Tesla's Robotaxi Readiness: Advancements in Self-Driving Tech

Farzad Mesbahi, FSD, Gali Filche, Robotaxi, Tesla -

Tesla's Robotaxi Readiness: Advancements in Self-Driving Tech

Tesla is rapidly advancing its self-driving technology and is close to being ready for robotaxis, with a focus on safety, consumer confidence, and creating a more inviting showroom experience

Questions to inspire discussion

  • Is Tesla close to being ready for robotaxis?

    Yes, Tesla is almost ready for robotaxi, with the speaker and guest discussing their positive experiences with Tesla and the energy surrounding the company.

  • What is the focus of Tesla's Full Self-Driving (FSD) version 12?

    Tesla's Full Self-Driving (FSD) version 12 shows rapid improvements and less erratic behavior, making it potentially ready to exit beta.

  • What is Tesla's focus in creating a more inviting showroom experience?

    Tesla is working on reaching a level of self-driving performance and consumer comfort, with a focus on both safety and human confidence in the car's driving abilities.

  • What is the potential for Tesla's energy business?

    Tesla's energy business is showing positive gross margin and potential for growth, making the speaker more bullish on Tesla.

  • What is the speaker's suggestion for Tesla's Full Self-Driving (FSD)?

    The speaker suggests that Tesla's Full Self-Driving (FSD) should be programmed to drive slower in order to provide a better consumer experience and alleviate concerns about safety and comfort.


Key Insights

Tesla's Autonomous Driving Capabilities

  • 🚕 Gali believes Tesla is "robotaxi ready honestly months to go" indicating a high level of confidence in the company's autonomous driving capabilities.
  • 🤖 The car was driving itself the whole time, it's some alien level technology stuff.
  • 🤔 It's hard to predict when the software will be ready for full self-driving and what Tesla's move will be in terms of updates and attention required from the driver.
  • 🚗 Tesla's autopilot system is able to smoothly navigate itself out of trouble, even when in the wrong lane.
  • 🚗 The idea of Tesla's Robo taxi is fascinating and could revolutionize transportation.
  • 🤖 "This has been almost it's looking Robo taxi ready Robo taxi ready honestly months to go. It's close."


Business Potential of Tesla's Robotaxi

  • 🔋 "The evolution of the energy business is playing out in the financials, and that's pretty exciting honestly."
  • 🚗 The company's shift towards getting more serious about the energy game may be due to their increased comfort with having more batteries on hand, allowing them to give both the car and energy businesses the attention they deserve.
  • 💰 Tesla's business model for the robotaxi could be incredibly lucrative, with the potential for the company to take a cut every time someone hails a ride.
  • 🧠 The decrease in deaths from 40,000 to an unspecified number is a significant potential benefit of robo taxis.


User Experience and Customization in Robotaxis

  • 🚗 The car has to cater to the most conservative driver for this technology to be successful, as there's a trust issue when outsourcing trust from a human to a robot.
  • 🛫 The customization of interiors for robotaxis is likened to how airlines customize their planes for different customer preferences.
  • 🤖 Tesla bot making lattes could be a reality in the future, as seen with the automated barista concept from Cafe X.
  • 🚀 "We got some ideas for some comfy chairs yeah yeah. Yeah we'll put the Comfort pod the Comfort pod. We got ideas Comfort Pod coffee bar in the car."

