Experience the Tesla Model Y FSD 12.3 Update on Your Commute

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Experience the Tesla Model Y FSD 12.3 Update on Your Commute

The Tesla Model Y with FSD 12.3 update offers a comfortable and smooth driving experience, with improved acceleration and handling, despite some minor issues in parking lots and aggressive lane changes

Questions to inspire discussion

  • What are the improvements in the Tesla Model Y with FSD 12.3 update?

    The FSD 12.3 update offers a more comfortable and smooth driving experience, with improved acceleration and handling, despite some minor issues in parking lots and aggressive lane changes.

  • How does the Tesla Model Y with FSD 12.3 perform in parking lots?

    The Tesla Model Y's FSD12.3 struggles in parking lots but performs better on the street.

  • What is the difference in ride quality between 20-in and 19-in wheels on the Tesla Model Y?

    The 19-in wheels provide a smoother ride compared to the 20-in wheels on the Tesla Model Y.

  • What are the differences between the three settings for distance between the car in front of you?

    The speaker discusses the differences between the three settings for distance between the car in front of you, and their experience with the autopilot changing lanes.

  • How does the Tesla Model Y's FSD12.3 handle offramps, lane changes, and pedestrian detection?

    The FSD12.3 handles offramps, lane changes, and pedestrian detection very smoothly and impressively.

Key Insights

  • 🚗 The new Full Self-Driving update 12.3 is using end to end neural network instead of C++ code, which is getting a lot of attention.
  • 🚗 Full self-driving 12.3 update is really impressive, especially compared to the sketchy 11.4.1 version.
  • 🚗 This feels great man. This is a big difference from version 11.
  • 🛣️ Full self-driving is doing a great job and is very comfortable, similar to how I would be driving it.
  • 🚗 FSD2 is more aggressive and willing to take risks in lane switching compared to FSD1, showing a significant difference in driving behavior.
  • 🚗 It's keeping a good distance between car in front of me which I'm okay with that's comfortable.
  • 🤔 FSD2's neural network is a big improvement from FSD1, with a noticeable difference in performance.
  • 🚗 The Tesla Model Y's smooth off-ramp and lane changes are very impressive, even with cars behind it. 

#Tesla #FSDDrives 


  • 00:00 🚗 The Tesla Model Y's FSD12.3 update uses end to end neural network, struggles in parking lots, but performs better on the street.
    • The speaker tests out the new Full Self-Driving update 12.3 on their Tesla Model Y, which now uses end to end neural network instead of C++ code, and demonstrates the driving capabilities.
    • The Tesla Model Y's FSD12.3 struggles in parking lots but performs better on the street.
  • 02:22 🚗 The Tesla Model Y with FSD 12.3 stops at stop signs sooner but provides a smooth driving experience with improved acceleration compared to the previous version.
    • The Tesla Model Y with FSD 12.3 stops at stop signs a little sooner than desired but overall provides a good driving experience with smooth acceleration.
    • The speaker discusses the new 12.3 update for Tesla's full self-driving feature and compares it to the previous 11.4.1 version, noting improvements in smoothness and comfort.
  • 05:04 🚗 The Tesla Model Y with 19-in wheels provides a smoother ride, and the FSD12.3 update offers a comfortable driving experience, despite a slightly off-tilt aftermarket yolk installation.
    • The speaker discusses the difference in ride quality between 20-in and 19-in wheels on the Tesla Model Y, noting that the 19-in wheels provide a smoother ride.
    • The speaker discusses the smooth and comfortable ride of the Tesla Model Y with the FSD12.3 update, as well as the installation of an aftermarket yolk, noting that it is slightly off tilt.
  • 07:58 🚗 Full self-driving on the Tesla Model Y is comfortable and comparable to driving on their own, with only a slight issue in the parking lot, and the speaker discusses the differences between the three settings for distance between the car in front of you and their experience with the autopilot changing lanes.
    • The speaker discusses the experience of using full self-driving on the Tesla Model Y, noting that it is comfortable and comparable to driving on their own, with only a slight issue in the parking lot.
    • The speaker discusses the differences between the three settings for distance between the car in front of you, and their experience with the autopilot changing lanes.
  • 10:09 🚗 Tesla Model Y with FSD 12.3 showed improved lane switching and handling, with some abrupt stops and aggressive lane changes.
    • Enjoying the ride in the Tesla Model Y, listening to music, and asking for feedback on future content.
    • The Tesla Model Y with FSD 12.3 showed improved lane switching and handling of close distances, with some abrupt stops and aggressive lane changes.
  • 12:21 🚗 Driving through Southern California on the 710 and 60 freeways in a Tesla Model Y with autopilot.
    • 14:18 🚗 The speaker is impressed with the new FSD2 update for the Tesla Model Y, using millions of video clips and AI to drive the car in a more human-like manner, but prefers to control the car manually for certain maneuvers.
      • The speaker is impressed with the new FSD2 update for the Tesla Model Y, which uses millions of video clips and AI to drive the car in a more human-like manner.
      • The speaker turns off FSD to make a right turn and then turns it back on, preferring to control the car manually for certain maneuvers.
    • 17:21 🚗 The Tesla Model Y's FSD12.3 impressively handles offramps, lane changes, and pedestrian detection, and the speaker asks for likes and comments for more content.
      • The Tesla Model Y's FSD12.3 handles offramps, lane changes, and pedestrian detection very smoothly and impressively.
      • The speaker is impressed with the Tesla Model Y's driving experience and asks for likes and comments for more content.


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