Tesla's Robotaxi: Revolutionizing Transportation with Autonomous Technology

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Tesla's Robotaxi: Revolutionizing Transportation with Autonomous Technology

Tesla may be developing a robot taxi, potentially changing the future of transportation

Questions to inspire discussion

  • What is the potential of Tesla car robots?

    The potential of Tesla car robots is discussed, including the development of a robotaxi and humanoid robots.

  • What are the potential seating configurations for the Tesla Robotaxi?

    The Tesla Robotaxi will likely be a two-seater with a wide opening for easy access and may have a unique door design to accommodate city street situations.

  • What is the estimated cost of building a Tesla Robotaxi?

    The cost of building a Tesla Robotaxi is estimated to be around $50,000 each, with some Chinese companies offering a similar product for around $990,000.

  • What are the potential concerns about the safety of humanoid robots in the home?

    The speaker discusses the safety of humanoid robots in the home and compares them to robotic arms in factories, stating that with proper precautions, they do not seem very dangerous.

  • What is the focus of current robotics development?

    The focus in robotics is currently on the development of the Tesla Robotaxi, with potential updates and improvements in the future to address concerns about disengagement and safety.


Key Insights

  • 🚗 A two-seater Tesla Robotaxi may be designed with a very wide opening to make it easy for people to get in and out, potentially with a unique door design like a Lamborghini or X-Wing.
  • 🚕 The idea of using a Tesla Robotaxi as the primary form of transport for everything could change the way taxis and Ubers are used.
  • 🤖 Tesla may be developing a robot taxi, potentially changing the future of transportation.
  • 🚗 "Even if I really want to be in control and driving I kind of prefer to have it on yeah because it's really it's watching out for me and it's it's it's detecting some things pretty quickly and rather amazing fashion."
  • 🤖 The rise of cobots as collaborative robots that can work next to humans without safety fencing is reducing floor space and increasing efficiency in industrial settings.
  • 🤖 Concerns about white collar layoffs from AI are greater than from robotics.
  • 🤖 The role of programmers will shift to managing AI, similar to a manager of a group of programmers.
  • 🚗 The uncertainty of when to disengage from FSD raises concerns about the level of trust in the technology.