#Tesla #FSD #Robotaxi

XMentions: @Tesla @HabitatsDigital @farzyness @Gfliche 


  • 00:00 🚗 Tesla is close to being ready for robotaxi, with rapid improvements in Full Self-Driving and a focus on safety and consumer confidence.
    • Tesla is almost ready for robotaxi, with the speaker and guest discussing their positive experiences with Tesla and the energy surrounding the company.
    • Tesla is building a foundation for the future, with the speaker expressing excitement about the company's potential and the advanced technology of their products.
    • Tesla's Full Self-Driving (FSD) version 12 shows rapid improvements and less erratic behavior, making it potentially ready to exit beta.
    • The speaker discusses the uncertainty around the next steps for Tesla's robo taxi and the transition to fully autonomous driving.
    • Tesla is working on reaching a level of self-driving performance and consumer comfort, with a focus on both safety and human confidence in the car's driving abilities.
    • The car effectively communicated and provided confidence in its ability to navigate to the destination, with the experience being impressive and feeling really good.
  • 07:29 🚗 Tesla's energy business is growing, FSD needs improvements, and the company's success depends on fan belief.
    • Tesla's energy business is showing positive gross margin and potential for growth, making the speaker more bullish on Tesla.
    • Tesla has massive potential with the solar roof, but it's not a sexy business and they should partner with cities to build huge solar farms to power them.
    • Tesla is starting to focus more on their energy business, possibly due to having more batteries available, and they have game-changing products in the energy sector.
    • FSD made a mistake by going on the highway instead of straight, and the speaker wishes they could give voice signals to FSD for feedback, comparing Tesla's unpredictability to Weo's safety.
    • The speaker suggests that Tesla's Full Self-Driving (FSD) should be programmed to drive slower in order to provide a better consumer experience and alleviate concerns about safety and comfort.
    • Tesla fans need to believe in the company's success for it to be successful, and the speaker agrees with this idea.
  • 14:12 🚗 Tesla's self-driving technology has the potential to change the world with its compact, self-driving robo taxi, and the company is planning to release a $25,000 compact car that can also be used as a Robo taxi.
    • The success of self-driving technology depends on the car's ability to cater to the most conservative driver and provide context clues to build trust.
    • Tesla's FSD needs to overcome a high threshold to become widespread, but it has the potential to change the world with its compact, self-driving robo taxi.
    • Tesla is planning to release a $25,000 compact car that can also be used as a Robo taxi, but it may not be unveiled on 8/8 to avoid impacting Model 3 sales, and the release strategy may be similar to the iPhone.
    • Tesla is like Boeing and Airbus, providing the technology for robotaxis, while other companies customize the interiors for their customers.
    • The Tesla vehicle smoothly navigates out of the wrong lane, despite being in the wrong lane in the first place.
  • 18:46 🚗 Tesla plans to offer customizable interior options for their robotaxi, shift sales model to become more like an OEM, and improve customer experience by revamping stores and creating a more interactive and community-oriented experience.
    • Tesla plans to offer customizable interior options for their robotaxi, allowing operators to outfit the interior to their preferences and then add it to the fleet, with Tesla taking a cut on every mile the robotaxi operates on the network.
    • The vehicle is designed to be fully self-driving, with no steering wheels or pedals, and is optimized for lowest cost per mile and super aerodynamic.
    • Tesla may need to shift its sales model to become more like an OEM and improve its customer experience.
    • Tesla's DNA is focused on engineering and creating the best product, with little emphasis on customer service.
    • Elon and the Tesla team should hire a fashion expert to revamp the Tesla stores and create a more interactive and community-oriented experience.
    • Tesla should hire someone to redesign their stores and integrate more community-focused and functional elements, such as robot baristas, to create a unique and inviting experience for customers.
  • 24:35 🚗 Tesla is transitioning to a robo taxi model, offloading design to the market and focusing on creating a more inviting showroom experience, with the potential for a lucrative business model and improved passenger comfort.
    • Tesla may move away from physical stores and focus on owning the customer experience through their products, as they work towards a future where people may not be driving cars in the next 10 years.
    • Tesla will transition to a robo taxi model, and the company should focus on creating a more inviting showroom experience to boost sales.
    • Tesla's robotaxi business model has the potential to be highly lucrative as they offload the design of different use cases to the market and take a cut every time someone hails a ride, ultimately providing a comfortable and convenient experience for passengers.
    • Self-driving cars could provide a more comfortable and ergonomic seating experience, improving overall health and well-being for passengers.
    • As robot taxis become safer, regulations will change to accommodate their use, shifting from a focus on human safety to comfort and efficiency.
    • Tesla is preparing for robotaxi service with features like a massage chair, coffee maker, and reduced costs.
  • 32:11 🚗 Tesla is advancing rapidly with Vision Pro and the potential for robotaxi headsets, while Apple is in a prime position to benefit from the explosion of AI creativity.
    • The interior of a plane is tailored for comfort, not safety, and the potential of Vision Pro is loved.
    • In Japan, the speaker observed everyone on the train being absorbed in their phones and predicted that in 5 years, everyone will have Vision Pro or some sort of glasses, and that AI technology like OpenAI is advancing rapidly.
    • Vision Pro will offer a more immersive and satisfying entertainment experience, and Apple is in a prime position to benefit from the explosion of AI creativity.
    • The comfort of the Tesla robotaxi headset is still a struggle, with some finding it uncomfortable after 30-40 minutes and others after an hour or two.
    • The value of headsets lies in their ability to overlay the digital world onto reality, making it important for them to be light and comfortable for extended use.
    • The speaker discusses the potential for Tesla to unlock new use cases with their technology and the possibility of Apple's headset being a big innovation.
  • 37:59 🚗 Tesla's self-driving technology is improving, making the company ready for robotaxis, while also addressing concerns about the future of the EV movement and profitability for other automakers.
    • Tesla's new headlights are sharp, and the speaker discusses the return of the Vision Pro and the lack of value it added to people's daily lives.
    • The speaker discusses the significant improvement in Tesla's self-driving technology and the excitement about the V12 breakthrough, but expresses hesitation about the financial aspect.
    • Hyundai and Kia are doing well with their EV strategy, but there are concerns about the future of the EV movement and profitability for other automakers.
    • Tesla's value for money and marketing strategy for EVs, as well as the solving of cost and charging issues, are key factors in the company's readiness for robotaxis.
    • Tesla is preparing for the launch of a Robo taxi event and discussing ideas for managing the fleet and adding entertainment options for passengers.
    • Tesla's robotaxi could solve the problem of unsafe roads and healthcare costs by allowing people to have fun without having to drive.
  • 46:08 🚗 Tesla's self-driving technology is almost ready for use as a Robo taxi, with the car making decisions and maneuvers on its own, creating a relaxed and enjoyable experience for riders.
    • The experience of riding in a Tesla robotaxi felt relaxed and enjoyable because there was no need to pay attention or stress about the driving.
    • Tesla's self-driving technology is almost ready for use as a Robo taxi, with the car making decisions and maneuvers on its own.
    • The speaker discusses the flawless performance of Tesla's Robo taxi and how it would not be a game breaker, even in a relaxed state.
    • The speaker discusses the trust-building communication and experience with Tesla's AI technology, emphasizing that creating the user experience is harder than developing the AI for self-driving cars.
    • The speaker and Gali from HyperChange had a great time in Austin, enjoyed some tacos, and made plans to meet up again in the future.


Duration: 0:51:11

Publication Date: 2024-04-12T13:44:18Z

WatchUrl: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wl5ep5q9_U8


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