Tesla FSD V12: Navigating Roundabouts and Intersections

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Tesla FSD V12: Navigating Roundabouts and Intersections

Tesla's FSD V12 shows improvements in navigating roundabouts and intersections, but still has some issues and lacks the fast and fun driving experience of a human driver

Questions to inspire discussion

  • How does Tesla's FSD V12 handle roundabouts and intersections?

    Tesla's FSD V12 shows improvements in navigating roundabouts and intersections, with smooth and confident driving, but still has some issues with slowing down and making turns.

  • What are the main issues with Tesla's FSD V12?

    The main issues with Tesla's FSD V12 include trouble navigating roundabouts, slowing down when approaching them, and some issues with blocking intersections and turning right on red.

  • Where was Tesla's FSD V12 tested?

    Tesla's FSD V12 was tested in Carmel, Indiana, known for its numerous roundabouts, and also evaluated in New York City and Austin.

  • Is Tesla's FSD V12 better than a human driver?

    There is no definitive answer on whether Tesla's FSD V12 is better than a human driver, as it shows improvements in handling roundabouts and signs, but still has some issues and requires driver intervention.

  • What are the improvements in Tesla's FSD V12?

    Tesla's FSD V12 has improved overall, fixing issues from V11, but still has some issues with pulling out when it shouldn't and requires driver intervention to prevent accidents.


Key Insights

  • 🛑 The car didn't panic when a car approached the intersection from the right, showing perfect handling in that situation.
  • 🚗 The Tesla FSD V12 handled the roundabout very smoothly and fluidly, with no intervention or nervous points.
  • 🚗 Tesla's full self-driving V12 handles roundabouts and signs well, but human drivers still have their own strengths and weaknesses.
  • 🚗 Tesla FSD V12 fixes a lot of issues from v11 but still pulls out more when it should not, causing potential accidents.
  • 🚗 In Austin, Tesla FSD didn't block the intersection and followed the rule, but in New York City, it did block the intersection and didn't follow the rule of not turning right on red.
  • 🚗 It's signaling that it's exiting the roundabout which is pretty cool.
  • 🚗 It's shocking that Tesla's FSD V12 is navigating through the drive-thru, that is pretty impressive.
  • 🚗 Out of 50 roundabout attempts, Tesla FSD had 48 successes, achieving a 96% success rate.



#Tesla #FSDDrives #RebellionaireRoadRally @Rebellionair3


  • 00:00 🚗 Tesla's FSD V12 shows improvements in handling intersections and roundabouts, but struggles with navigating roundabouts and lacks fast and fun driving experiences.
    • Testing Tesla's FSD version 12 in an area with many roundabouts, showing improvements in handling intersections and roundabouts, with smooth and confident driving, but lacking in fast and fun driving experiences.
    • The Tesla FSD V12 has trouble navigating roundabouts, as it slows down significantly when approaching them.
  • 03:52 🚗 Tesla FSD V12 navigates roundabout successfully with minimal intervention, finding a good spot to stop at the destination.
    • The Tesla FSD V12 successfully navigates a roundabout and finds a good spot to stop at the destination.
    • The Tesla FSD V12 successfully navigated a roundabout with minimal intervention, but there was a small intervention at the end.
  • 10:56 🚗 Tesla FSD V12 navigates roundabouts smoothly and accelerates well, but it's unclear if it's better than a human driver.
    • The Tesla FSD V12 navigates roundabouts smoothly and accelerates well, slowing down appropriately and making a perfect parking job.
    • Tesla's full self-driving V12 handles roundabouts and signs well, but there is no definitive answer on whether it is better than a human driver.
  • 18:09 🚗 Tesla FSD V12 being tested in roundabout-heavy Carmel, Indiana, shows overall improvement but still has issues with pulling out, requiring driver intervention.
    • Tesla FSD V12 is being tested in Carmel, Indiana, known for its numerous roundabouts, and the test involves navigating through roundabouts and evaluating the performance in different cities.
    • Tesla's FSD V12 has improved overall, fixing issues from V11 but still has some issues with pulling out when it shouldn't, requiring driver intervention to prevent accidents.
  • 21:35 🚗 The Tesla FSD V12 performs well in roundabouts in New York City and Austin, but struggles with navigating and making left turns, as well as blocking intersections and turning right on red.
    • The Tesla FSD V12 performed well in roundabouts in New York City and Austin, but had some issues with blocking intersections and turning right on red.
    • The Tesla FSD V12 struggles with navigating roundabouts and making left turns.
  • 24:26 🚗 The Tesla FSD V12 successfully navigated a roundabout, showing encouraging behavior with some user error and interventions, smoothly slowing down for a SUV and signaling when exiting.
    • The Tesla FSD V12 successfully navigated a roundabout, with some user error and interventions, but overall showed encouraging behavior.
    • The Tesla FSD V12 slowed down smoothly for a SUV in the roundabout, signaled when exiting, and slowed down to 8 mph, which may surprise drivers behind.
  • 29:27 🚗 Tesla FSD V12 successfully navigates through a drive-thru and roundabouts.
    • 33:48 🚗 Tesla FSD V12 successfully navigated 96% of roundabouts, with only 3 instances of slow speed and one intervention.



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