Disney Faces Backlash for Woke Casting and Production Delays

Rollo Tomassi, Woke Ideology -

Disney Faces Backlash for Woke Casting and Production Delays

Disney is intentionally pushing wokeism and shock value in their productions, facing backlash for their casting choices and production delays, and prioritizing their agenda over financial success

Questions to inspire discussion 

  • What is Disney's plan for the Alien franchise?

    Disney has acquired the rights to the Alien franchise and is planning a new series, but has not released any details about the plot or characters.

  • Why is Disney facing criticism for their casting choices?

    Disney is being criticized for including unnecessary and stereotypical characters in their movies, and the speaker is concerned about the potential portrayal of these characters.

  • Is Disney losing money because of their content?

    Disney is losing money because their content is repetitive and boring, but they can afford to lose it.

  • What was the reception of Captain Marvel?

    Disney released Captain Marvel on International Women's Day with an underlying message of intersectional feminism, resulting in the first real flop for Marvel Studios.

  • Does Disney prioritize their agenda over financial success?

    Disney doesn't care about losing money because it promotes their agenda.

Key insights

  • 🏳️‍🌈 The unnecessary inclusion of a homosexual character just for pandering is a valid criticism of Disney's approach to diversity and representation.
  • 📝 Disney either lacks the creativity to write different characters and plots, or they lack the courage to do so.
  • 🤑 Disney can afford to lose money, but the real issue is the quality of their content.
#Entertainment #Woke #Disney 


  • 00:00 🤔 Elon Musk's behavior and statements were calculated and meant to provoke, despite his Asperger syndrome.
    • 00:52 🦊 Disney is intentionally pushing wokeism and shock value in their productions, including Marvel and the Alien franchise.
      • 01:41 🚫 Disney is facing backlash for their inclusion of unnecessary and stereotypical characters in their movies and their acquisition of the Alien franchise without releasing any details.
        • Disney has acquired the rights to the Alien franchise and is planning a new series, but has not released any details about the plot or characters.
        • Disney is being criticized for including unnecessary and stereotypical characters in their movies, and the speaker is concerned about the potential portrayal of these characters.
      • 03:17 🎬 Disney deserves backlash for their casting choices and production delays.
        • 03:52 🕵️ Disney keeps recycling the same character archetypes and themes without introducing anything new.
          • 04:37 🚫 Disney is losing money due to repetitive content, but they don't care because they promote their agenda with films like Captain Marvel.
            • Disney is losing money because their content is repetitive and boring, but they can afford to lose it.
            • Disney released Captain Marvel on International Women's Day with an underlying message of intersectional feminism, resulting in the first real flop for Marvel Studios, but they don't care about losing money because it promotes their agenda.
          • 06:13 🤔 Disney uses outside funding to promote messages and doesn't care about losing money, similar to Elon Musk's approach.
            • 07:11 🤔 Disney is facing backlash for their woke values and financial decisions, with some believing that greed will outweigh woke ideology.

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