#Tesla #Cobots

XMentions: @Tesla @RandyWKirk1 @GoingBallistic5 


  • 00:00 🤖 Tesla Robotaxi hardware may be unveiled on 8/8, with discussions on potential of car robots, humanoid robots, and subliminal messages.
    • The speaker discusses the potential of Tesla car robots and humanoid robots, addressing concerns and clarifications while sharing slides.
    • The speaker discusses the subliminal messages conveyed through color choices and follower numbers, and asserts dominance over CERN's followers.
    • Elon Musk indirectly replied to the speaker, who plans to make a flag and was impressed by the speaker's FSD approval list.
    • The speaker discusses the difficulty of using reverse psychology to make a spouse think they are driving, and points out that driving is a logarithmic scale, with each level being significantly harder than the last.
    • The speaker discusses the different date formats used in different countries and the upcoming Tesla Robotaxi.
    • The speaker believes that hardware for the Tesla Robotaxi will be unveiled on the 8/8 date, as it has been in development for over a year.
  • 08:31 🤖 Tesla's robotaxi may not need a steering wheel or pedals, could be a two-seater with unique door design, and may only have a robo taxi version without a consumer version.
    • A steering wheel and pedals are not necessary for a robotaxi, as it can be controlled remotely and the last 10% of the robot taxi's capabilities, such as parking in a garage, may not be critical for its deployment.
    • The Tesla Robotaxi will likely be a two-seater with a wide opening for easy access and may have a unique door design to accommodate city street situations.
    • Tesla's robotaxi will likely not be a four or five-seater, as most taxi rides only have one or two passengers, and there are already model 3s and model Ys available for larger groups.
    • Tesla may have a robotaxi under development, which could be the width of a Model 3 and may have considerations for safety and accessibility.
    • Tesla may only release a robo taxi version without a consumer version, and there are questions about the design elements and potential seating configurations.
    • The speaker discusses the possibility of the consumer version of the robotaxi being released at the time of production, rather than months ahead, and compares it to the release of the Model Y.
  • 19:48 🤖 Tesla's potential for 100 million miles per week and high revenue from Robotaxi service, disappointment with version 11 but now using it more, and preference for Tesla autopilot for safety.
    • The speaker couldn't find the source of a statement about FSD totaling 880 million miles, but believes it may have been an Easter egg.
    • Tesla is potentially reaching a rate of 100 million miles per week, which could result in 4.8 billion miles in a year, leading to speculation about their progress towards the six billion miles needed for regulation.
    • The potential revenue from Tesla's Robotaxi service is high, with an increasing number of FSD users actively using it.
    • Tesla's version 11 was a disappointment, but now the speaker is using it more and almost prefers it for daily commutes.
    • The speaker prefers to have the Tesla autopilot on for safety reasons.
  • 24:09 🤖 Tesla may partner with Uber for supervised rides using FSD, but the cost of building a Tesla Robotaxi is estimated to be around $50,000.
    • Tesla may announce an official agreement with Uber for supervised rides using FSD, and eventually incorporate the Tesla world into the ride share world with supervised drivers at first.
    • Tesla's potential for data collection and the use of Tesla vehicles by Uber drivers raises questions about the future of Tesla's involvement in fleet operation and revenue sharing.
    • Uber is worth 160 billion, but Tesla spending that much on FSD technology is not worth it as it could be easily recreated, and there have been no significant developments in the humanoid robot space.
    • The progress in humanoid robotics and AI is happening faster than expected, with each company interviewed showing advanced capabilities and similar advancements in AI.
    • Tesla will need to quickly scale to several hundred to a thousand bots for training and simulation in order to figure out how to build a large number of bots.
    • The cost of building a Tesla Robotaxi is estimated to be around $50,000 each, with some Chinese companies offering a similar product for around $990,000.
  • 34:05 🤖 Companies like agility are making progress in robot development, humanoid robots in homes can be safe with precautions, cobots are designed to work safely with humans, Tesla Robotaxi safety limits are well-known, and the potential for harm is a concern.
    • The interview with Nathan Peterman revealed that companies like agility are further along in their development than expected, with unique and unconventional approaches to solving problems within the laws of physics.
    • The speaker discusses the safety of humanoid robots in the home and compares them to robotic arms in factories, stating that with proper precautions, they do not seem very dangerous.
    • Cobots are collaborative robots designed to work alongside humans without causing harm, with sensors to slow down or speed up based on proximity, and are tested to ensure they cannot cause grievous harm.
    • The safety limits for the Tesla Robotaxi are determined based on well-known information, and any claims that they are wrong are unfounded.
    • The biggest concern with the Tesla robotaxi is its potential to lose balance and cause harm, so there will be rigorous safeguards in place, and it will not be moving quickly or performing backflips.
    • The speaker discusses the potential impact of a falling Gen 1 Optimus robot and concludes that it would be annoying but not fatal, and that the robot would likely try to avoid causing harm.
  • 39:39 🤖 The impact of robots on labor, the role of AI in decision-making, and the continued need for human professionals in managing and taking responsibility for AI.
    • The ongoing question of whether robots will take over and the potential disruption of certain kinds of labor, with a focus on the impact on the music industry and concern about white collar layoffs from AI.
    • Robotic welding has been used for a long time to do the long, boring welds, while human welders focus on the challenging and finesse welds, and other professions like electricians and plumbers are not likely to be disrupted by humanoid robots for a long time.
    • Many university students are changing their majors from programming to other fields after seeing the advancements in robotics and AI.
    • Programmers and attorneys will still be needed to manage AI, and having a professional engineering certification means taking on more responsibility.
    • AI may generate decisions, but ultimate responsibility and reliability will still be with humans, as there are certain jobs that will never be replaced by AI.
  • 44:53 🤖 The focus is on the development of the Tesla Robotaxi, with potential updates to address concerns about disengagement and safety, and the potential for improvement with more nuanced data and the ability to critique its performance.
    • Umpires and referees are essential to the human element of sports, and AI should not replace them in professional games.
    • The focus in robotics is currently on the development of the Tesla Robotaxi, with potential updates and improvements in the future to address concerns about disengagement and safety.
    • The speaker discusses the challenges and uncertainties of disengaging from the Tesla Robotaxi in certain situations.
    • The speaker discusses the lack of feedback options for disengagement in Tesla's robotaxi system.
    • The speaker discusses the potential for Tesla's Robotaxi to improve with more nuanced data and the ability to critique its performance.
    • The progress in developing robotaxi services is amazing and almost at the level of science fiction.
  • 50:47 🤖 Tesla Robotaxi is a robot.


    Duration: 0:51:48

    Publication Date: 2024-04-10T20:26:58Z

    WatchUrl: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWe-SkX1Wgo


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