CATL's Revolutionary LFP Battery: 3M Mile Lifespan, 0% Degradation for 5 Years


CATL's Revolutionary LFP Battery: 3M Mile Lifespan, 0% Degradation for 5 Years

The new ultra long life battery technology from CATL is revolutionizing the energy storage industry and making sustainable energy solutions more affordable and accessible for the majority of the world's population

Questions to inspire discussion 

  • How long does CATL's new LFP battery last?

    CATL's new LFP battery lasts for 3 million miles with 0% degradation for 5 years, making it a highly durable and reliable energy storage solution.

  • What is contributing to CATL's growing revenue?

    CATL's long-lasting, reliable LFP battery with zero degradation for 5 years is contributing to the company's growing revenue from EV and energy storage businesses.

  • What is the expected growth of CATL's energy storage business?

    CATL's energy storage business is expected to surpass automotive battery revenue by 2030, indicating rapid growth and potential profitability in the energy storage sector.

  • How is CATL's new LFP battery impacting the price of battery storage?

    CATL's new LFP battery is bringing down the price of battery storage, making it a more economically viable and profitable investment for utilities and suppliers.

  • What is the potential impact of CATL's new battery technology on fossil fuels?

    CATL's new LFP battery technology poses a threat to fossil fuels, as big battery packs become more economically viable and accessible for sustainable energy solutions.


Key Insights

  • 🌍 It's already cheaper to replace fossil fuel power plants with solar, wind, and batteries, and this new battery pack changes the game again.
  • 🔋 CATL's new LFP battery lasts 3 million miles with 0% degradation for 5 years, revolutionizing the energy storage industry.
  • 🔋 The price of solar panels has come down by 93% over the past 10 years, making solar and batteries the perfect solution for 90% of the world's population.
  • 💰 The price per dollar for the ultra long life battery is coming down at a very rapid pace, making it very affordable.
  • 🌍 China's share of wind and photovoltaic solar power generation reached 15.3% enough to power every home in China
  • 📈 The EV battery business generated the most Revenue at about 70% of the total revenue for CATL in 2023.
  • 🚗 Competition in the EV segment is fierce, with many car companies building factories for battery packs, but CATL is taking a huge market share in energy storage packs and directly competing with Tesla.
  • 🌍 The longevity and cost-effectiveness of the new battery technology may prompt utilities around the world to consider investing in it for sustainable energy solutions.

#CATL #Batteries

XMentions: @catl_official @theevking @HabitatsDigital


  • 00:00 🔋 CATL's new LFP battery lasts 3 million miles with 0% degradation for 5 years, making fossil fuels unable to compete.
    • 01:11 🔋 CATL's new LFP battery lasts 3 million miles with 0% degradation for 5 years, significantly improving return on investment for utilities, grids, and businesses.
      • 02:08 🔋 Solar panels and batteries are the perfect solution for 90% of the world's population, and nuclear, coal, and gas are not the answer.
        • 03:13 🔋 CATL's new LFP battery lasts 3 million miles with 0% degradation for 5 years, making it the world's first mass producible energy storage system with no battery degradation.
          • 04:14 🔋 CATL's new LFP battery lasts 3 million miles with 0% degradation for 5 years and is the biggest standalone battery available.
            • 05:41 🔋 CATL's new LFP battery lasts 3 million miles with 0% degradation for 5 years and will replace a coal power generator in Australia by 2023, while China's wind and solar power generation reached 15.3%.
              • 06:25 🔋 CATL's new LFP battery in China lasts 3 million miles with 0% degradation for 5 years, outperforming other battery systems.
                • 07:19 🔋 CATL's new LFP battery lasts 3 million miles with 0% degradation for 5 years, meeting high demand in the energy sector and posing a threat to fossil fuels.
                  • CATL's new LFP battery lasts 3 million miles with 0% degradation for 5 years, meeting the high demand for battery storage in the growing energy sector.
                  • CATL has developed a long-lasting, reliable LFP battery with zero degradation for 5 years, contributing to the company's growing revenue from EV and energy storage businesses.
                  • CATL's energy storage business is growing rapidly and is expected to surpass automotive battery revenue by 2030, with big battery packs becoming more economically viable and posing a threat to fossil fuels.
                  • CATL's new LFP battery lasts 3 million miles with 0% degradation for 5 years, bringing down the price of battery storage and making it a profitable investment for utilities and suppliers.


                Duration: 0:11:11

                Publication Date: 2024-04-14T02:59:34Z




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