Jordan Peterson Debates WOKE Feminist on Toxic Masculinity

Jordan B Peterson, Masculinity, Modern feminism, Toxic Masculinity -

Jordan Peterson Debates WOKE Feminist on Toxic Masculinity

Jordan Peterson argues that lack of masculinity, not masculinity itself, is the issue, and promotes responsible masculinity as the antidote to toxic masculinity

Questions to inspire discussion

  • What is Jordan Peterson's stance on toxic masculinity?

    Jordan Peterson argues that the lack of masculinity, not masculinity itself, is the issue, and promotes responsible masculinity as the antidote to toxic masculinity.

  • What does responsible masculinity involve?

    Responsible masculinity involves being honest, taking responsibility for oneself, and contributing to the community in a harmonious manner.

  • What is the solution to toxic masculinity according to Jordan Peterson?

    The solution is not to make men more feminine, but to teach them to harness their masculinity in a better way.

  • What does Jordan Peterson believe will happen if boys are feminized?

    Jordan Peterson believes that turning boys into women could lead to the development of evil men, and that society needs masculine men for leadership, protection, and providing.

  • How does Jordan Peterson challenge the concept of toxic masculinity?

    Jordan Peterson challenges the concept of toxic masculinity by asking for a clear definition and arguing that it is not exclusive to men.

Key Insights

  • 🤔 Jordan Peterson views toxic masculinity as "sinful behavior" and emphasizes the importance of honesty and responsibility as the antidote.
  • 🚹 "The answer to toxic masculinity is not less masculinity, it's better masculinity."
  • 🚹 Boys are being told that the characteristics that make them boys, that make them men, are bad, creating tentative and unhappy men.
  • 🤔 "Passive men don't lead, passive men are not great fathers, passive men will not do the things that we need men to do in society for our society to thrive."
  • 🤔 "It's very difficult to Define and definitions actually matter."
  • 🧠 "In a world of wickedness, weak men are nothing more than enablers of wicked men." - CS Lewis

#Relationships #WokeIdeology #ModernFeminism #Masculinity


  • 00:00 🔥 Jordan Peterson debates feminist on toxic masculinity, arguing lack of masculinity is the issue, not masculinity itself, and promotes responsible masculinity as the antidote.
    • Jordan Peterson debates a feminist on toxic masculinity, arguing that the lack of masculinity is the issue, not masculinity itself.
    • The antidote to toxic masculinity is responsible masculinity, which involves being honest and taking responsibility for oneself, as well as contributing to the community in a harmonious manner.
  • 01:53 🔑 Teach men to harness their masculinity in a healthy way rather than trying to make them more feminine.
    • The solution to toxic masculinity is not to make men more feminine, but to teach them to harness their masculinity in a better way.
    • Teach boys to harness their masculinity to become healthy, productive, and great fathers, rather than taking it away and turning them into women, which could lead to the development of evil men.
  • 03:18 🤯 Jordan Peterson discusses reciprocity in ethics and its relation to toxic masculinity, using his granddaughter's game as an example.
    • Jordan Peterson discusses the concept of reciprocity in ethics and gives an example of his granddaughter discovering a new game.
    • Jordan Peterson discusses the concept of reciprocity and how it relates to toxic masculinity.
  • 05:31 🤔 Feminist doesn't understand Jordan Peterson's explanation of toxic masculinity, as he argues that society is trying to feminize boys and men, leading to unhappy individuals.
    • Jordan Peterson uses a complex analogy to explain toxic masculinity, but the feminist he's speaking to doesn't understand it.
    • Feminists and the left are trying to feminize boys and men, taking away their masculinity and creating a society that makes boys feel bad for being boys, leading to unhappy and confused individuals.
  • 06:56 🔥 Jordan Peterson challenges the concept of toxic masculinity, leaving the feminist speechless.
    • Women want men who are leaders, protectors, and providers, and the devaluation of masculinity and promotion of passive, beta male types will not end well.
    • Jordan Peterson challenges the concept of toxic masculinity and asks for a clear definition, leaving the feminist speechless.
  • 08:36 🔥 Jordan Peterson leaves feminist speechless by challenging her on toxic masculinity and arguing for the importance of masculine men in society.
    • Jordan Peterson shuts down a feminist's argument on toxic masculinity, leaving her speechless.
    • Jordan Peterson challenges a feminist on the definition of toxic masculinity and argues that society needs masculine men for leadership, protection, and providing.
  • 10:25 🤔 Jordan Peterson challenges the concept of toxic masculinity, leaving the feminist speechless.
    • The speaker discusses the concept of toxic masculinity and toxic femininity, leaving the feminist speechless.
    • Jordan Peterson challenges the concept of toxic masculinity, arguing that it is difficult to define and not exclusive to men.
  • 12:26 👨‍👧‍👦 Fatherless homes lead to societal problems, and both parents are important for children's well-being.

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