Protecting Children: New Rule on Quiet Sets | Real Time with Bill Maher

entrapment, Woke Ideologies -

Protecting Children: New Rule on Quiet Sets | Real Time with Bill Maher

It is every adult's responsibility to protect children from exploitation and inappropriate influences, and that pushing extreme inclusivity and adult-themed entertainment on children can be harmful and confusing for them 


Questions to inspire discussion 

  • Why is it important to protect children from exploitation and inappropriate influences?

    It is important to protect children from exploitation and inappropriate influences because they are vulnerable and impressionable, and it is the responsibility of adults to ensure their well-being and safety.

  • How can extreme inclusivity and adult-themed entertainment be harmful for children?

    Extreme inclusivity and adult-themed entertainment can be harmful for children because it can confuse them about appropriate behavior and expose them to content that is not age-appropriate.

  • What are some examples of inappropriate influences on children?

    Examples of inappropriate influences on children can include exposure to violence, sexual content, and adult themes in media and entertainment, as well as exploitation and abuse by adults.

  • What role do adults play in protecting children from exploitation?

    Adults have a responsibility to protect children from exploitation by monitoring their exposure to media and entertainment, educating them about appropriate behavior, and intervening if they suspect any form of exploitation or abuse.

  • How can adults promote a safe and healthy environment for children?

    Adults can promote a safe and healthy environment for children by setting boundaries on media and entertainment, providing age-appropriate guidance and education, and advocating for policies that protect children from exploitation and inappropriate influences.


Key Insights

  • 🚨 Disney child stars were heavily sexualized from an early age, according to former child star Cole Sprouse.
  • 🚨 Endlessly talking about gender to six year olds isn't just inappropriate, it's entrapment, enticing people into doing something they wouldn't ordinarily do.
  • 📚 The idea of giving kids a break from cultural wars until the election is over is an interesting perspective to consider.


#Media #Children  #Protection #Disney #Nickelodeon #Hollywood #Woke #Entrapment



  • 00:00 🤫 Bill Maher questions why he, as a childless person, has to defend kids, but believes it's every adult's responsibility to protect them, referencing a documentary about the dark side of kids TV.
    • 00:30 🤯 Child stars were subjected to inappropriate and sexualized degradation at Nickelodeon, exposing hypocrisy in the entertainment industry.
      • 01:42 🤔 Disney employees and child stars have confessed to being involved in sex crimes and being heavily sexualized at a young age, highlighting the presence of pedophiles in places where children are.
        • 02:24 🤯 Left overlooks child abuse, Hollywood hires convicted molester, and Instagram moms exploit their daughters for social media fame.
          • 03:25 🤔 Parents who expose kids to adult-themed drag queen Story Hour events are being criticized for blurring the line between adult entertainment and children's activities.
            • 04:39 🤔 Kids should be taught tolerance, but pushing extreme inclusivity can be counterproductive and confusing for them.
              • 05:56 🤔 Talking endlessly about gender to six year olds is inappropriate and could be considered entrapment, as seen in cases of overzealous federal agents leading people into terrorist plots after 9/11.
                • 06:43 🏳️ Kids are being influenced by activists and media to question heterosexuality and gender norms, but maybe we should give them a break from cultural wars.



                  Duration: 0:8:33

                  Publication Date: 2024-04-20T11:35:40Z




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