FSD Beta V12: Autonomous Driving Improvements and Concerns

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FSD Beta V12: Autonomous Driving Improvements and Concerns

FSD Beta V12 shows improvements in autonomous driving capabilities, but raises concerns about driver control and responsibility

Questions to inspire discussion

  • What improvements does FSD Beta V12 show in autonomous driving capabilities?

    FSD Beta V12 shows improvements in performance, faster stopping at stop signs, successful navigation of tricky situations, and impressive accuracy in handling obstacles.

  • What concerns are raised about driver control and responsibility with FSD Beta V12?

    There are legal and engineering concerns about the level of driver control and responsibility, as well as issues with activation and steering in reverse.

  • How does FSD Beta V12 handle tight spaces and obstacles?

    FSD Beta V12 successfully navigates tight spaces, hugs the curb, and handles obstacles like mud and leaves with impressive accuracy.

  • What has changed the speaker's opinion on full self-driving with FSD Beta V12?

    The hardware and cameras of FSD Beta V12 may be enough for level four autonomous driving, but legal issues and liability remain a concern.

  • What is the overall assessment of FSD Beta V12's performance?

    FSD Beta V12 shows improvements in autonomous driving capabilities, successfully navigates tricky situations, and has one of the best driver assist features.

Key Insights

  • 🚗 Tesla's position on driver responsibility and the potential legal implications of autonomous driving raise interesting questions about liability and accountability.
  • 🛑 It gently slows down and moves on, without slamming the brakes or doing crazy stuff.
  • 🤯 "The fact that this is even attempting this name. Any other driver assist feature wow and it's navigating your little mud all over the there's mud everywhere and it doesn't care."
  • 🚗 The FSD Beta V12 handled a challenging turn with ease, but it still raises concerns about handling medical emergencies and unusual interchanges.
  • 🤖 It did everything that I could throw at it and couldn't handle, reassuring that there is a lot of incredibly capable software engineers at Tesla.
  • 🤔 Tesla assuming liability for their cars driving around is a whole different ball game legally, especially with the potential for level three autonomous driving.


#Tesla #FSDDrives @tailosiveev  


  • 00:00 🚗 FSD Beta V12 shows improvements on challenging routes, but raises concerns about driver control and responsibility.
    • The speaker tries out the new FSD Beta V12 and discusses its performance on a challenging route, noting improvements over the previous version.
    • Tesla's FSD Beta V12 signals early and slows down, but there are legal and engineering concerns about the level of driver control and responsibility.
  • 02:28 🚗 FSD Beta V12 gently slows down and obeys the law precisely, but struggles when lanes disappear.
    • 03:27 🚗 FSD Beta V12 improves stop sign stopping and receives positive feedback from other drivers, with the speaker testing its performance in different driving scenarios.
      • FSD Beta V12 is faster at stopping at stop signs and the speaker appreciates the positive feedback from other drivers.
      • The speaker tests out the FSD Beta V12 and discusses its performance in various driving scenarios.
    • 05:21 🚗 FSD Beta V12 makes questionable driving decisions but successfully navigates tight spaces and handles obstacles with impressive accuracy.
      • The FSD Beta V12 is making some questionable driving decisions, but also successfully navigating some tricky situations.
      • FSD Beta V12 successfully navigates tight spaces, hugging the curb, and handling obstacles like mud and leaves with impressive accuracy.
    • 07:24 🚗 The FSD Beta V12 has some activation and steering issues, as well as problems with rendering and navigating tight spaces, but overall it seems to be working well.
      • The speaker tries out the FSD Beta V12 and encounters some issues with activation and steering in reverse.
      • The FSD Beta V12 has some issues with rendering and navigating tight spaces, but overall it seems to be working well.
    • 09:09 🚗 FSD Beta V12 handles challenging situations well, but still has some issues with roundabouts and stop signs.
      • 10:44 🚗 Overall, the FSD Beta V12 was genuinely impressive and capable, showing the potential for future updates to improve autonomous driving.
        • 12:02 🚗 The FSD Beta V12 has improved the speaker's opinion on full self-driving, with great driver assist features, but legal issues and liability are still a concern.
          • Version 12 of FSD Beta has changed the speaker's opinion on full self-driving, as they now believe that the hardware and cameras may be enough for level four autonomous driving, but legal issues and liability remain a concern.
          • The FSD Beta V12 has one of the best driver assist features, and the channel appreciates the support.


        First Roundabout

        4:46 Parking

        5:20 Crazy Stoplight

        6:30 Driveway

        9:26 Weird Signage

        10:01 Second Roundabout

        10:43 Thoughts

        13:18 Outro

        ------------------------------------- 0:13:36 2024-03-27T23:16:01Z


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