FSD Version 12 Review: Safety Concerns and Performance Issues

Brian White, Tesla -

FSD Version 12 Review: Safety Concerns and Performance Issues

FSD Version 12 has received mixed reviews and has led to a loss of trust in its performance, with concerns about safety and the need for caution when using it

Questions to inspire discussion

  • What are the mixed opinions on FSD Version 12?Some users have experienced issues in certain areas, while others have had flawless execution in well-traveled locations.

  • What are the reported issues with FSD Version 12?Version 12 has been reported to have issues with hitting curbs, causing flat tires, and moving slowly, leading to a lack of trust in the product.

  • What improvements have been seen in FSD Version 12 driving behavior?Version 12 has shown significant improvements in driving behavior, including allowing cars to merge, letting cars behind it pass, and avoiding potholes without using a blinker.

  • What are the payment and subscription options for FSD Version 12?The speaker discusses the pricing and subscription options for FSD Version 12, suggesting that a lower monthly fee and a subscription model could increase take rates and provide a secondary benefit to Tesla.

  • What is the speaker's opinion on safety features and accessibility?The speaker believes that safety features should not be behind a paywall and should be accessible to as many people as possible.

Key Insights

  • 😕 The honesty of showing both the positives and negatives of Tesla's FSD is important, as skeptics often only focus on the negatives.
  • 🚗 Trust in FSD Version 12 is fragile and easily shattered, making it difficult to regain confidence after a mistake.
  • 🤔 Advocates for FSD Version 12 are capable of being honest about its shortcomings, emphasizing the importance of trust and transparency in reviews.
  • 🛣️ The car split the lanes and didn't use a blinker on an on-ramp, demonstrating an understanding of driving behavior that no engineer would have coded.
  • 🚗 The use of AI to create video game style visualizations of FSD testing is a game changer.
  • 💡 Offering a lower initial subscription price with the option to increase in the future could incentivize more buyers to opt for FSD and provide a secondary benefit to Tesla.


#Tesla #FSD #FutureAza @FutureAza 


  • 00:00 🚗 FSD version 12 is being installed for testing, with discussion about the beta and upcoming features.
    • 01:17 🚗 FSD Version 12 has mixed reviews, with some experiencing issues and loss of trust in its performance.
      • There are mixed opinions on FSD, with some experiencing issues in certain areas while others have had flawless execution in well-traveled locations.
      • The speaker discusses the shortcomings of FSD Version 12 and the importance of showing both the positives and negatives of the technology.
      • The speaker discusses the loss of trust in the FSD Version 12 due to unexpected behavior, leading to a lack of confidence in its performance.
    • 05:16 🚗 FSD Version 12 has issues with hitting curbs and moving slowly, leading to a lack of trust in the product, and caution is needed when using it.
      • Version 12 of FSD has been reported to have issues with hitting curbs, causing flat tires, and moving slowly, leading to a lack of trust in the product.
      • The speaker discusses the challenges of driving a Lamborghini and the importance of exercising caution when using the new FSD Version 12.
      • The speaker forgot they weren't driving and their hands were still on the wheel because the car was still engaged.
    • 08:20 🚗 FSD Version 12 shows major driving improvements, including merging, letting cars pass, and avoiding potholes, with plans to compare to version 11.
      • Version 12 of FSD has shown significant improvements in driving behavior, including allowing cars to merge, letting cars behind it pass, and avoiding potholes without using a blinker.
      • The speaker plans to compare an unpublished version 11 drive with the new version 12, and expresses gratitude to their editor.
    • 11:04 🚗 Tesla is trying to improve FSD through user data, but Version 12 has led to accidents and loss of confidence, with a recommendation for a good AI driver channel.
      • Tesla is focusing on getting more people to use FSD to gather data and improve Word of Mouth for sales, as they are trying to reintroduce it to the public after previous generation issues.
      • Experiences with FSD Version 12 have led to a loss of confidence due to instances of car accidents and damage caused by the self-parking feature.
      • The speaker gives a shout out to a great AI driver channel with the best visualizations and recommends it for the latest FSD beta testing.
    • 14:23 🔍 The speaker discusses payment options for FSD Version 12, emphasizing the importance of incentivizing safe behavior and suggesting a lower monthly fee and subscription model to increase take rates and benefit Tesla.
      • Ask viewers what is important to them and what was missed or misunderstood, as it is a good way to wrap up work meetings.
      • The speaker discusses different payment options for FSD Version 12, expressing disagreement with a per mile use and emphasizing the importance of incentivizing safe behavior.
      • The speaker discusses the pricing and subscription options for FSD Version 12, suggesting that a lower monthly fee and a subscription model could increase take rates and provide a secondary benefit to Tesla.
    • 17:35 🚗 Tesla may increase take rate for Full Self-Driving, but safety features should not be behind a paywall and there are frustrations with lack of safety in autonomous cars and bad drivers on the road.
      • Tesla is considering increasing the take rate for its Full Self-Driving feature, and the speaker believes that safety features should not be behind a paywall and should be accessible to as many people as possible.
      • The speaker expresses frustration with the lack of safety in autonomous cars and the presence of bad drivers on the road.
    • 20:33 👍 Share your thoughts on FSD Version 12 and stay tuned for more updates after I try it on my own car.



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