Rimac Unveils Two-Seater Robot Taxi, Hinting at Tesla's Plans

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Rimac Unveils Two-Seater Robot Taxi, Hinting at Tesla's Plans

Rimac's new two-seater robot taxi project may reveal Tesla's upcoming Robo taxi plans, as both companies are working on creating a futuristic, user-friendly robo taxi experience through their respective apps and car designs

Questions to inspire discussion

  • How does Rimac's robot taxi project compare to Tesla's plans?

    Rimac compares their design to Tesla's, noting similarities in interface and communication features, revealing potential insights into Tesla's upcoming plans.

  • What safety features is Rimac prioritizing in self-driving vehicles?

    Rimac is prioritizing safety by utilizing a large crumple zone, as more companies enter the self-driving car market, ensuring the safety of passengers and pedestrians.

  • What advantage does Tesla have in the robotaxi market?

    Rimac exposes Tesla's advantage in mass production at a low cost and their expertise in self-driving technology, giving them a competitive edge in the market.

  • What approach is Rimac using for self-driving vehicles?

    Rimac is using a traditional approach with Ultrasonics, prioritizing safety and reliability in their self-driving vehicle technology.

  • How is Tesla's approach to self-driving vehicles different from Rimac's?

    Tesla is using an AI approach with fewer sensors, potentially allowing for quicker and cheaper manufacturing, setting them apart from Rimac's traditional approach.


Key Insights

  • 🚗 The decision to go with two-seaters is based on the fact that 90% of all drives are two people or less, indicating a shift towards optimizing vehicles for smaller groups.
  • 🔓 The thought process behind the unconventional door design is to make it as small as possible and not impede on other vehicles or people.
  • 📱 Both Remot and Tesla are developing apps for summoning and controlling their robo taxis, similar to the experience of using Uber.
  • 📱 Companies like Uber and Lyft will come out with their own hailing app and leverage lower pricing due to not needing a driver.
  • 🤖 The absence of steering wheels, pedals, and a dashboard in the car allows for more legroom and comfort for the passengers, similar to the robotaxi concept.
  • 🚗 The design of the robotaxi is optimized for safety and rider comfort, with no need for a steering wheel and pedals.
  • 🚗 Rimac is prioritizing safety by utilizing a large crumple zone in their self-driving vehicles, making it a smart move in the self-driving car industry.
  • 🔍 The future of transportation is shaping up to be driverless, private, and optimized for comfort and convenience, with companies like Rimac leading the way.

#Tesla #Rimac

XMentions: @Tesla @Farzad @HabitatsDigital  @Rimac


  • 00:00 🚗 Rimac's new two-seater robot taxi project may reveal Tesla's upcoming Robo taxi plans for their August 8th event.
    • 01:09 🚗 Rimac and Tesla are both capitalizing on the unconventional door designs for their self-driving cars, with Rimac's rear-opening door and Tesla's outward-opening door.
      • 02:07 🤖 Rimac and Tesla are both working on creating a futuristic, user-friendly robo taxi experience through their respective apps and car designs.
        • 03:16 🤖 Robot taxi companies like Uber and Lyft will control their own ecosystem for hailing cars to avoid third-party markups and lower prices due to not needing a driver.
          • 04:10 🚗 Engineer demonstrates the spacious interior and multi-purpose screen of the upcoming robotaxi.
            • 04:59 🤖 Rimac exposes similarities between their own robotaxi design and Tesla's, highlighting features such as Bluetooth connectivity, automatic car access, and steering wheel-free operation.
              • Rimac compares Tesla's Robo taxi design to their own, noting similarities in the interface and communication features.
              • Rimac exposes Tesla's plan for a robotaxi that uses Bluetooth to connect to phones, automatically opens the car, and optimizes the vehicle for riders without a steering wheel or pedal.
            • 06:43 🚗 Rimac prioritizes safety in self-driving vehicles with a large crumple zone, while exposing Tesla's advantage in the robotaxi market due to their mass production and expertise in self-driving technology.
              • Rimac is prioritizing safety in self-driving vehicles by utilizing a large crumple zone, as more companies are entering the self-driving car market.
              • Rimac exposes Tesla's advantage in the robotaxi market due to their ability to mass produce at a low cost and their expertise in self-driving technology.
              • Rimac is using a traditional approach with Ultrasonics for self-driving vehicles, while Tesla is using an AI approach with fewer sensors, allowing for potentially quicker and cheaper manufacturing.
            • 09:02 🚗 Rimac is optimizing a small, private, comfortable, and affordable robotaxi experience with features like privacy, smells, screens, heated and cool seats, and ample leg room, potentially challenging Tesla's upcoming Robo taxi event.


              Duration: 0:10:12

              Publication Date: 2024-06-27T20:48:37Z


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