Demand Overshadow Outrage

Matt Pocius, Tesla -

Tesla's Production Record and Demand Overshadow Outrage

Despite the controversy surrounding Elon Musk's decision to reinstate Alex Jones on the platform, Tesla's new production record and strong demand for their vehicles are overshadowing the outrage

Questions to inspire discussion

  • What is the current state of Tesla's production and sales?

    Tesla's production and sales are at record highs, indicating strong demand and successful ramp-up, despite controversy surrounding Elon Musk.

  • What potential consequences is Tesla facing in California?

    Tesla is facing potential consequences in California for misleading advertising, and the government is seeking remedies, possibly including suspending Tesla's license to sell vehicles in California.

  • What is the controversy surrounding Tesla's stock and analysts' recommendations?

    Tesla stock is predicted to drop to $150 per share, with analysts recommending shorting the stock, but the speaker believes this is a bad idea as the analyst does not own any Tesla stock and has a track record of never recommending to buy it.

  • What is the current situation with Tesla's Cybertruck and advertiser boycotts?

    Non-Tesla employees in Texas and California are receiving invitations to configure and order the foundation series cyber trucks, with about 150 people already confirming they have been invited. Advertiser boycotts are actually increasing earnings for Tesla, and there are concerns about the durability of the windows on their vehicles.

  • What is the controversy surrounding the potential reinstatement of Alex Jones on the platform?

    Elon Musk discusses the potential reinstatement of Alex Jones on the platform and highlights the strong reasons for investing in Tesla, including their charging network and profitability.


Key Insights

  • 😡 Outrage over Elon Musk bringing back Jones on the platform is overshadowed by Tesla's new production record and strong demand for their vehicles.
  • 🚗 The government is seeking remedies that could include suspending Tesla's license to sell vehicles in California, Tesla's largest US market, sparking outrage among Tesla supporters.
  • 📈 Tesla stock is up 155% since the underperformed rating originally came out, sparking controversy over the accuracy of analyst ratings.
  • 📉 The $25,000 next-generation vehicles may roll out quicker than Tesla has indicated, potentially impacting the market sooner than expected.
  • 🤖 The departure of Tesla's AI engineering manager to Google's Deep Mind sparks speculation about the impact on Tesla's AI development.
  • 🚗 Cyber Truck has a Wade mode which raises right height and pressurizes Battery when driving through water, a feature that was used a few weeks ago when a Sab was spotted driving through water.
  • 📈 The number of people receiving invitations from Tesla to order the Foundation series Cybertruck is significant, potentially reaching 500 or more.
  • 🤔 Elon Musk's stance on freedom of speech and reinstating Alex Jones sparks controversy and debate within the community.



  • 00:00 🚗 Tesla's production and sales are at record highs, indicating strong demand and successful ramp-up, despite controversy surrounding Elon Musk.
    • Tesla's production and sales are at record highs, indicating strong demand and successful ramp-up, despite controversy surrounding Elon Musk.
    • Tesla expects to break a record in Europe in Q4, as there were no Model 3s available in Q3 but now there are lots of Model 3s being delivered and the inventory remains low, indicating that people are buying.
  • 02:07 🚗 California may forbid Tesla sales due to misleading advertising, while Tesla employees in Sweden are facing threats amid a union struggle.
    • Tesla is facing potential consequences in California for misleading advertising and the government is seeking remedies, possibly including suspending Tesla's license to sell vehicles in California.
    • Tesla employees in Sweden are receiving threats amid a union struggle, leading to concerns about employee safety and prompting the labor party in Norway to summon Tesla for a meeting about working life rules.
  • 04:02 🚗 Tesla stock predicted to drop, controversy over analyst's short recommendation, Tesla needs to deliver 476,000 vehicles this quarter.
    • Tesla stock is predicted to drop to $150 per share, with analysts recommending shorting the stock, but the speaker believes this is a bad idea as the analyst does not own any Tesla stock and has a track record of never recommending to buy it.
    • Gary, a Bernstein Tech analyst, was asked to support Tesla as a short despite his underperform rating, leading to controversy over the sales head's request and Tesla's stock increase since the rating.
    • Troy updated his delivery estimate for Tesla, with the company needing to deliver 476,000 vehicles this quarter, and there is anticipation for an interview with Sandy and multiple Tesla executives.
  • 07:09 🚗 Tesla is expanding production and seeking tax credits, while Elon Musk's job changes are not a major issue.
    • Tesla is expanding production and seeking tax credits, while a manager leaving for Google's Deep Mind is causing speculation.
    • The speaker discusses the pattern of Elon Musk's job changes and argues that it is not a major issue.
  • 09:24 🚗 Tesla chose not to pursue battery swapping, Kathy Wood has not traded Tesla stock in 4 days, stock is volatile but has new Wade mode for water driving and good news for Sabat reservations.
    • Tesla did not fail at battery swapping, they chose not to pursue it as they believe EV charging is the best way to power their vehicles and battery swapping has too many infrastructure and battery quality issues.
    • Kathy Wood has not made any trades related to Tesla in the past four days, leading to speculation about her belief in the stock, but it may be due to the stock's current volatility and potential for future gains or cheaper prices.
    • Tesla's stock has been volatile, but there is a new feature called Wade mode for driving through water, and there is good news for regular Sabat reservations.
  • 12:12 🚗 Tesla is implementing a no resale clause for the Cybertruck and advertiser boycotts are increasing earnings, while there are concerns about the durability of their vehicle windows.
    • Non-Tesla employees in Texas and California are receiving invitations to configure and order the foundation series cyber trucks, with about 150 people already confirming they have been invited.
    • Tesla is implementing a no resale clause for the Cybertruck, with a $50,000 fine for selling within one year, and the range extender is priced at $6,000.
    • Advertiser boycotts are actually increasing earnings for Tesla, and there are concerns about the durability of the windows on their vehicles.
  • 15:47 🚗 Tesla's disruptive technology and growth story are leading the auto industry, despite analysts' skepticism, and Elon Musk is considering bringing Alex Jones back to X.
    • Tesla's growth story is leading the auto industry with disruptive technology, making it a pure AI play despite analysts calling it just an auto company.
    • Xun shows off their 12,000 ton Giga press, investors are not feeling bullish, Elon Musk considers bringing Alex Jones back to X.
  • 18:26 🚗 Tesla's stock is predicted to rise, and Elon Musk discusses the potential reinstatement of Alex Jones on the platform.
    • Elon Musk discusses the potential reinstatement of Alex Jones on the platform and highlights the strong reasons for investing in Tesla, including their charging network and profitability.
    • The speaker believes that Tesla's stock will continue to rise, advises against betting against Elon Musk, and encourages viewers to like and subscribe to the channel.

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