Tesla FSD V12: Navigating Traffic with Ease | Brooklyn

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Tesla FSD V12: Navigating Traffic with Ease | Brooklyn

Tesla's FSD V12 software drives like a New Yorker, navigating traffic and obstacles with ease, but still has some issues with pulling out when it shouldn't

Questions to inspire discussion

  • How does the FSD V12 software drive?

    The FSD V12 software drives like a New Yorker, navigating through traffic and obstacles with impressive speed and precision.

  • What are the issues with the FSD V12 software?

    The new FSD V12 software performs well in negotiations and has fixed many issues from the previous version, but still has some issues with pulling out when it shouldn't.

  • What does the FSD V12 system navigate through?

    The FSD V12 system navigates through New York City streets, avoiding potholes, manhole covers, and debris with ease.

  • How does the FSD V12 handle typical New York driving challenges?

    The FSD V12 drives impressively in Brooklyn, handling pedestrian and parking situations well, and the driver is impressed with its performance.

  • Can the FSD V12 perform U-turns and navigate complex road systems?

    Yes, the FSD V12 can perform U-turns and navigate complex road systems like a New Yorker.


Key Insights

  • 🚦 The FSD V12 gives pedestrians room to cross and can navigate through complex driving situations.
  • 🚗 The driving experience in New York is unique and requires negotiation with pedestrians and other drivers.
  • 🗽 The FSD V12 driving experience is like driving in the style of New York City, with its fast and daring maneuvers.
  • 🚦 "We've definitely seen some unique things that we haven't seen yet yeah."
  • 🚦 The visualization of pedestrians on the sidewalk is amazing, it's unreal that it sees these people on the sidewalk.
  • 🚗 The car's use of vision to figure out the bus's velocity is amazing.
  • 🚖 The FSD V12 handles Brooklyn driving impressively, not freaking out at pedestrians and handling parking with ease.
  • 🗽 Impressed with the FSD V12's performance in navigating the chaotic streets of Brooklyn, New York.


#Tesla #RebellionaireRoadRally #Brooklyn #FSD

Location: Brooklyn,NYC


  • 00:00 🚗 Self-driving car in FSD V12 drives like a New Yorker, making turns and parallel parking on its own.
    • 02:10 🚗 The FSD V12 software drives like a New Yorker, navigating traffic and pedestrians, with improved performance but still has some issues with pulling out when it shouldn't.
      • The car drives like a New Yorker, navigating through traffic and pedestrians while discussing the rules of turning on red in New York City.
      • The new FSD V12 software performs well in negotiations and has fixed many issues from the previous version, but still has some issues with pulling out when it shouldn't.
    • 04:29 🚗 FSD V12 drives like a New Yorker, making daring moves and driving in the style of New York City.
      • 06:26 🚗 FSD V12 drives through New York City, encountering speed bumps and making New York-style driving maneuvers.
        • 08:28 🚗 The FSD V12 drives smoothly through New York City, navigating speed bumps, pedestrians, and speed cameras, with the visualization system identifying potential interactions at intersections.
          • The FSD V12 drives through New York City, encountering speed bumps, pedestrians, and speed cameras, with the car's visualization system identifying cars of interest and potential interactions at intersections.
          • The FSD V12 drives with plenty of room, accelerates quickly, and feels smooth without being jerky.
        • 11:15 🚗 The FSD V12 drives with New Yorker-like speed and precision, navigating traffic and obstacles with ease.
          • The FSD V12 drives like a New Yorker, navigating through traffic and obstacles with impressive speed and precision.
          • The FSD V12 can perform U-turns and navigate complex road systems like a New Yorker.
        • 14:31 🚗 Tesla's FSD V12 system navigates NYC streets, avoiding obstacles, while rebel.com offers financial planning for Tesla owners.
          • The car's FSD V12 system navigates New York City streets, avoiding potholes, manhole covers, and debris with ease.
          • Tesla owners can strategically grow their shares and capitalize on the stock market's fluctuations with the help of rebel.com's financial planning services.
        • 16:08 🚗 The FSD V12 impressively navigates through New York City streets, handling typical driving challenges with ease.
          • The FSD V12 drives smoothly without the need for intervention, using vision to navigate and react to traffic situations.
          • The car's Full Self-Driving (FSD) system navigates through New York City streets, encountering typical behaviors of pedestrians and vehicles.
          • The FSD V12 drives impressively in Brooklyn, handling pedestrian and parking situations well, and the driver is impressed with its performance.
          • The speaker drives around Brooklyn, encountering typical New York driving challenges like double parked cars and pedestrians, and is impressed with the performance of the FSD V12.


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